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Thar folht ihalhro let my tx runs the I have even when this connect ns sold to a financial inanwhon rx a battle. and I showhd tntnce that UK nmpetr- <br />d this provi is st ester : y its in ash point. hail face type: <br />NOTICE $i- 104171. <br />sot a l . Ail Nat d" which the Buyer has spM Seller tfst the Seller <br />Includ g a " en, fi% we also vaild against any holder of this arleft <br />money from Sn holder under this provision Is limited to the amount Paid by the buyer <br />I take tat either Credit Life or Credit Accident and Heahh in • • • • ox bout, will be applicable to this Saks Contract on the reverse side only if n have chosen <br />illy ' the retptaad for such insurance. This i will only cover the person signing t at to cost for each type of insurace shown. Subject to weeplance <br />by the y, the insurance will be effective as of today wall well continue a* for the number of months after the effective due equal to the number of <br />payments. monthly I understand that this particular insurance may not provide coverage for my lam few payments, and that during that period of time 1 will not ban a+y <br />coverage. Insurance All I tt9 is and iihofthe insurance will he ( ate you or to a financial in or a bank if it putchc.:es the Saks Contract to dke e:te of i®s <br />mismists and any will be to me. The initial amount of Chit Life Insurance is the amount required to repay the Total of Payments; tom. insurance <br />by ft of each monthly laymen of a scheduled 30 day basis. If I an jointy obligated on the Sales Cwt with a Co-Buyex, Mad we have both signed <br />the nquot for Clout Life Imuruace, death benef4s will be payable only with respect to the first ox o>f ins to die. Se�jaK to exclusions, eliminanoms or waiting period stood <br />ie the policy a certificate, Coedit Aaitkm and Heahh Irrstrararo is fox tux benefit amount of l t of each nrtnh's Imynie:.: for each day that 1 am totaty Aeabkd <br />due to an injury or siciu�s while I owe any payment toy however, l unolerstad the 1 have to be pptreererted from whacking doe to etch total disability for mode than fom- <br />kan (14) consecutive days before the insurace benefit is pad h k to the first day of my total disability. I ado kaotr hid 1 rmanet oitnia toy feetuyau rI <br />am Mw t� yours erase today trod I alas know t imwraace cevverage provided to rtuy c ■ attaemK drf a ove>ags trMiclt tnel aatpy Maw" <br />coma, the amount t� � etre yore Drte to the maximum amonant of coverage states! in the insuraaox policy, I know that sty unpaid aruaunt in exec dale mswantx <br />coverage will still have to be paid. If tx Saks Contr�e is perpaid in full Ixior to tlx last �ymetu date, any tetxarnal insurance premnsms will be refunded to me in the mat - <br />�prescmbed by law. Within thirty (30) days, I will receive the certificate of insurance more fully describing my insurance coverage. If the insurance is not accepted by <br />the i company, I will receive a refund of the insurance premiums l have paid. <br />BUYER: The next twoparagraphs contain warranties relative to this sale given by us to the financial institution or bards in order for it to buy this oatrad. <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIG? MENT OF INSTALLM E SA CONTRACT AND ,MORT <br />POR VALUE RECEIVED, Seller hereby sells, assigns, conveys. transfers and delivers to fu n ,, f �&4z <br />(Assignee) all of its rights tide and interest in and to the installment Sales Contract ad Mortgage, together with all liens existing to secure itipsyment, and the property <br />howby, Assignee is hereby substituted as Mortgagee under the Mortgage provisions of this court. ' gelkr warrants and represents; (1) It has the right to snake <br />this assignment; (Z) AlI staenxtns and figures in this contract and in the Buyer's statement are matesially mK s.. d corset; (3) This contact arose from the bona fide sale <br />of die goods and services describer) herein; (4) The cash downpayment shown in this contract was actually paid by Buyer and no pat of said was Insisted di- <br />reedy ec ht &cwy by Seller to Buyer, (S) Each Buyer is legally competent to contract; (6) This contract is not and will not be subject to any claim, ftnse, demo or right <br />of ; (7) The execution of this contract and the underlying sales transaction giving rise thereto did not violate any federal or sty law, directive, rule or regulation now <br />in tdfinet; (g) In the event that this contester or the underlying sales transaction is subject to a right of rescission or cancell i by the B�uy� such rescission or wtcells- <br />t period has expired and new the sale too this contract has been cancelled m rescinded. TMS CORTW IS SMO V SEW ;iNOf T IECeuSE, a <br />IN Y WHEREOF, the undersigned is an and uoized representative of the Seller and has signed below on behalf of the Seller on this —� <br />day <br />The insmtmemt was acknowledged before nx rn PACESETTER PRODUCTS, INC. Maw) <br />q� V�_ By <br />by the authorized agent of Seller who is S.. <br />My <br />WNW •thew d 1MwMo <br />~ w Omaha. Ey. tNc.1>; IriT ; �r <br />dja',s d g� <br />is <br />