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a <br />87- 103264 <br />by this Deed of Trust im -dude lr prior to the d= of ta boars t•? the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of <br />taking, with tdue balance of the proceeds paid to Borrower. <br />U the Frra`erti 1; abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor or offers co. Fake an a7-,wd or settle a <br />cisxir� 3a>< n3awagrs, Borrower fails to mspood to Loaner wAhio Sit daym after the date such notice is nutted, iced -r is authcrizrd to cc.'xlect and <br />by thus a Leador -s mAov, ethh, - to restoninue or repaur of the Proper,y or to the .tress sectored by tWs Heed of Trust, <br />Monies Lender and Borrower otherwise agree to wntiag, env sc b sPithea ,, of procceds to pr itt pod' ;i X i5 end or post fnatte the dc <br />doe of the moodily installments referred to in paragaplo; I and 2 hereof or cu=re the amount of sue h ti stalknenis, <br />1i, Darrower Nat ieieasua.. Extension of the time for payment :.t modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of crest <br />d by Lar3rY to asty r is interest of Borrower shall out operate to release, is any mariner, the Liability of the original Borrower and <br />ms's successors in interest. Iradtr shall not be mgabed to commmm proceedings against such successor or refuse to cm-ead t)me for <br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums mod by this i red of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower <br />and Butto ner's successors in' I <br />11. Yarineroe by Icier Net a Waiver. Any fahenruar by Leader in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded <br />by app&oblt law, shah we be a waiver of or preclude the ctetcis: of any such right or remedy. The procurement of insuranix or the payment of <br />tams or otbet liens at charges by I eater shall eta be a waiver of Leader's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtodtess secured by this <br />Deed of'3 ivt. <br />IL ieaesin Uswds". All remedies provided M dos Deed of Trim are distinct and cumulative to any other right or remedy under this <br />Bard of Trent or afforded by kw or equity, and may be exercised concurrently. independently or succenively. <br />13. Svenasats awl Aide ■oink Joint rot! Several Lobdky C apdeo s. The covenants and agreements herein contained shall triad, and <br />the rights he Goode stall nitro to. the respective success..s and asugns of Leader and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 <br />bereof. AD coverom and s4reements of Borrower shall be joint .lad several. The captious and headings of the paragraphs of this teed of Trust <br />we for cmvanivow arty and we am torte used to interpret or dc"re the prosvisions hereof. <br />bib Neste. for any notice required under appaabic law, to be given in another manner, (a) any notice to Borrower provided far in <br />this Deed of Treat shall be given by taanTirut such notice by wed mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or a such other address <br />as Borrower aq designou by rhotia to Lender as provided berriaa, and (b) any notice to Lender shall be givers by certified trail, return receipt <br />tngaesse I to Lender's address stated herein of to such other address as tarsier may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any <br />notice provided far in this Deed of That stall be doomed to have been lnen to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein, <br />15. U&Alwm Ones of Trost; Governing Low; Seveetbity. This form of deed of trust combines uniform em cat us for national use and <br />non - Uniform oorawhts with funned variations by j to aoastiruu a uniform security instrument rnverieg red property, This Deed of <br />Tram AM be floret by the Low of the jurisdicticat ar nitre the property is located. In the event that any provision or dauye of this Deed of <br />Trust at the Now coad3txs with appiiabk law, save conflict shall am affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be <br />given effect w" , -the conflictive pcovisiae, and to this end the Provisions of the deed of Trust and the Note arc declared to be severabte. <br />W LWaswer's CNy- Borrower shalt be furnished a cwfarmcd xVk ..e the Note and of this Dead of Tta-t at the time of emvtx+st or <br />after tecQ. .' hereof. <br />17. Traveller of Ire Vre a W. Asmoopolea If all of soy pen of the Propertw or an interest theme is sold or transferred by Borrower <br />wiahoort l esdor's prior written consent. excluding (a) the Sri of a )uU or encumbrance subordinate to this Deed of Trost, ib) the motion of <br />a potckaw ro ooet secwSy ivattr c t for bouseboid apps, fed a transfer m devise, descent or bet operation of Dar now ibe, death of a joint <br />maven or to the gave of any Leudhoid interest of three seats or less not containing an option to purchase. Leader maw, at I eada's option, <br />.. r, , l the I by this Deed of Trust to be imm dhatel) die and payable. Leader st tai) have waned such option to a,,:ceirrate if. <br />Prior to the oak or tramfer. Louder and the person to whew the Property t, to he volt or transferred Teal asrocirietr in ariting that the credit of <br />snob persov is aaisfsetory to Lender and that the aterest payable an the suers rerurN by this Den! of Trust -shall be as such rate as Lender shall <br />request. D Landev bas waived the option to accelerate t"widd to this Pratraph d'. and it Borrowers wi,oersnr m i itaest etas executed a <br />wrivu s pononm aPUMM aoespad M wrnnvlt b% Leader. Lewder shat) release Borrower froor all obligations under this Deed of Trust and <br />eke ±1oae. <br />If I -A- overcasts sack epaiee to hmdtraxr, 1 sadder iihas mad Bonzwer a xsor of actvieranoo in o"ordan cr with paragraph 14 hereof. <br />su i notice shall provide a pervod of von less than 10 days from the datr she notice is owled within which Borrower may paw the sums declared <br />due_ 1f Sanwa -or fails to Jury such sums prior to the rapaanon of s-h p em-I. Leader .may, without fint)er notice or demand on Borrower. <br />ssyoiWe my rowdies pssmood by paragraph 11 hrscet. <br />:taflN-UNIFORM CQtfOWNIS. Borrower and Lewder further t-rnant and agree as fellows. <br />i4. AceisaUab Monodist. FsNt as prwided in i a i l 17 rresof, epee Sonvwei's beast of saw covensat or agrerwest of <br />lsrwsar ha Wes Dad of TttM. I s 0 6 eke cavesawa to p" when doe as) sews was d by Wit sled of Trost. Lender Prior to sordersdar <br />abl alai ondte to ffanwsav sot Provfdd It parer paps 11 bon N srecilwiw. t1t tot bsestk; (2) Me ardso repltd to cam watch iresob: (3) e <br />dolt, vM lea trot 311 gape haw let der of native is mlkd to Sorrwer. b? wile! sock breach asst be no herd (4) plat Eldon N cote such <br />baocli w er l -1 tat dery *perched Is tar savior nay took is sdsdaseos of ter seas secured by that Deed of Tres w d oak of due v" drepeM - <br />The win sW I "' -s boons lrrra r of the a1B,: is reisawle saner amektatise ad tae ASS to being s cam ardoo to Soon tba aao. <br />atoom of a 406" or new siitis of Borrower to aseef efa , sad sae If tae' , Is ON cared as or bdonr tie sane * in the <br />■sea. Luis as Lender's Neu toy declare all of d r swot secs et! by tads Devil of Trw M be iwwe I - 13 doe s ed psyabk wkaeat #rules <br />elead Mail M4 Involve vet poem of sit and sal other reativs peradow b appikaife Ms. Lesser shall 1w entitled to sailed i emwsaWc <br />orb and eapeon iatotrad i p aasioU tar candles prurviid M Ub parairspk 10. mat. asp sac M4kd to, roues 4k rtarthe?'s ores <br />It are pave of hie k leveled, Troaae hid or a seem of defoUk b aacb reaoty Is oakb tar Property or erne part doww h located <br />and save sou copies of seta modar In vat manner Iowa iied by opplitn"le for to lonower sad to the arbor persons po, 0 1 b APPINcoble <br />erns. Afks Ar lapse ei easel Use suet t k e tup-1 "by ap*ioMe bin. Ttasier fast gMe pUhec ovelve stank to the pervess sail i• a4 waxer <br />I I M ,d bt appieaak ear. TSLMS, wfaaaw dtsani an Borrower. sass see the Property s1 Pablo w *M to the bust bbddsr at tae tine <br />and ohm toll ads At tarns defptvd he Or area of sale Is eve or asst prreb tad In sack ardor a Trsstee cosy desesvaiar. Trance, nu) <br />PM"W t Mk of as or an poasf of the lropany by pow s naacsssem as ter Odor and )alone of u7 pevvicasfy arbesMkd Wk. Lewder or <br />[osier's iealpae ov ptaeaaee Oat itNSb M ooh? sec_ <br />tipan ronlpa of p i of eke price bad. Tesae sad deavmt SL the pawls o, Trwree's Bleed co ve tat the Property sail. Ter recksh is <br />tae Tn uaPs rived sal be pica ftdt s+iies m of nee nark at cbr s>:wx+ safe tkereia_ Tracer sbd apply tar pra vortis of the ssk In V- <br />I - ' aria (a) so sit ttsaabbresoo and expenses of the vok. but sot Magiaed ts. Trussee's fees of sot thee: [box .. 3 __ ' , <br />ON eat goes auk peke, reasonable aYwvty's toes and coats of abk eddtece: t ►s to ell SLIM Meant by till Dead of Tress; ..w 'rh tar ft- 6, a <br />a4. A ®nr ptnsv r peesss kply aveUai as beer. <br />It. borrower's RWd Is idabar. Notwithstanding L.endvt', a:.rtrs lxvt of the sum, c --ered t+y :has geed , 4 ) r a.t, &.s.,.rr* :hall ha,r <br />the right to have any ptoom itip began by Lender to enforce this D)eesd ,i I r,st drs:,�ntsnueai at acv uncle pr m" to the reeler- -,u,r *< t!? i he <br />fifth day before the sale of the Property pursuant to the gnnrr of .ak + stun" sot th; Doerr. ,n Tura«, or w) entry of a ,uJiir...,t ,,it-mg phi, <br />food of TrtW if- ter) Borrower pays Leader an sons +shsch ,.ou)d dx 'het, d:.r +.r.;ier phi, D eod :,f Trust. .he'Kre an,d ='t- -.v„nit f : =Twr <br />