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87- 103f2064 <br />applicable law requires zuch interest to t-- paid-, Lender shall not be requited to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall <br />hive G? Borrower , witha-at charge, an annual acco ---ice ni the Fug --howing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br />dew to Lh-- F. W-as made. The Rinds "re phzilged as additional serenity for the sutras secured by this Deed of Trust_ <br />ti the amount of the Funds held by Lends, tog; &a wits the fw --urn monthly mstail:xnts of Fun&- payable prior to the due eater of tee <br />t- photos add s_ U.W rents, s11411 e=Wd the stuosnt required to pay said taxes, uses its i <br />insmai= pttstcuats and <br />round tens as they fail eve, such eimeas shalt be, at Borrower's boa. either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on tntsmat,f <br />its of Funds. If the amount of the Foods held by Leader shall not be sufficient to pay takes, ascents, insurance pnvansais and <br />ground rem as they fad ds_re, Borrower shalt pay to Lends stay t -,aunt necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date td-- <br />Z hrnaa by Lender to Barnower requesting payment thereof. <br />Open payment in fall of an sums secured by this Dad of Trust, leader shall promptly refund to Borrower any Futids had by Lerida. If <br />render paragraph Ig bessof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Leader. Lender shall apply, no late than immediately <br />prior to the sale of the Property at its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Leader at the time of application as a credit against the sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trmt_ <br />3. App of Tttysmau. Unless applicable law provides otbawise, all payments received by Leader under the Note and paragraphs I <br />and 2 hereof shag be applied by Leader fins in paysit of amounts payable to Leader by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest <br />payaihia on the Note, then to the principal of the Nom and then to interest and principal on any Future Advances. <br />1. Claegx I.AM . Borrower shall pay all taus, assents and other charges, runes and impositions attributable to the Property which <br />may attain a priority over this Dad of Trost. and peasehoid payments or ground rents, if any, in the [Wanner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />at, if not paid in such manner. by Borrower Wukne payment. when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender in aotiees of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly, Harrower shall promptly <br />famish to Lender receipts evidencing such pays• Borrower shall promptly discharge any lieu which has priority over this Deed of Trust; <br />prwrided, that Borrower shall not be required to discharge any sect lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of the <br />obligation secured by such lien in a manner a- eptabie to Lerida. or shall in good faith contest such lien by. or defend enforcement of such lien <br />in, kcal proacealing which operate to prevent the enforcement of Elbe lien or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />S. Haari Iaaarar. oe, Borrower shall keep the impraviemmn now raising or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, <br />basaruls inchaded witiain the term "atcudal eovcrap ad suer other haratds as Lender map require and in such amounts and for such periods <br />as Lender may require; provided, that Leader shall ant require quire that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay <br />the swam secured by this Deed of Trim. <br />The insurance carrier providing the insurance sib be chosen in Borrower subject to approval by Leader provided. that such approval <br />shall hat be unreasonably .anhdd. Ali premiums on insurance policies shall be paid to the manner provided under paragraph 2 bactif or, it not <br />VW i0 swch manner. by Borrower making payment. alsen due, duvcib to the insurance carrier. <br />All imanratim policies and renewals thereof shah be in form acceptable to Lender and shall mclude a standard mortgaged-, to favor of <br />and in faro acceptable to Lender . Leader shall have the right Eta hold the peili,.'ia and raiewah thereof. and Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender aH renewal notices and all receipts of paid premiums to the rennt of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and <br />Leader. Leader nay mitz proof of loss of not made promptly asp Harrower <br />Unitas Lender and Horown otherwise agree in w assurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property <br />drmaged, Provided staeb rexantion ca repair is economically feasible aid the security of this Deed off Trent is ant thereby impaired. If such <br />reswratioa <br />or repair is not ecoaamicsIly feasibie or if the staff" of this Deed of Truer would be impanel. the insurance I> shall be <br />applied to the toms secured by tiers Deed of Trent, with thr exm if any, paid to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if <br />Borrower fats to respoed to Leader witMa 30 dogs from the date rrcrace is maikd by tender to Borrower that the insurance cattier offers to <br />mule a ids for insurance benefits. I ceder is asahariaad to volie t and apply the insurance proceeds as Le da's option either to restoration or <br />repair of tkt Property or to the amts seared by rhos Deed of Trust <br />titles I ceder and Harrower mther_ne epee in wrarng, any urm application of proceeds to principal Shall ant attend or postpone the dm <br />date of the monthly a tuaiffi»s refaced to in wrgrapla 1 and 2 heret>f or change the amount of such installments. If reeler paragraph to <br />kaneof the Property is acquired by tender, ail -*Jet, title and interest of Borrower in and to any iowtzax policies and to gad to the proceeds <br />daeraot resuffing from damage to the Provost± prior to the sale or acquration shall pass to Leader to the eseeat of the drams secured by this Deed <br />of Tract seredaftly prior to such sak or . <br />C ireeov" a ad afriasewamene of lrapett; L ameialfoe Caaiar ultra; liraaei lilt Dewdepute . Borrower shall keep the <br />Property in )pod repair and shall air comma waste or peran impaumeen at deterioration of the Property and shall Cpl, virtu the rroviamos <br />of any kale if this Deed of Trust is on a ksxheaid. If dus Deed of Trust is on a unit is a condominium or a planned unit development. Borrow" <br />sbW perform ad of Borrower's ram rhea the declaration or overams creating or governing the candoommem or Planned unit <br />derricipmem, the by-laws and regulations of the aoodommuns: or planned unit development, and constituent documents. If a condominium or <br />pushed unit dneiopmeur ride it tiecuaed by Borrower and recorded together with this Decd of Trust, the covets ms and ads of such <br />rider shall be momporated into and shall amend and iappiciam the c ovarants and apeements of ibis Deed of Trani as if the rider were a part <br />hereof_ <br />T. trwopttpan at tea/v's SocaAty. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and atgreemans contained in thus Dead of Trust. or if any <br />action or prang is asmatenced which maserially affects Lender's interest in the Property. iodutfiabp, but not limited to, a sineat domain. <br />insolvency. code enforcement. or arrangements or proomthags utvot%mg a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at Leader's option, upon notice <br />to Borrower, may make such appnara ea, drsbanx such sums and take such action as is neommy to protect Lender's')stores[, in . ling, ben <br />sot to. disbartesmass of reauseabic attorney's fen and carry apon the Property to make repairs. if Leader rewind mortgage insurance <br />as a ebmruion of mating the loan secsra I by this Deed of Trust, Borrower shall pay the preaiums required to mainass such insurance in effect <br />MW Met lima as the rttiptaunent for such insurance termmaws to accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable <br />law. Borro+er shill pay the amouse c4 an [mortgage insurance prrnauWss m Ehe manner provided undo paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender p Ursa as to this paragraph ?, wah interest d erena. shall biome additional indebtedness of Borrower <br />mrsered by this Deed of Trust. Dakar Borrower and Lender afire: to other terms of payment. such amounts shall be payable upon notice from <br />Leader to Harrower requesting g payarem thereof. and shall teat interest from the due of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on <br />outstanding prascipai -meet the Nate tialedS payment of iataeu as such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounu <br />sW bear inerest at the highest raw pamiscibir under applicable law. viothmg contained in this paragraph 7 shall regause tender to incur any <br />+agxnme or take arty acaon hereunder <br />S. drleetlas. Leader [Way make or case to be made remo nabia enuin upon and trupeaions of the Property. provided that Latter shall <br />pave Borrower notice pries to asp such inspection spmfnsnrg rauinabk cause therefor related to Lender's interest in the Property. <br />f. CaaAuwaantlaw. The proceeds ._ +' any award or I for dntagrs. due:. or consequentiai, in connecters with •.+stems* wort or <br />otiter taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for coove}ance to lieu of rondannat;on. are hereby assigned And shall hr paid tot . [der. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the peoccevds id'Wl tie appixti to the ,umv secure! M this feed of Trust, with the excess, if any, <br />paid to Barrower. In the eve of a partial taking of the Propenw _ unless Harrower and Lender other - "sat agree in berating, there shall be applied <br />to that zwns secured t v thn teed of Trust such prcrpacat:flu M,—,c t'r-aceeds ac .s estuat to that pr000 -no> rf ch the artiouw of thr sums ,ecu,ed <br />