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[- <br />Advances, if any, had no secderation oocu.:e-; W Borrower cures all breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Eorrower contained in <br />Et-i Deed of T- M tcs 8orroxer pays all reasoaabterxpcmses Wised t ? --%dea and Trust w in enforving the covenants and agreements of <br />Borrower --- ttaaiaed in this Deed of Trust and in esforciug Leader's and Trustee's remedies as provided m paragraph I8 hereof; inctndimg, bui <br />am Non".4 to, reasontblt attorney's fees; and (d) Bona+tr takes Mich actor a.- Leader zany feasovahly require tc- assure that the lkp- =.zf tom- <br />Dee. of Tait; .°> ms's lateves in the qty and Barrow s obdiption to pay tht sums secured by thss Deed of Trust shall continue <br />amm ed- LPun such Mama and cum by Borrower, ties Tired of Trust and the obligations secured hereby shot rcmam k € X, fours and <br />eft as Una aocderatioa had Occurred- <br />25. ASR of Rees.- A8lokoem of Readsm I ueer la r1saadea. As additional security hereunder, Borrower hercby *.vagas ra <br />I.etaie= the teats of the Pte, provided that Hurt— *OR. prior to tccdervam under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the <br />Pto-perty. have the ts W-% Aect and retain such retktaslbt ybecome due and payable. <br />Upon aasieradan under paragraph 18 ler"of or abtadomment of the ProPe ty. I ender , in person, by ogee or by Jay appointed <br />receiver, shall be entitled to eater upon cafe porn of and atrvago the Property and to coDect the rem of the Property indudin8 those past <br />doe. Aft Hats ao11- A by l et+ r or the receyer sbaR be appied fast to paymi at of the cam of msaageme at of the Property and collection of <br />tents, inchm& but sat rrsited to. tecdvees fees, presakas as readva's hoods and reasoaabie attorney's fees, and that to the sum secured <br />by tees freedef Trum &ender and the receiver sbailbebddetoacoaat only for these rents acuWl r racvhTd. <br />M. Flgene Adwrta. Upon rearrest of Borrower. Leader , as Lender's optioa, prior to fun recosveyance of the Property by Trustee to <br />Burrower. arty ants Future Advances to Borrower &ri Faane Advances, with interest the eoa, shall be sewed by dos Deed of Trost whm <br />esidenedd by pmad"My notes stag t>m said maes ate record hereby. At no time span the principal amount of the indebtedness saw by <br />Ms Dead of Tray, aetavbwfi� pans advanced err aocordaaoe herevriti to protect the senuity of this Deed of Trent, emceed the original amount <br />ofdwNotephst1.&I <br />Z2, Mwavwaanco, Upon payment of an sous sewed by tees Deed of Trust, leader sban request Trustee to raoatvey the Property and <br />sbM surreader d& Dead of Trost and all notes evidencing indeboodoess sewed by this Decd of Trust to Trtmee. Ttostec sball recoevey the <br />Property witImm warranty and vaboa to the paean of peesoas legally emitled thereto. Such person at persons shoes pay all mss of <br />neoordrdoa, ifaq: <br />33. SabMae Tmom Leader. at Lmda's option. any from moc to time remove Trustee and appoint a suorrssor ttuatee to any Trustee <br />appointed,sawn . by tat bovirtuam recorded in due toner, in which this Dodd of Thm is recorded. Vrobom one eyanct of the Property. the <br />successor i eeAM sweeedtoan the tkip, power mad duties conferred ulwn the Trustee bursa cad by app6 sbk kw. <br />24. Whoom far l clots. Borrower requests rim copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be no to Borawss`s address wbidr is <br />der Property Addrea. <br />7S. Bonriower 0 t qwm drat copies of the wdm of debwt anti oadm of seek be sent to each peraoa who is a party hum at the <br />a83rasof stud penaa net faith berm <br />IN TMMSSWHEREOF, Botrower baseteocaaed this Deed o(Trust. <br />ka.14,& - <br />RICKARD NRBITV ODKROWER <br />AihYdETTE M. Fl T <br />STATEOF NEBRASKA. HALL County ac <br />On Leis 28tlt day of Max t9 8 _ , before top the undersigned. a Nom, Puhnc duly <br />ooerattia--da"dqualOw fornnidca"My.paws"Icoat Richard- Nabity wsL_Amette . MWiev. <br />tiusbarl—I ®ire ,ntaeczz lobetbe <br />idtnaoioipeesoaCs) whaneraare4s) areedmticforitourgutaad� :e�ran.t6enoofrobe th-"r <br />vab orgy a* and deed. <br />tirmresa a, band and aotardat seal at era -d Is Ly*sd. Nebrasite in sRW commy. the dw afottnid. <br />ltf,Cor®d®eiaeapita: See �i <br />��etleaaattftw- tturttl4harb FY• / �/ id�l� <br />�T NOTARY FUBLIC <br />REQUEST FOR RECONA- EYANCE <br />TO TRUSTEE. <br />'!1r andersigned is the bolder of the ante dr agusswgred by this Deed of Teat. Said Dote or des, to" with ai other indelotedom <br />swan d by their peed of Tian, late beta pood m fall You are hereby directed m noted said ante of cotes and the Deed of Trent. wtecb are <br />Adr-cred hereby, rind no n xenvey. wsiavt warranty. all the eome now held by you under this Dud of Trust w the puma or persons iegally <br />sarbiedthuero. <br />t1aaC <br />(Smce Bela±v This 1 sor Reserved Fstr I and Recorder) <br />� A <br />S <br />�' 1 <br />
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