<br />87- 1032,40
<br />t ti. CovenaMS of Trustor with Respect to teases_ t4rdhout the prior written consent of Beneficiary, Trustor shall not, directly or indirectly,
<br />vAM respect to any lease of space in the Tnust Property, or any portion thereof, whether such tease is now or hereafter in existence:
<br />ra) Accept or permit any prepayment • 6 oEa l or achy pay—,W21 of rent hereamder in excess of one month.
<br />fg�j C: ncO m t mw-.Ve um samp . or accept any care a? ^r s;srrw; -^Fa ate--x or permit any event to occur which would
<br />,,F f m ---lee to femwwa o ca,-a;ef tha; same, -Ww t,aru termination for nonpayment of rent,
<br />fc 4—.mw or crudity the same so as to reduce the - in Viereof tf-,e re hat iTTabie v+eu.ijer, or -, change --ry renewal
<br />ywvw i r,
<br />°fry at-y dual txa`eundar or breach teh- -m
<br />(t rar`r a ariy consent waiver or approval thereunder or twie any other acBoJ in caproai t•Dn themov t:;, w with a wee therea eder. which
<br />would have the ®1lact of empeonoV the value of she fasmr s Jrg enW Voereunder or the property subffl0 thereto, or of impmong ttfe
<br />p or aaterivt nJ Bray therein, or
<br />f : assign, tom• mortgage or otherwise dispose of, or encumber its interest in any said tease or arty rents issues, profits qsu M
<br />�W +g thersun w
<br />17. itWvSr of Sraft" or tamrtatons- Trine is of ±he essur+ce in ap of Truslues obligations and duties hereunder; and to the extent permitted
<br />by law. TMSW wares ap pusses or future statues of limitations with respect to arty debt, demand or obligation secured hereby and
<br />any acbm orprocee*V Air ft purpose of enAxcog this Deed of Trust or any rig. hts or rerrordies contanned hereon.
<br />?a AmOgto e t of Deposits_ in the event construction of wipnsre nients is txr4ernplahtd by the ioa n evidenced by trier Note secured
<br />hereF!n; as addpboaai security therefore. Truusto hereby VWZAers and assigns to Beneficiary. M right, We and interest b any and aft
<br />nmdrmse deposaed h r or on behalf of Trustor with any any. county pubic body Or agency. sanitary district, unity company, and
<br />aw aw body or agency, lx the incraliation oriel secure the instate ion of any uWy by lhator. pertaining to the Tnrsr Property
<br />-
<br />19. C,orporaDon or PwMersh p Eromence. if Tnuror is a coroorawn, general pamferstup. or firnited pampers*. it wig do ag things
<br />necessary W preserve 4s -orpo ife or partnership exrvwxe . as the case may be and all rights and privileges under the laws of tier
<br />BMW of its wiocooporasion or argernzalior.
<br />20, Forbearance by Barre i[swy Not a Waiver- Any Rrbeatance by Beneficiary in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or otherwise
<br />atordad by applicable law shad not be a waivw of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy- The procurement of
<br />i narance or the payment of taxes or tie disctnaJ9e of iii or charges by Benefidary shaft not be a waiver of Beneficiary's right to
<br />accer rasa the maturity d tfte kXW&DOMM
<br />21.. Aemeriss ConizAatve. At remedies proNOMM them f)eetl of Trust are tfisanct and cumulative to any other ngtft or remedy under this
<br />Deed d That or afAGrded by taw or equily, and any be exercisedcoricurrerWy. independently or successyely.
<br />22 Surttatsas and AsWn Bound: ,lath and severe! rsabihy. Bons. The covenants is and agreements herein contained shat bind, and
<br />Rue n" hereunder $hat okra to the MSrA ova successors and assigns of Banef"ary. TrWtee. and Trustor. At coverra is and
<br />age of Tnrsbr shad be pant and severat The capeons and headings of the Paragraphs of this Deed of Taut are itor
<br />apnvenlBrtCe any aril are rim to be taad to araecmw or demo's the provisions hereof .
<br />23 Itiotroe. Apr arty` rioACe required sander applicable law so be green on another manner, tat any notice to Trustor pro~ AN in tea
<br />Deed of That snap be try mailing such rto6R a by M~ chain, return receipt requested addressed at Tn Wor at its ma*V
<br />adoem sat fbrtm above or at such otffer address as Taut r may destgna ie by noece to Beneficiary as p rowded herein, and fbi any
<br />A!( a so Bareficoary, or Misfire shad be given by t. or~ mad. nwi mm receipt requested. to Seneicrary's and Tnmee's ffoa=Jg
<br />adaie , � staged heron or to such haler address as rienei6a,ary or Trustee may doesegnate by notice to Trustor as provided heream. Any
<br />notice pnov ded tic on pus Deed or Trust sw be deemed as have been given to Truster. Beriebaary or Tr st ee when given in trier
<br />manner designated her
<br />2e_ GoyertMtg Lem Severr+hity. 71" Deed of Truth shat be governed by Rue laws of the State of Nabrasla, In tie event any provision or
<br />ct8ufss of rtes Deed of Tnut co-^m writ, M*Oca" raw. such conoKt snag not adtaG other, provisions of tors Deed of Trust which can
<br />be given 6Ae, I awtnourt the conlictrfg PPCvMVnS and m On end the PrOwsions of t" Deed of Trust are declared to be severat'ara_
<br />25L Everts of Defy a Eadt of the k4mving, occxvier ces, sit c cva ae an event of def uft twou sder , fhetmnliker cased an "Event
<br />of DtfatW :
<br />00 TROW shat tai to pay wrher, hide any prrnctpli . rearreo . or Wwxvw and interest of frw Indebtedness.
<br />(bi Any woraty of We made by Tnfstof MOM" shat! tore untrue.
<br />IC) Thmhslpr she/ tai/ p rubserve or perform a2y of rtae Z wearirts, to r"mentS. or co aeons sn from Deed of Trust,
<br />AM Any rppraeentrienn or >va"wily aerie by Tnasim or any fraanuar stuffiame+hts Of repots subrt dW m Beriehchary by or an b~ of
<br />Thaw how or matenally mosivosaing .
<br />iii TraOW snap cad to awform or observe airy of tee covenenu. ca ndaans or agreemer4s contained in, or bonding upon Tumor cruder
<br />any Ouilding b- A jreanent saec wq ay Bement 'law' agreement *-rpf9 statexne`R, tr any other agnewnera, irrounent a
<br />document executed by Tcasttr at cx ww-- w'f toes .Joan eviONh[Ed by the NOW
<br />ag A inlove, recerver or iquodatorof She Tram PovP rJ'! or of Tnulor shaft be appointed. or any of Rte creddas of Tnulorshag Ate a
<br />pokin on baraivarty against Tnator, or for tae recvganzaeon or Tnusmr pursuant to the Fed" SwAruptcy Code or any WAVW
<br />law wftW w ledenit or sue, and d sucrr, antler or pe ow n stem not be drscha-"d or dmoitssed mown thirty 13O) days after rte flake
<br />an wm6ch such order or peaion was Sethi
<br />TAMW shat He a pa*hsvrf pursaerrt d Fae Fed" B&-*,A uy Code or ar>y similar law. Federal or state- or of Tnasmr shall be
<br />aq hdged a banbuap4 or be tieOWW insolvent, or shah Mara an asstgnyner4 for the berms Of Credflonm, or shat 807311' in w T*V is
<br />mali irry ro pay as debts as t hey becnma due, of shat consent d me apPO"tMem Of a receiver Of ad Of any pan Of rte Trtut Property.
<br />iN Anal pdg ment !tor the payment of money Strad be rwxrWed against Trusto and Ttusxmf shat naf discharge Rae same, or cause It ro
<br />tea apaur ged, WWM tr rry fV' days ate tfhe y or sr-0 nor a Mere�"�m of from tore order, decree of p oc"S two,
<br />wirer
<br />or purer AD Wtoch sad Axigmenf was gmaxt, based, or erred and secure a stay of exectaaa+ penlary UPC" appeal.
<br />In NOW shad sail or corvsy Ale Trial Property, art any part tohesechf, or gray aNer85t tfmBreifr, or sruaa' be oArMB��+lf d Rs titre, o any hnkBriest
<br />tmE18 m any marvier or way, ff"Woer vtar'rrt#" or .rryOitarAWtay, aMhbu r the written consent of BerefaCrary being first road and
<br />obtaamed. or
<br />{� t Tnaslor is a corporawr, or oaru+arshoo Suit more than hhy percent 1504, of tree snares or besnehhow Prierests ti surth corporation or
<br />Punk versnip, as Rae case May be stray be Parisf erred or cornwed. whemee vokonlarty or evokinfarW avfttxr,at tie fry 4wn consent Of
<br />$eneftiary bang flush had Ord o Dmorw l
<br />25 Aacelarawn of Debt Forecrosure, Upon vw occurrence of arty Evert of Default or arty tare mereaffer. Benehcrari may at 43 dpkan.
<br />deG73w# at tni sectoW hereby womadiatelr due and payable and the same shy bear unrest at the dew rate. if any.
<br />serf forth in me Abia. or otherwise at tows Mignest rats perntmet by haw. and arespeCDve of wnemer Benrtacowy exercises sad oplow. it
<br />o ray, at its Dpion and in dS WiP &SCtv`ar)r, without any fEoineor notices or demand to of ii, pn Trustor, do one or MOre of the ACADwmg:
<br />Beneaitrory aW iporo brier possesson Or menage aid operab me Most Property or any part neereot mete repairs and
<br />aAbraaorrs and orb &7y acts union Bww*cwy deri ms proper to protect the security thereof, and armor w4h or wtaout foment
<br />posiestran: or 4s own name, sere kr or otherwise collect and receive rams, issues and profits. incluaimg mace past due and WW&d.
<br />and apply tae same_ aims costs irhd expanses of operaeon and correction, vuciud4rwg feesorh Ve atromey fees and Serht htmary s
<br />costs, upon tee Ande6ehOyisss smeared hereby aid an such order as Beneficiary may, determine. Upon request of Beriebcrary. Tnrstof
<br />strip assemble and *beef shake aya4atge d Beneficiary any of toe Trust Property which tars been removed The efdWvT9 upon and
<br />jal&V possession or tie Torun Proper y, the collection of any re ms. rssipes and pros, and the app h i "adt as akresaw . scrag
<br />riot two or wave any *snout, tWWOAare or Rierear' w occurring. or anyect arty noece of default or rioice of sage hereurxW or
<br />upralYdare any aft done pirxuarht to any such nowce AaDfw ya[krig Benreboary -s co anuance in possession cr receipt and
<br />•Na}lic,vton at rte, s or piss- Berate :nary ~ be ervIled to exercise every ngtt Provo 4d for cn thus feed 0 Trusr or by taw
<br />upon or afro/ me occurrence of an Event of Defaur- uhf the ngt4 to exercise the power of Sore Any r*r -e ac tons referred fo in
<br />inis Vwao ac?h •reay be tAkw by 9W*hcWy at sans n fnrhe as Berra hay may detenrrgrte wt nou regard ro :roe a:. e*4tiac'v of any
<br />3 -pony for the ond� secured henotry
<br />Oi Doh os hc4i y shag, w0i t4 nigoird to the adequac v rd airy secs my kir the fntiebted Tess secured hereby, be enured W Erne
<br />ipFpooWnew of a .rec*%W by any C havtrtg x- sci-cto , w4rrouf ra ytsf;tf, .':> tai« V assesxx:: Of ' --fee? 'PIW Ma*+3gr "+e
<br />r'rapw.-j err rcpt WO are! sanwe acrd 00060 tree reefs m"S air d prokrs fherefrVr
<br />" =err may a+^`fV ar:y a,Vtrtr. =n 3n; ctx:r± of car gu!:s +:- ret.%ir `n rr�.:�e `n;z "�.^- -. t <<:! , -�• r - . ..
<br />t+rfi*sAMM hcAr{rrP
<br />