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(07 gangficimy may eject to cause the Trust Property orb put thereoito be sold under the power of sale, and in such event, <br />gtrna cw7 or Trusses shall give such notice of detaedt and notice of saia as may be then required by law. Thereafter, upon the <br />tt 7Diraiarr f au'Ch time erect the givrx3 of such raDtitss of stile as may titan oe required by taw, Trustee, at the time and place specified <br />teed+esr:,tiea s& s+se7T sst iy arm rTsastthersarspEC afby nCi&�Y at�aucftnm»ieWhast <br />r +tn ntimeY of the brifed at seas i s recut dipeyme rt of � prim bid, TftWes shat Sopry dre <br />ore�?r f3 io the ousta 4 etcart iirg ttta Powetrrf sale and of the sole, k#C14 g -N .4 rrafkrr*Od <br />v #irs#a'_s_lbsso?notteoratftmr .tl0ptiiscr ofonceforfhsgresss pr?+Ds. and maso awst4— Rest ,t =-mow <br />PK <br />.tom cite s?. n °ate a �ha efrp�+u lar�ayy $+mod ttt�tt•- <br />AMN <br />t r rrredby Beery s3 e9 any+ig itunrer ttss ttf rnsL %►axudug :t:aotft_ <br />. W? a+►faes -R far gas kisuance aawreeyt iisaes and taocrt ,std be and rwtrs rtda secured hembp: <br />V of Tmsmw TteWW seem they, <br />f� �{ � d Tnsttee skier be cbsrnained sotaty by Nee etcpress pratsiorrs d tlus Daedvf Taasi Tnrstet shal`mx ba <br />Mitlrr atteaRC brute pedbemaracs dsuctr dugs ataf obigotts as ate spaei6caNyset Aorth herein erect ra era cve���r+ts all <br />o ottssWbeimposed upon rnafter. <br />( MDpeerisr» bt ails Daed of TAW shy:" tegL" !seise b atpend ar risk ds a" curds, or odrtrtwm incur ally Artarmal oftrgabm in <br />the pert otaty d tits drrggs he+annde►, aria Itte tstnartise afavey o/its rights orpowers <br />(ej <br />Tana& OWcbmRudhcamrsat cotmsata ;WbefullandconWimlesugwnz9bmand <br />pralat to kr ono mspect of mW anion taken arversd by d hereunder in good NO and r MY" durieorr, and <br />(jo MbesWautbe labile toranyaCeatrigowlardingoodfadhandr easonaWybeha vedbyft $D beautttoritedoradhjnds <br />iscrasibb or riphda rrporms conferred upon t by eis Deed of Trust <br />2& Saoa * ttlp oamar i and Fame Bing- This dead et Test Sher coraeiatta a sew agreamerd and f'ortrae MV ur+der the precise bees of <br />tee tMebrtaiiaa tlP+lbrre Aowttneroiaj [)ode seiMr resyeact a) thoaa tcaiures described in the preembtes hereof as consBuing a parrot" <br />TtmtpWperty, itigeMter mV all opwprap@W d T#usw, aihersite%r or disskagar to the same. now or hereafter kmw ator oa Bte <br />TrwtPlopW <br />29 :vaget Adrwwetc+as t won ragrtsstd 7+rrslor Benefiirryc at Bereetivaary's opaorr p^or tb h1M tscortrayencs Of Nee !rust Pro peed by <br />Thm"W ae Tivasor, aw -li Mrs Mare aditancae ge 7+useD► Such kdme adtareees, wi6h reteres! tteereorr. straM be saateed by this Deed of <br />Tyast Atrro ices skier thspnnppsf amar :rat eras *Kbbaed mm seared by this Deed of Trust not kickaft sums aMmmed b pmNO <br />tMserxsdY.►utesotersur+tds . Jidvartcssetaisbwrsemerds, rtadebyBer +efittieryR►wotecttfteser�tet7f. <br />atdr tae geese ter+d recess eoonery. Saar got be deemed m be oPiaa► txivtutcas. <br />3q• pAOWVSpWWe. COW payment watt em*Mdmm secured by On Deed of Trust; Bwm t wy spar request Thafta to rsoOMW the <br />Traee PYep*W and attar xwwx r the Dead of Test Acid ell rotes Ow tartcktg Wabledness seared by mss Deed of rnrttic Thafte- <br />rirotea trbgr rec orney the Tnth pfepatty trrimrart ttvarratay eras w+'tltout Wage to gne person or persons 10981V W~ t Wmw Sucb <br />person orparsons sbMpaY all txtrds of rxordaetort d any <br />3L 9tberlu/e Tnnata etas atay =+s gees a ante mmove Trustee and apPont a Sur saga► Tngtse to any 7fus " <br />appawlad hereeatdar by sp tssgtmaat neesedsd rr acs twtrtty r+ trtricA this Deed d trust tt rscardad Nitiihtrttt eorw�syance of tba Titter <br />lea Succe sa Thieve, swauccead aD slow power and "m corrariad upon Trustee berm and by appticabte saw <br />32 if%oaranaovs ttigtXa of Banaioiary_ fl eer+anY at any amt and Bunt tinrt b into wajrosr notice. <br />can" #* skis t I l"'D of &V <br />pelt of olio Trost Fhapwh or rrs aaAiarr of any sagamant crew coaeraw" resthc li 9 bete aoccSOWCY #am mf orer" b <br />arroraresr+d the retirees of arse Dead o1 Tiuet Any Persa+M piePml' r+Pa' Trut PraPeRY st0ar tts 7nat PnX»rq Are <br />baanposaaaaadoracctpedbyBanakiray. trsgantaaes )!Purd+aseribioeerDTruttMSSSia fonaciossata aireUaranydsadkiran <br />of 7tttaMt s stir aria sttimeatti shat be, DntrR+sbefy tad gt rtara bean abartdionad by T+uglo► <br />33• MpiDaaO7ruaar Trraalorbrefrytegttesrtdrtawpyrla+ y++ otceddatsnitarttfnoticeafsMe +tudeoraaeargdbyMWASSPUrswrr <br />b V* Weriabne btMeot be Sant tut Truator x aeatlrstf tedaMtea s set ttxth hsnarraCore. <br />W VW) ens Dead cf Tarot hm bent[ rA* esaateed Vm daffy arts year *V ebae weaan. <br />J <br />STAN OF OWEBRAW 0 <br />CotAt OF DAM ! p e iPP 7 i . ► ' ra seater <br />Dmiald F. Hu President <br />on on y,dwof lum 14 bommerro,aweary OMW r., and!4rsaidcou"tf,Pmt' wane Donald F. <br />Apo <br />of Mfrornt tb ma b its Ass iCMrtgeM ptrgons its <br />3,gssd iris lbtegoitg Da.a at Terrsc and adrtu.+sdged its aoEaes+ton a+atartt eo t» dneir vos+rtry to tend dead. and die reerrary act and <br />deader Partnership. <br />1y1TNMS OW hand and nalmaw settee trees Via dw err per am' above wneien. <br />MAU <br />' t <br />tt rj� �' ✓ <br />icwt+r.r <br />STATEOFA*Bl A <br />Sts. <br />MAN OF <br />C rr On ins day at ig bstrata ma, a nobly prtbac m and br sad cOrrrey. PtrrsOratly carats — <br />mod known to errs b be or* idarrftdN persons who <br />erpriod [tie iaitag�ig Dtsdsr ar+rr meat<t � be t� tmkrrta� act acid <br />tjlrTheF rrir bent nerd rtOpFrt seaf on On ra day and YW cast ODOM wrrten <br />