87- 103240
<br />insurance premiums, ground rents, and all other charges whatsoever levied upon or assessed, placed or made against the Trust
<br />Property. T+ustor further agrees, upon written request by Senefrtiary, to promptly deliver to Beneficiary all receipts for the payment of
<br />such charges_ Tnistor likewise agrees to pay all taxes, assessments and other charges levied upon or messed, placed or made
<br />against, or measured by, Mrs Deed of Trust or the tecardabor hereof
<br />cd Ram -en1s. AN payments receved Dy awia -zwy �s tr qty *—,t, €aEdty or rsblmabon owed to Beneficiary by Trus.W
<br />may 4a app. - ci by 8eaaf -aary tat the p&p-,xw -: of ft tnde bladness or to achy such ether debt lability or obligation. in arry o;nar or
<br />* appbcabon which Berieftary, in its a !-Ve rreW n, deems appropriate, iirb'ess o m.-s a elected by Bar- .'�:ia,,, any
<br />sty - q�!�sr ----1 be (!e~ appLyd hr- tc the pa rriaYcy any debt, iie&Xy or obligation oeeer than the Note-
<br />ti. l ukm ins. Tnrsiar will keep the Trust Proper &, P--- hom aA bem and enc:tmbrances which in arry way may in the-N-IgmW W
<br />OVrtvAnary. haw priority over or impair the security of, a s Deed of Trust but TrLsW need not iii ge smy - -rich- item so iorig as
<br />Threw shah agree, in writing. to pay the obligation samited by such hi in a manner accept to Bury and shat' in good fw?.h
<br />mast such Herr by alVro r5ate legal procee& -igs efl ro prevent Ufne entorcemernt of the lieen and Me toss of erry intere,t in or
<br />W. Of Dina Traci Proparty-
<br />i. KaFid it snrarim Tnhstor shall keep the bukiigs aria other wnprovements now existing or hereafter erema or the Trtst Property
<br />insured by insurance carriers saftlacKxy to Beirieftrairy against loss by Are hazards included in the term "extended coverage" and
<br />such o0her hazards, casuames and conwigbacies as may be required by Beneficiary , in such amounts and for such periods as may be
<br />required by Benef wy The policy of insuance shag be in form acceptable to Brrnetciary, provide that tine same may not be
<br />canceled or nxx~ witifoiri New (15) days pnoe w r tsn notice to Beneficiary, and shade have Joss payable provisions in favor of and
<br />in lam aCCepfable do Bertefrciairy, All preirii lms on mmuritwe poNries shag be paid in the manner provided uncut paragraph 4 heretd
<br />or, 0 not paid in such rnarther, by Truster malwig payment at least f (151 days prior to the due tie, directly to the rlStrafloe
<br />carrier- Beneftiary, shO have the right to hold Cie polcies and renewals thereof and Tiustor shalt promptly hxnish to Bsnefitiary, all
<br />reran" notices and alf paid prernium receipts received by it In no event shall Beneficiary or Trustee be held respormbie for failure to
<br />pay insurance pnenv rns or for any lass or damage ariskrg our of a delect in any policy or ansng out of any failure of any insurance
<br />corr4wrll to pay for any loss or damage insured against or Jet tadrre by Thistor to effect the insurance required hereunder. In the event
<br />of loss, rnator slip give Warpt notice by mail to 9ne insurance carrier and Benebciary, Seneftary may make proof of bas it not
<br />inade pronqW or in proper Corm by Tnutor_ At policies of insurance and arry and all refunds of unearned premium are hereby
<br />assigned to Benefaaryr as addition! secunty, for ft pft"w roof the Indebtedness. In the event of Beneficiary s exercise of the power
<br />&safe contained hererh, or in the evert of foreclosure. all nght itie and Merest of Truster in and to any insurance policy Oren m force
<br />seal peas to the purchaser at the trustee s sale or fbreaesue sale. In case of any loss. the nsuance proceeds may. at the option of
<br />Bury, be appied by SGIV ACIaly upon the tnd0bteMVm or any part thereof, and in such order and amount as Bei reftoary may
<br />delarwa ne: or said insurance proceeds, at the opeon of BereeOctary, may ermer be used in replacing or restoring the Tout Property
<br />panlalfy or tptaiy deStr p to a condition sausladhry to Beneftiary: or said insurance proceeds. or any portion thereof, may be
<br />r eftesed to Thwor. Unless Benalicrary and Tnxow oftnirise argree in wrr#irg any such apphca>mn of insurance proceeds shag not
<br />e or pos4ww the done date of the Note or arry rherts called for etnerein, or change the amount of such instainents 0 the
<br />Trust Property is aced by Beneficiary psrsuars to the exercirse of tine power of sale or Other Air eclosare, alf right role and interest of
<br />Trusbrrt and so any insurance proceeds payable as a result of damage to the Trust Property poor to the sale or acquisition shalt pass
<br />to Banefficiary and swat be applied first to the cols and expenses, mcl,r7rng attorney fees, incurred m collecting such proceeds. Coen
<br />hn tine manner and in Coe c.',-er provided herein
<br />S Preservation and Maintenance nce of Trust Property. Trusrbr "keep the buildwigs and other improvements now or hereafter erected on
<br />Me TnW Property in good repair and condition and 04 not commit or perms waste, will not alter the design or smmmoal character
<br />conu9aieng any brdeiep now or hereafter arecred on and cur tine Trust Property without fire prior written consent of
<br />may, "rot do arry act or thing witch wo uid hxndL* irr4w or depreciate the value of the Tout Pnoparty and writ not abandon
<br />0110 Trust Property, Tntsior will not remove any ti:ms conshmAing the Trust Property unless tie same are irrrnediately replaced wilt
<br />Mw property atilect to m, ken and security overest coma Deed c Triad aria of at least equal value and unity. Tnuslor w* comply with
<br />all present and hAwe ordinances nces. regulations anti of airy goverrirrentad body wttch are appacabie to the Trust Property
<br />arrdro the occupancy and use Crereof d this Deed of Trust rs on a unt lie a cawaninium or a ptan)ed unit development w - -valor shelf
<br />parlrrm aft of TinrsYOr s rldrga&ons under Hue dersaeaapns r eov its a J or ge trtng the condoririh tin;; n or Cie yearned tart
<br />dereJOprrhevt, the bylaws and regufabons Of.'* ConOOPINFIRLAM of PAWW*d unit devatopmenc and the COnSOf lent dOainrerts.
<br />9 taspecaon. Beneficiary or its agents may. at aif raasOrtable tones, w er +noon the Trust Property for tie pwpose of wort.
<br />Banebulvy steal have no mo to make such msperaori and sinter mini toe labie to Truster or to any person in possession Ad makes or
<br />ftft sib Ina" any such akspectior:
<br />nil- Proeecoon of Security X Tarsrn r tares ro perform any of are cweriartx and agreernarus contanred rn tuts Deed of That at it any action
<br />or propeoding is rammed wridi does or may advarsa* a - -.-0 Trust Property or fire interest of Truster or Senebrdary theran or
<br />One as of Trusts 0vereeo, union BMWCW). ar -rs oteom=, :nay perform uxh coveenants and agireemeris. nrmte such ayrpearmnces.
<br />OpAw v against and rrvesligaft such ocM, r� ---ocea&*V anal tali such otter acbw as Shy dftw3 necessary o prohacct its
<br />Aawftr mitring, tout rw irivrted sm ds;&P -A , ww of rode amarney tees and entry upon the Trust Property to mNce repairs. Any
<br />amounts dsb rs+ed by Benisk a ry p ssrran"C Tiis pwagrapn rut, wrd+ mutest Vwean, shall con,,.M to hx0abliedress of Truster
<br />stirred by ors Dead of Trust uniiess Tr, and Berwc-ary agree -1 carer terms c payment such amorrn shall bs payable lopoin
<br />apace from Bene6cary o Ttustor mquasirg garment siereiot a*na shall bay interest from the date of disburserrient of the default rate,
<br />at any stir Rortih o the Aipte, or otnervrtise nee rt9iesTe pensand try taw Aiding contained un ills paragraph shay require
<br />Ban06aary to inar any expense or rake any adorn ner8wider Trots r irrevocably authonzes and empowers sw*&--ary to enter upon
<br />Sue Tndt Property as Tlnuors agent and, xn Truster s use or o &use to perform any and al covenants and agreements to be
<br />perlomted by Truster as here n provided. Beneficiary shad[, at its oppcm, be subrogared to any encumbrance. tram, calm or demand
<br />and fo a/ nghts and securities for fire paymert thereof paat or dwt%wgW by Beneficiary under the pmvnsaons hereof and any such
<br />nos shat€ be addooria and ..dam a secasrrtr' # Vks Deed of T its[
<br />7T Cdrhderrinatipn. The proceeds of dry award OF c,,arre for oarhages. draiC or consequernew it connectipr wam any co ndernruvon of
<br />o0w taiaV of the Trust Prouty. or &V parr nitersof. or Our cerrveyance m lieu of or m annppawn of fin, are hereby
<br />assigned to and shaft be pave o Bevy Trushar win fate and pr wore, in good faith and wrth due d kvw ---e, is Clam far ary such
<br />award or payment and wM cause Ste same ro be u oaeecred died paid m Bennefciary , and, srnouia it fall to do so. Truster rrevocabry
<br />aulhoiim and en *wwws Bet= elrcrary, sa !Pw name of Irussor or off_ to fie. prosecae, settle or compromise afin such dorm and
<br />So collet, receipt rbr and retain tae oroceeds- t the Trust Property, s atiancioned by Truster,, or after notice by Beneficiary to Truster
<br />MW Me Conderrindr offers td mate an award or selae a ciarrt J r darisayes..Trustor fats to respond to Bet ciary *Wm +arty (3D) days
<br />after the date such novice is mated. Beneficiary is aiutthonzed Min collect and apply the proceeds in the mariner m0cated herein. The
<br />pproceeds of any award or Haan Weary, after deduco ng at .reasorw re ,cows and expenses. + x*tdnng attomey fees, whhich may have
<br />been ;ma=rred by Benabcrary n D11e ealrecwn D!ereUf, of Dhe sole discretion of Beriehciary. be released to Tnuslu, applied sa
<br />ressprafipn of Trust Property, or applied tp tore payment of the kxwbwdness Unless Benef:Gary and TNstor otnerwrese agree in writing,
<br />any such app6caborr of proceeds to ksd Ness straft not e.rend or postpone tie due date of the Note or the payment of any
<br />melts caw for Owrounder
<br />lZ Trnustbr Net Released i;.xfansipn of tine ame fir payment or nr yr rrcat rX of any arnortuaaidn of the Indebtedness granted by Beneficiary
<br />to any noccessor in rmterast of Trussor alai not operate to reaase. «r any manner, the babWy of Trustor and Trustor's successors in
<br />Overest Deneficia ry shalt opt be gKKWed to caiir wrwe pic-P-�, against %i -h successor or refuse ro exiend r-w- f:.r payment or
<br />offiarn►ua modify anx"z~ at rrie Oxworedriess by reason, of any demand made by Truster and Tfustor "s successors
<br />in xrinrest.
<br />73_ Frnarxaal k9mriaaort- Loon request o€ Be ieficnary Trusror ww wov%de ro Benet,dary. within rmhefy 9941 days of Drs cbse of each fiscal
<br />yew of Truslor, the cortsoAdated raance sheet and stauernem of earnings of Truster and any and all guararaas of the rndetitedness
<br />sac~ hereby, it arty_ and wz# praride and de), -er ro Bermilicrary, such other financier mformabon and m such rnamw as Beneficiary
<br />may reasonably requesr morn taupe to time
<br />14. F~idat Covenants In =Cdadrr, rD airy ouier financial covenants of T -castor made in any ocher agreement, instrument or ocicument.
<br />T nusiay shads comply wqh acid shy cat se any aria ati guararows of the lndebteda ss secured hereby to comply webs x oe rn
<br />C'AmpkelnCe wit+, Die r owi!g rarianr_ a't covenants (Yuri paragraph sno nor apply d covenants and requvemems are rWr cer
<br />100tr horson i
<br />PS Sehed+xb of Leases M-wri rein, 10, Gays after demand Trus %)r s'ait hum,sr, ra Benehcan, a wneduie Cemt.?d >, rr 'n:s ra 5eI-q
<br />forth as *as, ,s W the T :us" Property cr any pcerion rhereot. ,� vd: Y in earn case, ri±e name nl -r ;te.tf-nneaF';
<br />of hie space occupied t-y suer, renanf or ocr_up aft, "Wipe ren140 -oiayaGr? rc' svi.h ;P'W ; ri S -,;r ^ :'t e - ... i rr ".3 -.:
<br />respect ro such leases �.7 r@na: :t8s as Bene4ci4q - --a'r re-asC =8toy ': jUeV
<br />