<br />i� Deed of Trust
<br />87— Mal
<br />itoftaysra:.H;cs
<br />- irr a eSSiS F_n_ An IRA_ rr
<br />NOR WS T-1, , NK #ehras7ta1 Zitatioadj Ass
<br />P ta= B= 17 fig- Grand T_h3 And. NE . a
<br />ceded' whr-&-- hailing arts is
<br />rig 87 by and between Plaza S9a?r. A Fart-nersbIu
<br />v netherene or mom, fheramakarc-ag.-d the
<br />5F'siat?2
<br />:vim
<br />whose maik v ar3dh - is
<br />WhIWA&TnmWissvJebW$oBerieGmyjnthepre=pasumofEUUR EMMIM THOUSAND AND W IIDD=
<br />Dcfi?ars IS , lNxLi>i1 /. wtnct nhdeb<edhess 4 evidenced by Tmsot's pmmizmry note dated Monts: 1 19 87--, (hereinafter
<br />tailed Vie " Note' ), payable o the order of Sw*Iix^aay and having a maturity of 3wrna 1 .1997
<br />NOM; YNEREI;ORE, br the purpose Of secr,mg
<br />fat paymer+t of to Noce, together with a>terest tv#enn. tees charges, prepayment penafaes. any AMAre advance& and ei extensions,
<br />r�otfBcaiorrs„ seosNumons and renew thereof.
<br />Aq payment of ae other summ lees or dxwges, "altar wen inie est themon, advanced to protect the secumy of this Deed at Trust and
<br />the perbrimmnee of the covenants and agreements of Tntasiar. w +Amer or not set forth herein,
<br />(c7 perlomwnea discharge of and compkance weir every awrn, oym arx= o0gawn and agreement of Tnww comarned heron or
<br />nacorporarfotl by r+etarogrhce or any other secur*y wwseunMx at anyone gmen in secure the Nate. and
<br />(di the repayment of ae other sumps or ke" advances, wdtt interest thereon which may hereto bre rave been or hereafter be advanced
<br />by Baneiaay o TRMW or TiUStor's UCC09SW h atlBreW or title,
<br />all of which is heneirnflor coeecive* cabled the ' Trustor mw4ocabry grams and transfers to Trustee, rn trust. WITH POWER
<br />OF SALE to *Aw* g described property '
<br />09WW ww0h (r) at baidrrigs smucore& adore -- etxwgon� maaticaeoru= repairs. re oWemeriM and irrprmwnents now or hereafter
<br />bcowtwo" 0) ai equipnhw-t mracfwWy and hearts "xc*x*q. we now i rmobon. aA kghfng, haating, vank'atvng, cooing. air
<br />9• ap*g* and pianbing ixeres, water and power fystipM engines, boelers. ranges, overM ciebwashers. mirrors arid mantels.
<br />csPrieg. Arma err., of bursars. etevemors and motors 4*AVervmo, planes a un-t& cmnmur ic~ sysftms, &pmwwt, tra►slomwrs ebcWat
<br />equp ea sK storm and screen wax1ows doors awrlergs and stodsQ now or thereafter a whed M a btrA in. any bu*MV a irnproremm*
<br />naraa► rlocsRed t►erean, (i) OF easerrieft and ngft of way appurtenant # -Meta (m). aN basehwd7 esMe. rgXWe and somnist of
<br />Toultarnrandtoaffbaces whether now orhereainxexwS MorenswedamOnrcirdrrg, w&x xglnnoson .at cash and secwWdepoeas.
<br />adlam a rentals and deposits or payrnor*s of a snnlMr anve), pertaining threreto. (v) ae rents. issues. paoi[t and nntome thereham (subject
<br />AD we Right of Tnow to crhe9ct and apply such rents issuee, prdecs and mioome as they become due and payable so lag as no ever* of
<br />tt)e4rit aASes herearhder). M) ae royattes rrrrrnrat dt anal yes nVi s and proles. wear, wMer rights. aril water sloth, (vin) atr lanerrrer*s,
<br />P n oM hmene it primaeges and appKaftnaricas belonging, ~or egoyed in carnecoon therewith. and Nair) ae proceeds of conversrort,
<br />aotunttrgcr invoiu+ory d any d Lora k+rayor+g rho cash or #qudated therms fr-ciud+ag. without fnstalon, proceeds d insurance and
<br />ca"dwismom awards), a#& which SS henenraft rtodaa y eased one 'Trust Piaperty,°
<br />I Tsia. Tn oW corenahm warrants an d agram wen BeneNrsary. *s suacemw and assigns. OW Tnrsmr owns the Tnrst Avparfy has
<br />*am any poor be n or encurndrarxe, Ise the Dead of Trust is and wd remain a vadrd and ernbrceabte first ion an Ire Trost Prolnrty.
<br />MW Tho w at ifs expense. r.we preserve such the and way MWX07 bes Deed of Taut as a loll and paramou ntken upon the That
<br />Pwpsorty and wd hosier ruranara anti deter*! the rrekiCy and DrroraY of itha hen hereof aga+nsr too cevras d se parsons load prYtes
<br />whehasoera_ Tnsta, at is expanse, we cause bus Deed of TnrsG and each amendment or � twelo to Ise iced and
<br />feraordbd as a mon gage of the Tnn.* Prey sty in such manner and in such place and wit taxe such action as in the op rion of Trustee
<br />may be required by any present or home taw on order so pertxt, mordw and protect the ken of On Deed of Trust as Ire same may
<br />be amended or supphimened hoe» one to erne. Tnrsihr wit maw such hoaxer assurance or assurances an perfect as we to tae Tract
<br />Pmpeny as may be required by 8enaie -err. Tn4W- hereby tabricushes a e right ot dower and homesiand m and to the Trust Property-
<br />2- Payment of ihdebodwas. Tnmw shat punctuaiy, pay the pmt* t of and merest on the Mdebtedness secured hereby.
<br />3. [}rxanCaon of lrnroveerterhec Tnrsior stilt r rnoible in good and wortenanke manner any &ddngs= annpnnvSgrxerrt arrepass +etAarng
<br />thereto which maybe begrsr on Ire Trust Property or coniampialed by the khan evidenced by the NOM secured hereby. ADM when
<br />biro at oceft and faoiaes incurred theeebre., and not so permit any constru-cem ion against such Trust PropMry h No avant
<br />cortsprro p oth
<br />of bwddngs. onprovernionts or ionees are comenVAmed. Tnrssr also agrees anyxwg an On Deed of Mat to Ire contrary
<br />fig; iaj o pr+afft cornmence any such wont and to con0aft the proposed arVsrnverner*s prompey. W o coo the
<br />I a n accordance with the peals and spevioxhans as approved by Berwhogwy. (c) to Comply With ae the terms of a bu ldrig w'?ah
<br />agnionxi R, of any. between Tnrslar and Beneiaay, ere teems of which are incorporated heron by reference and made a part hereof,
<br />fd) to Mow Beneiorary b inspect tar Trust Prop" at al ernes during co nsbuchon. and (e) to replace any worx or Makinals
<br />dory to Bbnektaary wvtrrsa i+tttkvt 115) days after w"ftn noble Aram; eer*hpary of Such fact
<br />4. Fends br Payna int of Cr arges SIAM ct o appica-bre tare or to a -orator waiver oy Seneherary, mentor shat pay to Berxibrxa y on the
<br />lint day of each moral, or such avow date each nwrrtx as may be specd%d by Beneficwy, umbf the kx0ebtedness is Para n W, a sure
<br />#haernafter mead the Fonds ,h equal o t rpm of tri yearly rases and assessrnems wfvcr may attar+ pnoray over Les Deed of Taut
<br />and gravid rents art me Tn3st • of any. pans I 12 of ties leer y prarrrum fo-r rated nhahraxx, pis t f2Jh d tae
<br />""one-ton bin insurance nce of any, ai as - rhaoty rid mitiaey and from tiros to time r y Benefficwy an
<br />rte hems of ohs, , 1n rzs and bris aid reasonable asurn*.ses thereat. The Funds shag be hold n an use coon. the dgposa or
<br />aeaounta of which are ins~ or guarar>met by it tederaf or state agency mwktdng Seneftca ry. Beneftcwy shat app* go Funds to
<br />pay irwtl tttae. naraCS, nwsurafCa praAwrns and grahrhdrents- Bane shall not be tsgoared to pay Trusor airy inflo" or
<br />eamvwpa on the Farads. SerwiS my slue tree to Trustar, wrtnorR Marge. an amoral accounwV of the Funds snowrhg credits and
<br />, I its to tae Fends and the pwapooa for which each detw o ;ere Funds was rnada. The Funds are pledged as adavoncs securay for
<br />OW 0, ch 1 1-1 secrrad err to s Deed of Tout_ t the MMUMx of Bm Ftrrds head by Beneficiary, toget er won the Awe monthly
<br />rmae'hem of Funds peYab* error to the due Oakes of t axes, aa. rrems, rrttrerance pro ni rns and ground rents, shah exceed Ire
<br />afflMW required to pay said ftw& atsessawls= hnwance premiums and ground rents as trey fa# dire such excess shall be at
<br />TrLows option= other prom p* rap" t^ Truster or crotraett to Tunw eqa rw tuslure month* xlxsimknenrs or Funds it the amount of
<br />the Fronds head by Banes chary ~ not be suf6c it to pelt taxes, assessmwits, insurance prenvums and ground -ears as lorry ran due.
<br />,fume entree pay o Bare try any Amour* neces"ry to make up the deft ancy wztwrh trrty days from the dare ;obc a ,s marled by
<br />Swot/ caery to Insular roquesang payment thereof Upon peor4im sn sus of Mr indebtedness, geexAaary shay prompety refund to
<br />Tnralor rrq' Funds hold by B&m*ciary t tea Tint Prop" r; sold under Ire power of sale or tore Trust Property .s o rlww�se scoured
<br />by Bar;04cwy. Berwhowy shat apply, w- nodrah0v poor to t're sere of tap Trust Property or ,-s acgarsdtrxr t`y Benefit,& v. any Funds
<br />Mod by Banol'cwy at the erne of sppkcafto as a crecl2 agerrw me indemedness. to Berrefrctary exec:hrres a w, : »err ws,rer of Trustor s
<br />00198bons under Mrs perarpapet J. Tnatra coverlets and louts to ay, before true same become dexnquenf W ta■es assessments
<br />