87- 103"-V)i3
<br />applicable taw requires sock interest to be paid, Lender shall nor be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shah
<br />�%. ;� B---Car.' u^tltt nt merge, an a to s! w —pring of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Fundy std the purpose for which each
<br />i_.. :t to tits Fexods was :naoe. `awe Finds are [rledgecf as=amr-ity of the sums secumd by thin Deed of Trust.
<br />l t�x amount of --w Fur"'. held by Lender, tom with us- fut °=.re monthly uastalltaeuts -;tf Foods payers=, p.io, to the due dater of tazw,
<br />- -- a;;, ; te e p,��.s and 3reY rents. t c i t[te amount required *.o pay sstttl lazes, asses °Ptetus, incatra.-tre pr-mum std
<br />srottrd s as they fag due, such excess shall be, s aster `s option, e_dw promp&y repaid to Bor. ow or credited to orrowe on nc =hey
<br />installments of Funk. If the amount of the Fonds held by Leader shat[ not be szfficiartt to pay tennis%, a te; n�ttz; iRSUrsnc premiut s ae�!
<br />ground rents as they fall due, Borrowx-- shall pay to Leader any amount necessary to snake up the deficiency, within 30 days from the date no -CE
<br />I& waited by Leader to Borrower requesting Payment thereof
<br />Upon payment in full of all stuns secured by this Deed of Trust. Leader shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds het by Lender. If
<br />nutlet pwagraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise wired by Lender. _ender shall apply. no later than inunceiately
<br />prior to the sale of the Property of its acquisition by Leader. any Funds held by Lender at the time of application as a credit against the swan
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Appkltatlaa of Paysaau. Unless appaicWv law pemsdes otherwise. all payments received by Lender under the Note and paragraphs t
<br />and I hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, that to interest
<br />paya;tie on the Note, then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest ami pnrKipat on any Future Adsazwxs_
<br />t1 CSnBa; t&st. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessmenu and other charges. fitter and impositions atiributabte to the Property which
<br />intty attain a priories over this Deed of Trust. and leascho[d pa>'tnents or ground tents, if any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof
<br />or. if cwt paid in siw-lx manner. by Borrower making payvnent, when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />Lender ALi noti, et of amounts due under this pp.;agrraph, and to the clent Borrower shall snake payment Arcady. Sorrows shall promptly
<br />furnish to [seder r onpts c-Acn7ng such paytaents. 9otso *er shall promptly diwhaige any lien which has priority over this Deed of Taut;
<br />pro»drd. thin Borrower shall not be required to dtw-harV any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in wraing to the payment of the
<br />oblgLo on secured by such lien in a manner a-ceptab[e to Leader, or shai: to good faith contest stx-h Gen by. or defend enforcement of such Het
<br />in, legal proceedings -hxb operate TO prevent the twor cement of the lien ot forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. UgniA intr mmBoffov.er shalt keep the a Wmftnerts nos cussing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against toss by fire,
<br />ha3uds iticlnded within the ram "eatetvhd cexyernge and suer :sttse hazards as Lender may require and in such amounts and for such perwds
<br />a: Larder may require; prta%ded• that Lender sushi not rcqutrr hat the m unt of such coverage exceed that amount of ccx%erage required to pay
<br />the %an& secured by thn Deed of Trust
<br />The insurance area yrcn>duV the cuuraner %bail be .hoscn by Bsxrowa subjfti to approval by Lender; pro%tded, that such approval
<br />sW ant be tmrtm;oaab4 yt[ct All p;erw ums. :ate as per w sttali be [said in the manner provided under puaVap[t 2 hacuf or. if not
<br />pod in such maxuaer. by i3ar -,era tnaltng pa`tnetnt. wfsr dun. rtr_sy to she atsuraa-e camer-
<br />AS insurance POLKA" ant! rrsiewals them7' +bill.` --t ise in taus: x zT:at�k to t emicr std shall irx9ude a s,.wdard mart�e dattsr in favor of
<br />v furnish to
<br />and m form accrptatsk to t ea#r l ezhder %tea%[ bz.r ttie tt;bt s.-i nc%rk tsu;stdtcxs and renewals thereof. and 8exrawer shall proosptl.
<br />Lender ail renewal rttxeers arse ell taupe% w ;xand trettuum% la lac c%enh of a%%. Bur rsxwa +hall gi %e i tyxsatu notice zothe ttnura>a%t satrier IIid
<br />Lender. Leaden may Make '-woof nf' -ass t: tux : iadc+ offgv. tM flocn• +r-
<br />t ;AI a Lender and tkirrrstr otherwsse AVeir in wa112e4, MWteAMC-r ;waccc& shall be applied to retaruwn cis tepatr of the Property
<br />did. provided such resutrauon of repair is ee'0t►3mamy feasdsie and the security of this Deed of Trust is not tbmby impOMIL If such
<br />restoration err repair n nor econor icalty fa ssibie or if ante se+cvru> eC the Dte%i of Trust trouui be xmpaN+ed. the insurance Praee=ds Slag be
<br />applied to the suns socvred by thin Deed of Try. +ads the clix". if any, pod to Borrower. if the Property a abandoned by Horto*a. ter if
<br />Borrower fails to rnpood ru Lander wtihna 30 days from 'he .Sou rwit-ze rs mailed by Lender to Borrower that the iasutannc car her offers to
<br />settle a A— for msuran a bmefus. Leader rs atohorurd to arxtlei:t and at'Ny the tuuraacc proceeds at lender's option other to restoration or
<br />tepw of the Property at to ahr ruun %ensued"vial [land of Trust
<br />l u[ess Lender and Aorsowc atb"v Tw aPW m *��. as .. at'gt ttot of [u�xsnis to Drub at shall not Ott rthd ar Postpone the Gee
<br />doe of the maadtiy uutagmc tts teferrrtl to : ;wagraphs 3 and : hctcvf rsr .-hanger the amount of web tnuallseemts. If cinder paw is
<br />hest the Property is aatitred by Leiwkr. al nog, W.k &W .eresr of Faumwer in and to anp trutran� des and -- and to the proceigh
<br />tdtreaf ""king from d to tlw ltrts _ sale or t xis stseil tmiss to Lender to tlee cxtmt of ttse %mss %eyed by that Deed
<br />of Trost in mediaadv frricsr to swan sale as &- ,Masatnen
<br />A l raaevlafaa uti Mliaaewt+ ssf Pratgart Coodeni kmes; ►datrlanl Usk Drvd"meab. Lorrower 11119 kotp the
<br />Pratierty, in goad €elixir and shall not iomxwt aloe or ptrrrast VmPi x.'mart or detrtwrattcm of the Property and shall Comply with else ptwis+aas
<br />of any kax if t[us Deed o(T;usz n an a iewschold if rtxs need of Tiuit rs on a unit in a caadom mum as a p[rftoad wise dr -dopes. Borrower
<br />tilsall perform all of Borrosa's 4_.grit nanx ea&e= rat jedmat=W _u -- enaata ?eating or governing %be coadomicium or planned ea[t
<br />development, true and "SuinxeM of the zo ndo emm na .- ,,A&A xed one k+elopmem, acid .onstaucw dmwDcnu- if a condamuatim of
<br />punnet new dneiopmew rider is r%rc%aed try' Crowe, and retarded tc¢Cber with this Decd of Trust. the covenants and agreements of uKh
<br />rifler %alit floc indslrpl7ras:e%f r=te amt x ;c and sr rc-F's,t ;' - _ :'� ==nts ate[ sgrrentems of ibis Deed of Trust as if the rider war a put
<br />hereof.
<br />Z. prewtaiaa td L,0&Wi Saewrit;. 1, Berm falls ter. pm'Mm tSr co%rnans and agtcrments ctxttanaed m this Deed of Taut. or if any
<br />samon err procreedtag -% _cmmen.-e+d alach matertatty affeia) ' radi -'s �: eses: in the Property, secluding, but nior bruited to. catment domain.
<br />neseeveam , :rsdt ortot_�....._. or a- •m?pc edehe, then [coder at Lender's option. upon notice
<br />ar L
<br />w Bor rower.. trnay makt sum ermcsel, daburte r sums and take s;x tt actrwr as is necessary to protect Lerader"s inter -st, including, but
<br />ra td t%�• `.:S . ,eK c K u, ::>r :a%wc. v may'= `acs a en n L *,s P cpcz v a :lc: :� rs. if Lender reGsi.�- niortge utsurence
<br />as a coadmon of makusg the ken swir;ed to This Deed of Trust. Boa e- -ern hAll lay the premiums required to maintain such iuttrance in effect
<br />alit such time a the trsytur[ meet for siw#t ,nwraam term:sates in s=x.r. uucc wub Borfa v •s grid Lender 's wtinan Agreement or applicable
<br />law Borrvwa %Scan pay zhe amyxuu of all mortgage tasmaaer prmumat to ttx maruxer pcaytded under pua;raph 2 hereof.
<br />Aav aswunu disEatnted Sn, l.--%d- - 3utsvant t� tfias par fa it Wi> h interest thereon. ip11 becaxrie additional ddeboadnns of Borrower
<br />wowed by this flees# of ; rum C oza: and L _- h£- =trrp of tay�a. a •�•R•• shall be psy&W notice from
<br />Lender to Borrower requeam# paymrri' thereof. attd -in" brae tniv"vi from the crate of disbursement at the rate Dayabie from time to time oil
<br />owsiatim shg pryaapal under rise \one ubless payment of interest err art rater wnuld be contrary to applicable law. in which event such aarounu
<br />shall bear teenier AT the i'aignea roe teriwAmb e6[ under ap0c" :sw tioriung :oataxr" in This paragtaph 7 shall ia*me Lcodci to To= any
<br />expense or take env act out taereWalff
<br />C IS1PKdML tender may raak.e ov cause lobe !wide reasc>sa:"ie entrees span and tespectseins of the property. pra%tded that Lender shall
<br />V-v $ortawer nockee preur 'K, any %licit snspertt+,z. ;yactfnng :easrtu'.»c cads- therefor retatcd to Lender's interest in the Property,
<br />a. CalOerwaaiiia- Vw ran mood% of an, award err csauu for damagty. drtr. ,w ctin equenual, in ,onteillo i wxtb am y- ademnathm on
<br />,Ahn cas,nTi .,r =rte Ptaper°y. - pars thereof. or €or : ,n %rvatar sn;xea of :c'+ndemiratxar.. err hereby as ogrscct and %ha[? t o paid tom, t coder
<br />lr tar --.,1 01 a u take A *.Re Pfpy- #a -..:t g q; ten:; �'�L 't K3 ":;r t • +isms s ufrd t y thte Deed „t' i ^act_ wash the rcce•x. it any.
<br />;+rd nr, htxr -*— In the --o" -f a oartsil Taktng , -f t±� Pr =_;sec' • - - .�rie%s ttv*r;wer a_,- f cndef xis Rrnnte same sn »n:tiog. ncfrc :hall bee applied
<br />flirt c,€ ?tux% .xr.a ,w-� a .r.._,' .,,e ,°F a.� ;,:a` a. a *,•;w.rsr.,,a »ht.N <. +,e err .exn• „t the rums ,netted
<br />