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DEED OF TRUST s7.... 103213 <br />TWIIAMDOFTIAUST ismukrims 1st A— al' ._ June <br />Gary A,._a^ 5iirsor_J <br />f '1 AMWD IL AAA,-.I(, ATTOR r r AT LAW <br />1 ` sr WW1), amid ihebeneficiary, HOME FUMLAL SAVWW B LOAN AffSOCIATMW OF SMUD i' MO, WE <br />� .ar�nasf du s otrmdathe�rsof '.HEBRASKA whomaddressis 221 �Gi#1 hQq �. i) Qi2X I am <br />MAM WF um (Lana •. )> <br />kOtvEA, M aaoi the iade6tedees b rented and the trust ber= cra<g 1imVocasty gr� and cotm7s tors ter, <br />is /rte,. uddt poser of stir, the foBuwuS dern'bed property loaaad im the C'ouatg of tniaall <br />9gtc otNe6raata: <br />Lot Seven (7), Subdivision of Lot Nine (9), Windolph's Sutdivision <br />of a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE$NA) <br />and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (MANE}) of Section <br />Fourteen (14), Tow hiD Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) luest of <br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />mbidwbmtheaddrmof 219 t.,fainw� Grarxi Island <br />!' raska 58801 _ -A "Prape tai -k <br />(STATE& 23P COM <br />TOGETHER with all toe imptowaame aape or bamafSer erected on the property, and all eaamates, r(B1rs, apparmstaaeea, rags <br />Ombimet bnrrter m the regtss mad autharam Smite aaerg to Leader to and apply sash +rata). rdfakss. miawa L tad gad ps r4bu gad <br />pga 6 - saw..em rues, and tram gem. gad as frsearm noa �ow bermafta mardud to the property, all of i repiaaaaets and <br />aiaalmn /bean s W be dummied to be amid amain a part of etc prop" a "nd by this Dad of Trent: amid all of ibe focepaimg, with <br />maid pmpaty(ar the lemmehotd ema t it that decd of Trent a oa a kaaehoW age bm m referred to as the ,.Property'. <br />To SECXME to Leader tal the trpar mt of the e*vdracetd" Bortoaer's "t dawd It Aie 1. 19B7 <br />(Irnerat "itord) ulrheDrmrrO� of T-h rte_ t$tririrgri aZr, fln(j, j__. ____ lam. <br />ss" iswea Lsereoo. prortthmd for momm[bb matu9artms of prumapsi amd umgv , auk the baiamue of the midebtedmoss. if our team paid. due <br />and p ap" oa J une 1, -__- _ : the parmam of an other arms. <br />ambit nareeP dumme, adraeced m momdamot berg tb to protect the swurm3 of tbo Dad of Trust. and the prtlorma get of the oowmgon and <br />aauagaatmes of Borrower brag eamagMas< and 0) the mmymeat of any fatme ad%Apws, with anew/ tbatam. mde to Borrowe by Lastda <br />ptrsatait ref PWMPaph 21 b - ' ' 0000 "Ftraa'e A& -.mAm" ) <br />Barrowea CMVQ nts that Borrora at lamfully scsed of the ester: haeby cmwyed and has the right to paw and oommey tie Property. <br />tat the lstopaty is atmaxammitcrvid. gad /bat Borrower w Al aerate/ and defemid two anV tits We to the Property agasst as and <br />deaiaaidt. sgbjaor to any dnc araaeoarr eaae+me m or rtaareseam hued At a scwodute of eauptiom to eorersse in any tint etswraUM policy <br />satire La w'surea/imthePvomq_ <br />1.11 PDOOI CoVEKAMS. bmitawa mad Leader ader uosemat and attar as fodcmm <br />L Fig of lslre4rI ad Iaiaiwt. Bartoaa sW peompsly pay whet dme the pmapal of and ia;erat on the midebeadmen rr±dmced <br />1IF OA ,1111 Ited l imad hW chatp as pranded in the tiwe. and the prmcipai of and ioeaeu on any Future Adraacas secmred by this Deed <br />of Trtrr� <br />2. Irwlt he Tian err laaawas. Sobject to appAable law or to a wtamem wmt tr by I ender, Bormwet sMO pay to Leader on the day <br />marmdt$ moos sea of i rtipd -d iaeaiat are payable amidar the Nme. %SW mt Watt c paid is fulL a amt (Aerafn -ft"") ell to om - <br />4ssalflh of the yerrly tact amid aasatieaai otirb may seam pritray over rhea Dmd of Tram, amid /round rents ou the Property. of amy, plus aoe- <br />twdflh ew ymaty pRmeaia ma mmaxam ors bawd Margaux, phn mmt,+wdith of early prmurum its (err mmgW maraa uum. if any. all <br />as Lama: I is atima rod moonBy gad truer / tine to me by I cedar an the base of me matt and balk and reasonable estummufts thamof. <br />The Funds stag br Add M an mom atima the depomau or s`Jmmu of witch are umared or guaranteed by a Federal or star apac±' (iocludimt <br />la�ader it I seder k muk as mmdmhamamj. Lead -- smrii zVpiy dw— Funds to pay and taxes. ads. taimamm memiumms mad wound rmu- <br />L i ader "my not dwv for ro at>* 4 - and applym the Funds, amu yn" said account at raefyu* and competing sad asaamneats amid tttis, <br />trmi L=dO pan Bortowa amiarm oa the Fatds Sad Sppbcab k bas pxrmAs Lands to mate such a charge. 9orrawa and Lenda may agree en <br />vwruO4 at the taae of cwt Asam of tiva Dead e'. Trust that west va the Funds sbO be pad to Bmtowrr. and unkm such aQonatem is made or <br />