87-- 103113
<br />by this Decd of Trust unme iincly prior to the date of talang bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of
<br />t lr . s* tt r t3l*_r of the pro€e paid to Dery +er
<br />f* tut Propemy is abaadorse d by Harrower, or if. after r-o;lce by under to %rrovicer that the condemnor offers to make ate award or se-t;e a
<br />r fah ?sR "E , HtmYinw fail -j respond to Lender -imin V days after the -late such noum ;z tnaieedi Leader is &ttthor cu- t^ collea. ace
<br />art the P. Vt Under option. either to rzqoration or rates of the Property or to the sums st --tued by this Deed of Trust.
<br />a t t svtigr and bottom otherwise agree io wrains. any such appitt atkin of proceeds to principal shall not extend or pewWne the au-,
<br />dgL.-- or the won" insttdbaetms referred to in paragraphs I and i hereof or change the amount of such installments.
<br />Renewer Nat Wleased. Extension of the flax for payuseat or modification of amortization of the sums muted by this Deed of Trust
<br />weed by Lmoder to may scsarasor in interest of Hormcer shall not operate to release, in any manner, the liability of the oti&W Borrower and
<br />Bam*twves snocessors iv interest. Lender shall not be rewired to cumnecoce proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend tiara for
<br />payment or otherwise modify anotxfitzatim of the sums secured t; this feed of Trust by reason of any remand made by the original Borrower
<br />and Borrower's success 5 at inform€.
<br />IL Fetitaeuae by L ul r Net a Wsiser. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy bo reunder, or otherwise afforded
<br />by appbcabit lawn, shall aot be a waiver of or preclude r1w eaercue of arty suo-li right or remedy. The procurement of insurance or the payment of
<br />mm or tuber tiws or chsges by Leader shall not be a war-, of I.toder's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Deed of it t t-
<br />M Imaneia (Ntamtarm. All remedies prtnided m tuts Deed of Tr" are distinct and cumulative to any other right of remedy under this
<br />Deed of Trust or afforded by taw or equay, and may be exerosed Yen urr Batty, independently or successivck.
<br />I.I. 4 aws std Amiga ■um* Joint a l Sntra Umbility: Caprae. The v enants t.td agreements herein owtained shall bind, and
<br />the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective uiccem ern and assign, of I end" and Bortower, subject to the provisions of paragraph IT
<br />beseot. AB covennasts and apeaowu of Borrower "I be Iona: and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust
<br />are for ooavenimae only and are act to be used to inn nwr. cc ;effuse the jvmtstotu berrof,
<br />Id. Ndate. Except for fay notice feguned under atY+ts:a law e., rte gives to another manner, (a) any notice to Borrower provided for in
<br />tai- Deed of Trust sbtll be giros by mailing such mtrsm t-I xrnfxd mail Addressed t.t Borrower at the Property Addressor at such other address
<br />as Borrower may ofd by notice to Leader as prtsysded herem. and It!) any notice to Lunde- shall be given by certificd mail. return maip
<br />odd. to Leader's address -rated hereto or to srsib tber ad&eu as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any
<br />notice providad for in this Deed of Treat shall be deemed to Uw teen given to &areswer or Lender astern given m the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. liateaea 1Daed d Ttrac� fwsseatae law: Se+e:abBitt, Thus forts ..; +kesl of trust s°nmMrxs unsfCttnt vnversants for esstivtnal use and
<br />tuna- aiforao ooxmars wirb meted vas;stions by ;• i„4*•,•, to asnsatrute a urufanm severity tnstrumcnt w�vmr� anal pr�ty. This Dyed of
<br />Truest shall be pfseraei by the V vhf the junsdPakm is s the PrcV cm is kxatedl In the event that any Ixm -tsmu or clause of this Dead of
<br />Trust or the `dose candle[- arch appbcaMe Is-, suer ooftm shall tax affect other proviswns of this Decd of Trust or the Note which can be
<br />giueta effect wvthow the conflictive provision, and to tbts end the provisions of the Pad of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable.
<br />It Barattar's Copy. Borrower shall be furnukv-d a o nformetd .tn*,t of .ire Note and o! :his Deed of Trust as the time of execution of
<br />alas rwmda ion beseaf.
<br />t?. trader of she Ft"arty Amem ptiae. If all w err,. tar .,,, "or N pert, to an tntertst ;heron is sold ern transferred by Borrower
<br />without Leader's prior written consent, etch dtoe fat thr muses o, a t~,ez+ c a en ummarwe soot; . dinale to thri LkW of True. (t*) the creation of
<br />a purchase Money secarity now" t for household arphantes, tci a ?*acs`s t-> ; vote, .)event to by operatKm of fns upon the death of a joint
<br />avow or tell the gram of any kaseaoid interest of three years w k,, r& :ontAtnrng an option to PUtChILse. f.eisder am-,, at Lender's option.
<br />declare all the sums secured by the Deed of Tana taa be untnedweiN due W "a parable. Lender stall have warxd suc-b otVxm to aaderate if,
<br />pnat to the see or transfer. Leader and the prison io w%,, r, the Pr; hr• :, z' .,' N s'a .x transfer -r_+ reach at€ro rnwri :n wntins that the Credit of
<br />nacli person n satisfactory, to Lender and that the uwwest Itsrat'z4'� thr *.warty soured by Ituv :kern oY Trust sbai9 he at such we as Lewder shall
<br />red+ .nest If Leader has wa ved the optttut to --4-ne pq'+nJed err, ass- paragaph 1'-. amf A Rewroser `s sun rssstx an tr urtest has everuted a
<br />assumption occoVied a stmt b,, t- court . l.emk:.- -s -,mx Br,?-svca<r front all obbtt%uort� under this Deed of Test and
<br />the Note-
<br />If Leader taurrnes such o!xtow to acock a:r t ;= tnesi A.: 't*ws� r t_C n? aysekra ..�t to *,-c uidanrr with fw*V Sh to hereof.
<br />Such taemce -hurl prande a per" or nw- yes thoe N'' sxaos t — :err Rate ,?r tasted wutua a htstr Borrower may pay the sums declared
<br />dote. If Borrower fasts to pay such sues pace t_: to evrtatW -rot of —k *n xi. t.rshkr may. without further M,4k --e or demand on ikurttwet,
<br />saypc my tertm*a permitted by ps:agrapti IS berecf
<br />tiIFtTR'M C01' -NANM 9orrown atsd L.rr,3s fsnher aisd alts as folios s.
<br />It. Ac deratlsw Madks.. Excep as grossed art parrtg 1 0 herrat. apes Borrower's beexeb of ay rev omt tar structural of
<br />Barrt-am in file Dud at Tra& indaiieg Or cv+earata ft p" wbea dar a in sans srtatd by this Oeed et Tna. l each prior so acet3rrattoa
<br />hat I"aanrce at Betsaaai m po is praerspi Manor *ht: t f e the breach: ti/ tfr artist eeatdred to sae each Mestb: f�f a
<br />Anse. ast has thus Ia do" €saas *a da€at of sake a walled to tl am u or. ip, which ate bre sell sum be wed: ad ttl that €attar to care sack
<br />I es ere bdt to the Aaas spadAd is Oe Dares ran? rswab a d the ses" sewed by tha Dund of Treat mad astk of the P apertf.
<br />The aurae del fW*w Warm Diawwa of the Agin a nituse alter acrelis rot and tit ft" MMe a coati wed so saseA the saa-
<br />af @Mm al a dd" ar sup tier I maae of Varawat to antfexadse sad aakt IF Me brew Is sow Card sot at ietore tpa lase Mod"" i tint
<br />Welts. tejsdet to Leader's ospaiats tarry oibdDSe a! of the salts sitrrrrsC !ry stela iserrd d Iran rs be � oboe air! ia_ --fetes It -lure
<br />dusmM sad am" Leek the psear of rile sad we odd rawac III prrstW I M aI li I I lots. L4%dcf d" be tadrltd so cstars we r umou& k
<br />Caih ilsf iaeltaaad
<br />be Pwa7akk $be reaae�b pRnhie� L tit parapspi ld. ,boa cis/ aatmasd 26, reatltaVt! aao'rarj °s Pets.
<br />f! lie prsrrcif sakto iersiud. 7ssraeslut -noel a -tenor of de 1-m each ream is w Mrb tar PrT ferry or some part dweN t 4 bested
<br />and Thai waif eo/4s of am* ogres In IS* crasser paerribd h zppicsi:r h+ to Donowtr awd to the +tier pemem PtrscrMd" appurable
<br />fats- After rte Isps of sack time sot any be sari. h p€pV ir her.. I rafce dog gist pubic Dante of mk to the etersass sad is the aaaer
<br />Vmft~ by appoe"Ir has. Trauma. attire dewed as Bmrowrr. -bull vtls The Prafessy a padilc macho m "a "ek budder err tit tine
<br />a" hits- and Mauler Ghtt ivw dallp eel is Om afros of sdr is rear >w me" pwrt. seat h w" -ardor oar Tnastt air skw all e. Truster aay
<br />mailpeor tie all si ar day pored of tie Ffspes ty fn P"Or meaaeeaee: as fir oar and plat of err ttrrvios* srirdaN Cdr. 1 Rados or
<br />tessdae'e lasf♦ass a.f patina do tswpt!" at a" sale -
<br />t4as raaIPs ad, i at ie Isla: WC Traidee dog ddFser to she pvcbaar I ru ssm's dyed toastyhg the Propertt sand. Ile +amused he
<br />der Traome's dead shat be pnfoaa fade esiiraes of Our nath at der state urue secede [►taus. Trator AMN apply the precw s of firm* in tbt
<br />fodhmiae solar. W"d rewamaik amt sd eapsase of sir ssk. isda&ig. but sat Moaitd to. I rake's fees of sat own dum ti
<br />Of W peat tie price. 10266M &k ONWMM s tee sad roW of Ape "hare; Obi to sr swum www"d by tbb lied of I rasr: asd urn tbt excess, if
<br />mR. fe Ot prsaoia or paesaas from* sentinel therew.
<br />H. am Vat- " - Klemm a iatrae. tits w-tthstandtnx'. -J'- a-,, �st; -.I . , trsa,u. Irr, tc.:,tct) h; "h r, ftstJ : ` I ts, IT .hail hsie
<br />hC :s, oats any prof, M ap betrun kz i
<br />fiitL Ur - severe the tale st the f7€tge -ls txtrtt:z,t :u :he isr = +r, •ak- - a ,.:z.' ,. -v, Drec: € -":t- .:•.: a
<br />,rvv ,f tan Barr -rase rm I i Ia jc' ei; .;szns wit -.h
<br />