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a <br />87- 1031$ <br />if Lender required mortgage insurance as a of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, <br />'.-rr salt pray the i3 miums reTjtred to maintain Ow insurance in e. ct until such time as the requirement for tee <br />ins a:ai ce terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Ltudde.'s written agrccrncnt orappiicable la <br />S. inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable -itries upon and ircpecsions -4 the Property. Lender <br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prier to an inspec-dian specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br />4. C ndemo - - The proceeds of any award or clam for damages, director consequential, in connection with <br />ativ condemnation or other taking of any pan of the Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby <br />a;sigried and shat: be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a tootat taking of ti:e Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument, whether or not then due. with any suers paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial tatting of the Property, <br />units Borrower And Lend otherwise agree in writing the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />the erratum of the proceeds multiplied b,- the following fraction {a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately <br />bef,mv the taking, divided by lbl the fair market rapes of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shalt be <br />paw'':r. Borrower. <br />If the Propert} is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to <br />make an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the Sate the notice is <br />given. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option, either to restoration or repair of the Property or <br />to the sums secured by this Security Instrument. whether or net then due. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise Agree in writing. any application of pr seeds to principal shall not extend or <br />postpone the due date 4 the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs d and Z or change the amaeunt of such payments. <br />It Borrower Not Reltetted: Forbeturaace Bit Letider Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or <br />modification of amortizaticm of the sums secured b» this Security Instrument granted by Leader to any successor in <br />interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the babihty of the original Borrower or Borrower's successor in interest. <br />Leader shall rot he required to comirience precerdings a;amrst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for <br />payment or otherwise modif. amortization of thr radar securcd is); this runt) inm rumcut by rea- om of any demand made <br />by the ariguul Borrower or Borrowers sucvcsxm in interest Any forhearatice by Lender tit _•tern any right or remedy <br />shall net be a waiver of err preclude the cserctse cf arty right or rcmedy <br />II. smmvsaors abed Bout doubt wad Seserd 1.1aiitity; Co -sites The covenants and agreements of <br />this Security Instrument •:;.aid bind acid benc5t the anal assigns of Lender and Borrower, subtect to the provisions <br />of paragraph i' Borrower't anetiarim and agnerricats shall he a ant and several Any Borrower w hod a, -signs this Security <br />Instrument but does net execute the Nme is is :s, - sign; this Scovnty Instrument only to mortgage. grant and convey <br />that Borrower's interest in the Property under the !cirri* tm this Secure Instrument, ihi is not persoitalh obligated to pay <br />the saint secured by this Scrum% Instrument- and tcI agrees that I r"r and any tither Borrowrr may agree in externs, <br />risDdif }, forbear cot snake ant accominodatwIr, with regard t:, the term, of this Se unty Instrument or the tiMe without <br />that Borrower sconsent- <br />12. tm C orym If the loan secured toe this Secianty Instrument is subttect to a law wht:h sets maximum stun <br />charges. and that law n finally interpreted +t, that the interest or bother titan charges coilltcted csr to he collected in <br />csxitiesnoti wiih the him€ cxcecd the rem tried lrmitt', then: 'sl any such loan charge shall he rradzwced M the Amount <br />nccet.sary to reduce the charge w the permitted ltmtt, And the ens sum% aireadt colleted frond Borrtwer which rxceeded <br />permitted limits %tit be refunded to &,-mmcr I ceder rnA% :Inside it, retake this refund by reducing the principal owed <br />iuseier ale Nttr cx try ma%inp A dtrrrt payrrxr t &xr *suer If A refund reduces principal. the rehtctizon will he treated as a <br />parttal prc, raym ni w,tho w env prepay mere ,-barge uni Cf the Ness <br />13. radio Alfectiot !toiler's Rigbea. If cnactnwrit or capmraium of appltcahtc law, has the cifetit Of <br />rerideraag arty prtosisis-., 404 `voic tw this se=curity InQrurntrttt u- sf 9scah1s rd ng to it, tsar ix—ids-r. a. at, ,-q4to n. <br />may require Immediate p asmet.. in full .,f All sums sc u,---d t v this Sc%uniy Instrument and may, mstd:r any rcrtiedics <br />permitted by paragraph 114 If Leril v rtrr, cs ihs .spti,xi. tender shall take the steps specified in the secood paragrap!i of <br />paragraph 17 <br />ti. Notices. .Any rri Ak:c ter, Barr ,wrr pro itied f -t in this secutits lnsirumettt shall he given by dchsering a ter by <br />inuhng it by first'iaas maid Unle" appstcabIC taw requires wee ts! MU14SCY moil :rid MC n.ttxr shall be deed= ai r> the <br />Property Address or any ;other AAdrest Borrower = ignites b} n:uicr to I critter Any notice to Lender shall be given by <br />firm clw mall w Lender's addrres s'„aied heron or any ssihr. addre,s 1 c ostsr kyignatc by medic €c, Bcwr,owcr :any nco:i:c <br />r rm>ded for in thi* Sccu rzy lintrrt�xnzt ttali t e ccr ice bra Fans loon giver is F1 =rre•wrs nr Lct�er w hen gisrn at presided <br />the. paragraph <br />IS, Goverment taw; Settrabdi;. 1- ;hat, "s:., _ ,,_.s ts. 'go-mro t~, ec,__,al taw _ntl the taw o the <br />unvdt :tier sr, which the Pr;+ert> rs itiatcd In etc rycni ;tzai ass: pr or ,iau,c t.i this Sc urtty Instrument or the <br />None oaritlict, weth appl« ank law, sst;t, a, nt?i:t .hill n-,z allies- .hatter prt,isIo n, of this Sc'urty Instrument err the Note <br />whacli can sir given effect wittioui 37ie xaflr:i;ng pr,�siw,n I.� tics end the petnisi.vis, :f this Se, urity instrunicrtt aired the <br />Note arc declared tv be sc.rrabic <br />16. Borrower's Cnpv. W r —rr shard he gr, =-n := eta *r, -read c.'+y ,,I the s-le And .0 ;hi' Sci iii} ln,nrunicnt <br />V. Transfer of the Property or a Bearf7rial Interem is Borrower. If aid :--r any part cif idle Pi :: +criy ctr any <br />inicr" in it is uoici or min%terred i.xr if A taenerisiai interest in Its- rrrtwer n s.,i3 or trinsfcrrod and Wirrcrwer is nit a natural <br />c <xn i ivitivoui Lender*, prat vw>?it= s_,iiienit_ I cv kr mi }. it its .ipdrvn. require irnncriliatc psynicnt to fu'1, +! all runts <br />secured in thn $mount% InsArtimcm Nowcscr. this s=tale ns•t ''C'ten. sc =d r, !.Crider ,t Acids_ I: i i= hitnted Its <br />fc,kiAl law avoi the date,if this Securns luszrummt <br />If i - ender rtes _ts the V n L�riitet +hall g :1c B �r ,was Ott i� tc cler Iut,n- T Lc nt,tite shall a r v k a plied t <br />-3 �s � rri t."- .==� -s � -_ - -� � - - T-�z's =-�'•.e-c' - _�3 wE_� =u wl=�t_' lam_ =�,a� r.;f;5€ �r sl v:^:,,�- z:.�:.i ks <br />abut 3e:tirtt} Instrurnert If S rr sure ',Ails 1, pa} these tv-.;o t. d.cndcr . ay iac.,le .ins <br />ftmertxti permitted by this Set uwy Inttrumwnt without furher ri: =ti,e to demand ,to & trrtwer <br />It Brrrrawer'.s RWW to RCSapgais. if Berrcwcr it #cis: riaii .t sd :ti +irn, li uriwcs shall elate [lie idyl t ltASc <br />MfVreenaent,Ohisyes:unis lnsrrurrienidiw- ttnitinucd titan: tsacpr III,+the:weederA tat ?,d.iy,t,tr .u. ti . =i'rsct l+cra.,.i us <br />AppE`.n:.abie iaw may ,IK+Yifs fee rra;ritatemenz I hfore talc t+4 the Pricrty pursuant it, any ixtwcr „t sale =rtAinrxl In chi, <br />Sexu :a °} Instrument .x it-r entry 4a judgment crifs =ri:irg ihi, Sctiurvs In,trunicnt nc.t,e c,inditt,•rty are ! ^at Ki tr,­'er <br />,a) rA;' I Crider Ali swirl, wh%n sEirn wnuid �k- 1.;r under this Seiurtt. ln,trtinterit and the Nutc hall ri, :.i,,;nrraii=.n <br />ra nfrrd t1,t :err- aria ~iefAUit <tt ens other eiiants +-t agreetncrnte it i pass ;,li r.tKrist incurred in crti -r, g Ihis <br />+ekur :: In, :rurricnt „r it. hilt rsix ltmiic.i tt._ FcAwinat'k- Ait :;rney, ins+ and 4,11 takes li actu.n. a: I e;. er inay <br />altk r°iluirr I-- assuir ': at :t� teen .his Sc urit; 1-,trurnrui. Let:- dt °t -, zht, the !'r :,�. :: „rri:: ;�•; *;+t :i , <br />- 'O'oja=xv? t” P., vr�c tAn"' .c. yr 5 h% !his Se ursta In,iruarn *, 4hili brandies unthantcj t 1',n <br />ltt.r :..err icy :, lt.::r- Ice.. .: e:•,, a. .i :,,k one.- 'sii}.,it t. rri, :es �rces nor -rt' -. <br />., -,eels Il-•i ,.r ^f,i -: .. ,,aaL <.hsi!rt.. •t s,t �, r sees .awe .,._ter .r-, ... .; t_ ;,is:. =aRr,� <br />