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87-103186 <br />No-4-LIV.-FORM CDVFNAN-MBorrower and Leader further covenant and agree as tolloisrs: <br />19 Acoelersaosi; R€ ins. Leaft— s--Anill give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration fallowing Harrewer's <br />bra 40 =Y covettast Or sarettaimt in " Seem—:y Instrisment (belt not prior to jrMeration un&r W--graplts 13 iind 17 <br />"Opacalsk law provides Otberwrise) The Wder " specify- (a) the detwlt- 'b) the acti=ve rcquired to cure the <br />ic) V fter, not 'Am than 30 ilays ft" the dMilt de notice is given to Borrower, by which tbr- def "M must be cared; <br />" ar, this fisibere to cone the definaft am cc Iefeve The date specified in Ste notice may result in accleltrEti-0-12 Of the sums <br />A� by thin secwkfy bw&umem SPA sale of thc Property. The 110--ce shill fartbel- i4forin Bar over or We right it- <br />itiastute after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert thec 01 A default OLT 281 either <br />4ellesm of Borrower to acceleration ad sate U the deftw:it ;s not cared on or before the date spedfied in the notice, 1406" <br />a in gplain may • -.V-zke immediate payment to 6H of All sums secured by this Security Instrument without further <br />tims"d sad my -wveke the power of ask mul A" Oder remedies permitted by applicable law. Leader shall be entitled to <br />ooRact all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this pwagrapb 19, isichediaL but not limited to, <br />I I - attervers' fan and costs of We evidence. <br />If On power of sale is invoked. Trustee shell record a no&e of default in each county in which any part of the <br />prsperC° is located and abaft =s&I copies at jirach notice is the =saw prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the <br />a" pursuing prescribed by applicable law, After the time required by applicsilik low, Trustee shall give public notice of <br />We is the par"im and in the summer prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without destand on Borrower, SWI sell the <br />pf"Wity at poWjc imcpan to the higbest bidder at the duse and place and under the terms designated is the notice Of sate in <br />am or own parcels and in any Order Trimust determhaes. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by <br />pttfaiic announcement at the time and place of say previously scheduled sale. Leader or its designee may purchase the <br />Ps"m ly; at we as*- <br />[;-pen rue* of payment of the price bid. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the <br />Pragierty. The recitals us the Trustee's deed dab be prums Inese eTWeace of the truth of the statements made tbercm <br />Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the ask is the following order. (a) to all expenses of the sale, isdadin& but am limited <br />uk Tripmer's fees an permitted by applicable law a" ressionsible attorneys' fees; (b) to all sum secured by this Security <br />lmarssmwG and (C) my excess to the pear or persons MPHy "wit" to ft. <br />X Leader is poneimWiL Upon acceleration under paragraph Iq or abandonment of the Pra4xrty. Lender (in <br />person tr r� take pos�.uon cif and manage <br />y agent Or try judicially sppo4niod rcccrscr) %ksn be entitled to enter u n. t the <br />prop a" and to collect the rents of the Property including those ram due rt!"'—�ollft-led by Lender "V the rooener <br />shall be applied firm to payment of the costs of manspement of the Property and callection tit rent& Including. but not <br />braised to, recriver s fns premiums on reolmees bands and reasonable a"Onjqj'fce--, and then to the sums secured by <br />tfusswunty lactrusneat- <br />21- Recarveymisce- Upois payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to <br />recocivcy the Property and shall sums ter this Security Instrument And all notes r%idencing debt secured by this Security <br />lastramictit to Trustee Trustee %hall rrcoirst-► the Property without warranty and without charge to the person of persons <br />lepilly ontaled to a Such person or perim-A shall pay any recor&twm cmt% <br />21. Substitute Trustee. Leader. at its op txvL a=) from titnc to time remo,c Trutec and appoint a suc'essor trimee <br />to any Trustee appwated hereunder by an vistrument fft—ded in the county in si huh this Securtty Instrument is recorded, <br />,Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to All The tttkr, power duties conferred upon <br />Trustee harm and by applicable law <br />23. Request for Noticts. Wwn,, ,r- re pile -N that ;, pte, 4 the mxic-,oll detault and sale he sent I-0 Boffowvr-s "hm <br />,Ab&cb is the Property Ad&cs8 Bofn—cr tarthcI tttpue t, that oVtes of the notice A default and rwftce,4 sak be sent to Ca-h <br />petu-ift who is a party bcrejk, Al he us e„ .A .;�:tt ptr-w- --t forth herein <br />X Ridias to tees Security Instrument. If ;or more rxkn are executod by FWrcrser and recordmi together with <br />tuts Swum) Itstr tsaene. the covesants and agrcciviciiiaof tae h such riser sWi be incorporated into &W shall amend aid <br />supplewwo the O%cuants and zljormeau ,( jhts Secul-it) instrument as if the ndeos) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument [Chock appiscabik N.Ixcsf? <br />4dpi%taDk Rate Ride Cjudommum Rider '-4 Family Raker <br />Graduated Ptivirisent Rider Platened Unit ElesekVment Rider <br />TA --Xarsntee�! Lnvt- 1!1-e- <br />BY Sustwc, BEI(IM &-Wr,-wm accept'- and Agrees 10 the terms and xiscriants :orittunod in the, Socurtly <br />Instrument and in an) rsdMrsicxtcutcd -N And recorded with it <br />tseal, <br />F. A,-q`%r0o-4 <br />If. As*vo--A '-aw r <br />STATE Or N'XUASKA HA "I, --C4XWty ft: <br />On this - LSL day of before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duty cotanxissio&A and quahfied for said cottrity. PersociaDY came <br />Etc' "^- E- -Ashwinod &--d. 2y i M.- AAhr---*d'- "'Aba-d --&d W"!"e" to me known to be the <br />, dentical peraim (s) whom name s) an subsa*ed to the uvstru� and acknowledred the <br />tiors thereof to be IN-1r, voluntary act and deed. <br />W-daeas my hand and nouLrW seal at and in wad coimty. the <br />date akwessifL <br />My Commission expires- <br />M* <br />We <br />slow <br />p 1. triymc. ent OpportunitN / Alfirinative Action Employer al /F. <br />-- -- - I I I - - - -1 - - - - !I*,— D..- r— t F- <br />