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87- 103186 <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follow,: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly nay when due <br />F! nr#_ nny -.--�nt and !alc- char.-tn due under he Nc! z. <br />�'ircipal viand interest �m the dh? �w.�tle <br />Surat toappacableinwortoa written waiverbv Lender, Borrowi:rs-hail pay <br />to (,,-,edcr ca the day monthly payments a due under t4e Note, until the N-kite is r:d in fu-!11, a sum (" Funds"! <br />-3rsc !vclq <br />(a) yearly taxes and assiessmenis whu-i may attain priority over this: Security lntrurnen-: (bt yearly <br />pA,1Nricnts c, ground mv, on ti,.. Property, if an;- yeany hazard insurance premiums: and id' -,earlE <br />nt--Ylita, <br />kc irtsuzaace premiums, if any. T1u-- items;tre calikkd "escrow, items.- Lender tna,: the Funds due M the <br />%tru-, ofcurrent data and reasonable estimates of future escrow iternm <br />The Funds shall be held in an institut" the depc�Fiuoraccounts of which are insured or guaranteed, by a federal or <br />---Ar aga,--y finclud-n_r Under if Lender is sur+ an institutiosi). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. <br />Under way not charge for holding and applying the Funds, Analyzing the account or verify-ing the escrow items, unless <br />Lender pays lkmwwcr interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge Borrower and <br />Lender may Agree in writing that interest -hall be paid on the Funds Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower Any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Htwrower, without charge, an aritaul aocountragofthe Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purlIosc for which each debit to the Funds was madc The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums,ccurvd by <br />this Security Instrument. <br />If the amount of the F-m& held by Lender, together with the future monthly payments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the anhurt required to pay the escrow items when due, the excess shall be, <br />At Borrower', option. other promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly payments of Fund,,- If the <br />ainotatt of the Futwis held by Lender is am -w&-tera to pay the escrow item%,a hen due, Borrower hall pay to Lender any <br />amount necv%ur) to make up the deficient} in one or more fuynients As required by Lender. <br />Upon payment in full of all sum, secured bv this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower <br />any Funds held by Lender It under paragraph 14 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender, Lci;dcr -dt3ll apply, no later <br />than nnuiwndtatrty prior to the %ale of the PnIvi-ty of its acquisnion by Lender. am Funds held by LoidCT3! the time Of <br />Applicluicm -- a crtdit against the sums %tscurcd t-N thr. Securt" lntrumcnt <br />3. Alifilicatim of PaytibesitL Unless Applicable law provides otherwise. all Nmcnts received by Lender under <br />paragraphs I and 2 ,hall be apphe& firA, to late changes done under the %'otc, second, To prepayment charges due under the <br />XOe - flat& to N�Ablc under paragraph Z fourth. to tmrot due, and las t . loprncip3ldue <br />4. CbwS= loess. PAvrowri shall r*N All tAAr-, assessments, charges, fine, An tmptsttxm, attrilstit3hLe to the <br />Property %Inch may attain priority -cr thin, Sec-unt% InOmment, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any <br />BOff0`&cT shall pay these ohliptions In the manner provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner. Horrowcrhall <br />pay them on tunc dtrvM .v to the pem--n owed payment Bewroacr shall promptly furnish to Lender all notice% of amounts <br />to be pod under ifirs paragraph If Pk-wrowvr m&Lcf thew Nymotts, directly. Borrower ,ball promptly furnish tit Lender <br />receilpftcv1denc-Mg the payments <br />Boffower liall promf*4 sits barge arc Caen which his priority over tht% Sct:un1% Instrument unless Borrower: la) <br />afrcts, in a rwtwg to the payment of the Ask%hgaiorz sevurvii b% the lien in a manner jo:cptahie to 1. crider, ( b i contests in good <br />faith the hen by. %-w defeadt against otforcemms 4 the I" in. legal prtwerdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to <br />PFC4,001t the OnfOrcemeld 'If the lien - lbrfeidufr 4 any part tit the Property. or (c) sc%:urcs from the holder of the lien an <br />agreentrat sainfaac" to Lender ubcrdmatuig the lien toe it,% SoLunt% Instrument If tender determine, that any pan of <br />the PrOPUTY Is w0lect to a lien %hiLh ma* Amon prw-nt) cAcf this Security Instrument. Lender may give Beiruser a <br />notice Wenrifying: the hen Borrower -JWI AarsfN the botor take oncor more of the actwiy set ftvtli above within 10 days <br />of the giving 0fr"We <br />S. Ham! I &'Wrowtv "I Leer the improvement, M'% coating or hereafter cm-tedon the Property <br />wAutvd agamm kvAb,) litc. hazAr& mckidad %vthtni the iffm "emended vovctAgr- And jnyothcr hazards nix which Lender <br />requim insuiraituct Thn muffar-ce shah he -suilaused in the wmxtnt% and Gw the pcmxtN that tender rquares The <br />tim"'JAW Amer C pru*Vhng: the muazacc %hall he ctk-^cn by &-fzmer %ubject to trwkrr', 2ppr,-% a, a luch shall not be <br />unfrasonably withheld <br />All Insurance pol--t-s ZM --w-with �ttai' tv a-e-j - t cnaff and sh--',' u-Jude a standard mortgage clause <br />Lzo&-r shall have the riot to hold the Ana ienmal% If LCrA4Cf require%, W-4rilacr hill promptly give to Lender <br />All TOCCIP" Of paid p" MUMS AM VCTWALA4 z ticcs In the men! -,f lo&-, Borrower "I give prompt notice to the ururancc <br />-airw and Lend er. Under may make prated 44 k-n* if not madit jv-<•npflv by Borrower. <br />U:A Leader and Borrumo otherwise agree to onving. irmuramc pr-,v reds ,hail he apowd to restoraikki out repair <br />oat the Property damaged, if the rossorw3on cw repair n feasible And Lender, sccunji -% not k-usened If flit <br />restoration or repair ft am icaubir or Loidcr's w,,uni% would be lessened, the invuraiu c proceeds shall be <br />appatod to the sums i.-cured by the Sruriti, Instrument, abotha cT not tbrn doe, with any cLcci& paid to Borrouer- if <br />Borrower aban&mh the Property. cu doc�. not after. *!thin 3P days a n-,,,4wr from 1--ndet that the inwriin. c carrier has <br />011fered III settle a clasm. then Lender may i :vAleo the m%uranv Mdvmd% Lender may use the pr ,-cells to repair or ie%torc <br />the Pro pere; or to pay sums secured ty ate.. I---w ry I ns• runu-n! her o! it I 1:-- n JJt-- rf-w Y�-&- % piw'd x111 hqI n <br />he" the notice I% gnen <br />Unless Lender and Borrimr- Mierm ne agree it writing, any epph ata.K A pr,kcrd, to pritwiNi ,).all zkx coctidor <br />POSIPMe the due date oaf the nitathIN pay mott, iricircil to in p—arxvarfi% I and -' or chAngr the amount of the pay events If <br />under paragraph 14 the Property r, acquired by Lcn&--t, Horritee's rLthi tk, Any Insurance pmheto, and pr<xccds resulting <br />f--OM dkMAP to the Property <br />, prXW V tbC.WqUIWtKM shall pas, I(, LcrAk- To the extent .+f the sums secured by this Security <br />lmjruvwnt unmediateli prior w- -he ac4utnw�n <br />change the Property, alines the Propen.s to deleriorinc -T c nit %4'- If ihts 's'-retry lv%trwurlil N on A icachold. <br />Borrower siuillconvly with the pr'"twft'of the lease. crud 4&wTo%etaquir- frentic tothr Prolcriv, the leasehold and <br />fee tote shall r" -.crscunk%- Lender agrecsto the merge ut writing; <br />7. Pnievrow of tamices Rigi - in die Projerty: %twtSW tmaram". 1( lkTroacr f,41, t--- vrf4,rm the <br />on-eftAiniz 04 -- _----mrd in this St--iixui t1h, rr f5i A lea pf-co durt; that mjv 'tiote-n-11" ;t&'L,1 <br />Irbik0i rtights tit the Property, (such as a proceeding ui bankruptcy, probate. for cont1cmitinon or zo enforce !Au, or <br />regulatuxis). then LVIdCrMAI. & and pay wfltprotcti the ojlu<ofthe Pfoperiy And I endcr's rights <br />In the Property Loidef's Actiom may mclude N)jnfi any *um, secured by A lien %hkh ha, priority ,,rr ifit, '---urit, <br />laurwrieffl. appearmsta coart. paying rea%mAkAitornr%*- fen and entering tm the PropenY i, nijkc rrpajrs Althoueh <br />Lender may take actin under tb" paragraph 7. Lendc-, aces rkq bass todosk) <br />Any aptount%dist-Aried -n Lender under ihn paragraph - ,hall bey otme Additional debt ol'Borrower scarcti <br />by the <br />SecunrYiniaruffcni L'nk-% Bormer and I ender &gTer i-qhri tcrm—f payment. the,< amount, it--etc,z tram <br />the date of,11thurwineni at the N"Ic r3ir a=id bail tic p a,3i k. with mirrcl ti-,Kr novice from I ender R-,rfowcr <br />Mehra Ing payment <br />