TEAS n£ED OF T1tUST C Security Iaurumwt °) is made oat . .............. tune..l..--- -.....
<br />39._.g�... The truster is ..._Bich
<br />ioitrtlp _aad_.tach,.fn- Lheir- ywn -rlgti x-- -._ { °Betrwnr ?- Thettusteris ...............
<br />- -......._._._.... ......... (- Trustee''). The beneficiary is
<br />£iBSY.. il1E8Ai ._SAitIRGS.. AHQ._LdLA - ASSQC�.i1%TS)4I..OF .
<br />........ which isorganized and existing
<br />under the ] a+ tYOf... YYtc.. 37nitEd.-S t3iea- Af._ Amerira _.... ..... and whose sdtlressis- 1235.. "ii�... Stree't. ........ . -- _
<br />Liuctita Hot.raska
<br />�_ ._f>i&5ffi__.._._...- _.-- _____-- --------- ........ ......_....... ..........
<br />._._... -...... ...,,.......,__..,.......... -.. ("Lender°) -
<br />Borrower owes Lender the pnncpa ] sum of'_rI- ftT--- Stwsets._Th tzsend...._ amd- nA/. 11 M..._.------°- ..- - ° ......................._.
<br />_...._........._ ............ ....... Doiius(L -, S-..----..., 57Ut] II_ DQ-_1. This debt is evidenced by %trowerstime
<br />dated the same date as this Secant) Instrument ( "aole"1 which provides for monthly payments, with the full debt. if not
<br />paid earlis, due and pay" on - - -Ji4e It. 2017 - ._ ._- -_ ... ......_ .................. -
<br />This Security Instrument secures to Leader is) the repayment of the debt e%idenced by the Note, with interest, and all
<br />r+eaewsh, eateasions and modificawas. tb) time payment Bail other sums, with interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to
<br />protect the sectiru) of tba Sri uritp imtrumsest: and (c) the petfarmance of Borrowers covenants and agreements. For this
<br />patpaae. Borrows irrevocably gram and zoaveyz to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property
<br />kacatedm __.._..._.. Hall ..... ..._._... -- _ - __ _,._.-__._----- ...........................-- ................County,Ncbraska
<br />Lot Five (5), in Ravenwood Subdivision, being a tract of land comprising
<br />a part of the South half of the Southeast Quarter (S4 S£4:) of Section
<br />Thirteen (13). Township Eleven r,TT) North. flange Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br />P.M.. Wl County. Nebraska
<br />which has the address of ` -ry "all Grand Island
<br />'.Nebraska f- Propeny Address -'):
<br />dot _sots
<br />ToCiFTH €a Wr7H an the temper "rents new or hereafter erected ten the pr(Tvity, and all easerients. rights.
<br />Appurtenances, resets, rry-altees, mrneral. oil and gas nghts and pros, water rights and stock and all ftxturcw no,* to
<br />ha t nsfter a part ref rite property AM replacements and additions shah also be co. eyed by this Security Instrumemt All of t he
<br />foregoing iw referred to as this Security Instrument as the - Property `
<br />BCtMADAEtt C vt N&-V'S that Borrower a 414f4il'y wised of the estate hereby comned and has the righr t<) grant
<br />and Cwt cy the Propert) and that the Property is unencumbered. except fax encumbrance% of record. Ilcirniwer %arrant,
<br />and will defend generally the title to the Property agavest afl claims, and demand:, sub)mt to any rticumbrame, of record
<br />Trim SEt-t stv, combines anrform za.mants for natwmai use and min- unii4,rm ct —nant, x-nh
<br />]caseated to _o nustuir a uniform 5ecurir5 instrurnent teicring real prnperts
<br />MEBRASKA—, to-W - HaYA /MbIC ~OM 100TIRU MENT fwn= 2028 12:83
<br />i— sat , i44 -
<br />CCOT
<br />X .z o
<br />€state save its Uaa rw thmaitd Oats]
<br />Loan Number 'e57Q5 -1 -18
<br />TEAS n£ED OF T1tUST C Security Iaurumwt °) is made oat . .............. tune..l..--- -.....
<br />39._.g�... The truster is ..._Bich
<br />ioitrtlp _aad_.tach,.fn- Lheir- ywn -rlgti x-- -._ { °Betrwnr ?- Thettusteris ...............
<br />- -......._._._.... ......... (- Trustee''). The beneficiary is
<br />£iBSY.. il1E8Ai ._SAitIRGS.. AHQ._LdLA - ASSQC�.i1%TS)4I..OF .
<br />........ which isorganized and existing
<br />under the ] a+ tYOf... YYtc.. 37nitEd.-S t3iea- Af._ Amerira _.... ..... and whose sdtlressis- 1235.. "ii�... Stree't. ........ . -- _
<br />Liuctita Hot.raska
<br />�_ ._f>i&5ffi__.._._...- _.-- _____-- --------- ........ ......_....... ..........
<br />._._... -...... ...,,.......,__..,.......... -.. ("Lender°) -
<br />Borrower owes Lender the pnncpa ] sum of'_rI- ftT--- Stwsets._Th tzsend...._ amd- nA/. 11 M..._.------°- ..- - ° ......................._.
<br />_...._........._ ............ ....... Doiius(L -, S-..----..., 57Ut] II_ DQ-_1. This debt is evidenced by %trowerstime
<br />dated the same date as this Secant) Instrument ( "aole"1 which provides for monthly payments, with the full debt. if not
<br />paid earlis, due and pay" on - - -Ji4e It. 2017 - ._ ._- -_ ... ......_ .................. -
<br />This Security Instrument secures to Leader is) the repayment of the debt e%idenced by the Note, with interest, and all
<br />r+eaewsh, eateasions and modificawas. tb) time payment Bail other sums, with interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to
<br />protect the sectiru) of tba Sri uritp imtrumsest: and (c) the petfarmance of Borrowers covenants and agreements. For this
<br />patpaae. Borrows irrevocably gram and zoaveyz to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property
<br />kacatedm __.._..._.. Hall ..... ..._._... -- _ - __ _,._.-__._----- ...........................-- ................County,Ncbraska
<br />Lot Five (5), in Ravenwood Subdivision, being a tract of land comprising
<br />a part of the South half of the Southeast Quarter (S4 S£4:) of Section
<br />Thirteen (13). Township Eleven r,TT) North. flange Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br />P.M.. Wl County. Nebraska
<br />which has the address of ` -ry "all Grand Island
<br />'.Nebraska f- Propeny Address -'):
<br />dot _sots
<br />ToCiFTH €a Wr7H an the temper "rents new or hereafter erected ten the pr(Tvity, and all easerients. rights.
<br />Appurtenances, resets, rry-altees, mrneral. oil and gas nghts and pros, water rights and stock and all ftxturcw no,* to
<br />ha t nsfter a part ref rite property AM replacements and additions shah also be co. eyed by this Security Instrumemt All of t he
<br />foregoing iw referred to as this Security Instrument as the - Property `
<br />BCtMADAEtt C vt N&-V'S that Borrower a 414f4il'y wised of the estate hereby comned and has the righr t<) grant
<br />and Cwt cy the Propert) and that the Property is unencumbered. except fax encumbrance% of record. Ilcirniwer %arrant,
<br />and will defend generally the title to the Property agavest afl claims, and demand:, sub)mt to any rticumbrame, of record
<br />Trim SEt-t stv, combines anrform za.mants for natwmai use and min- unii4,rm ct —nant, x-nh
<br />]caseated to _o nustuir a uniform 5ecurir5 instrurnent teicring real prnperts
<br />MEBRASKA—, to-W - HaYA /MbIC ~OM 100TIRU MENT fwn= 2028 12:83
<br />i— sat , i44 -
<br />