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$7-- 100731 <br />8 Additional Llano and Protection of 8enaf#eiary's Security. Trustor shall make all payments of interest and principal and pavmsais of any <br />beneficiaries under any prior deed of trust or rnor <br />other charges. fees and expenses contracted to be paid to any existing lienholders or prior <br />pay and dtscharge any and all other liens. claims or charges which ,nay jeopardize the <br />- -tgage before the date they are de :ingRrent and ptampay <br />herein. If Trustor fails to make any such payment or fails to perform any Of the covenants and agreements contained In this <br />- security granted <br />Deed of Trust, or in any prior mortgage or deed of trust, or if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Beneficiary's in- <br />or involving a decedent or if Trustor fails to pay <br />terest in the Property, including, but not limited to, eminent domain proceedings, proceedings <br />Beneficiary's option and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and <br />" - Trustor's debts generally as they become due, than Beneficiary. at <br />Trustor from any obligation hereunder. may make such appearances, disburse such sums, and take such action as is <br />without releasing <br />Beneficiary's Interest, including, but not limited to, disbursement of reasonable attorney's fees, payment, purchase. con. <br />necessary to protect <br />.." -lest of compromise of any encumbrance, charge or lien, and entry upon the Property to make repairs. in the event that Trustor shall fail to <br />to existing prior lien holders or beneficiaries. <br />procure insurance or to. ny other charges or to make any payments <br />pay taxes, assessments, or a <br />such insurance and make such payment: Any amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this Paragraph S shalt <br />"Beneficiary may Procure <br />indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trust. Such amounts shalt be payable upon notice from Beneficiary to <br />become additional <br />become <br />thereof, and shad bear interest #{om the date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time On outstanding <br />'. requesting Payment <br />- under the Nate unless payment of interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts share bear in- <br />Beneficiary to incur any expense <br />principal <br />"- - latest at the highest rate permisalbfe under applicable law. Nothing contained in this Paragraph 6 shall require <br />or take any action hereunder. - - <br />7. Aselilinnient of Rental. Beneficiary shall have the right. power and authority during the continuance of this Geed of Trust hto rotfert the rents, <br />located thereon with or without taking possession Of the prapetiy, affected <br />`-- issues and profits of the Property and of any person property . <br />Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionally assigns all such rents issues and profits to Beneficiary. Beneficiary, however. taereby <br />hereby, and <br />h <br />- consents to the Truster's collection and retention of such rents, issues and Profits as they accrue . and become payable so long as Trustor is not. <br />fit's@, in default with respect to payment of any Indebtedness secured hereby, of in this, performance of any agreement hereunder- Upon <br />-; at such <br />- any such default. Beneficiary may at any time, either in person,' by agent, or by a recetxer to be appointed try a rnua. without notice and without <br />tap err upon and take possession of the Property or any part <br />regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured. -ter <br />sue for os otherwise collect such rents, issues and profits_ *.ncfud'ng #Hdse past due and unpaid. and aRP#Y the Borne, <br />- <br />.- ;thereof. and in i ?5 own name <br />and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable atfomeystees- upon any indebtedness secured hereby. and in sucH <br />less costs <br />- -. order as Beneficiary may determine: fbi perform such acts of repair or pttection as may be necessary or proper to conserve the value of the <br />as Its Judgment may dictate or terminate or ad- <br />- Property, tcl tease the spin@ or any part thereof for such rental, term, and upon such conditions <br />leases. Unless Trusfcr and Senetac!atk agree otherwise in writing, any app#icatiaas of rents, <br />-- lust the terms and conditroins of any existing lease or <br />to any Rrdetrtedness secured hereby - s'iatt not extend or postpone the due date of the imstakiment payments as provided in said <br />issues or prof�[s <br />-, nDIe ar change the amount of such installments. The entering upon: and taking possession of the Property. the Go # #@Cti#i of Such <br />Hereunder, invafidate <br />,promissory or <br />- -. rents. issues and profits. and the application Thereof as aforesa dt stop not waive or cure any default Or notice of default <br />tar the cbf�atiorm secured - <br />- <br />any act done pursuant €O such notice. Traitor also as to Beneficiary, as further security the per CiTmance'Of <br />hereafter be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee of the Property. Io <br />hereby, ail prepaid rents and aif monies which may have been or may <br />if±e payment of any rent or damages,, and upon default in the performance of any Of tine provisions Hereof. Trustor agrees to deliver such <br />- :as:.ura <br />rents anti Deposits to Bane €icsary, Der +vary of written notice of Beneficiary s exercise of the rights granted herein, to any tenant occu.^ylirrg sate# <br />. <br />-: ;premises shall be sufficient to require solo tenant to pay Said rent to #rs@ BenefiC =drill s:r±ti' further "K3#iCk. - - <br />- <br />S. conderenetfon, if title to any part of the Property shall betaken in conderrinaf cin proceedungs_ py right of emrnant di mAJIT OF stialillaraction. <br />a3e'rerei3?: assign ed and sFxei## be paid to Beneficiary who Shia #i <br />- :. or "art be sold under threat of condemnation. all awards, damages and proceeds <br />damages end proceeds #o the sum secured by this Deed of Trust, with the excess, If any.; s" to Trustor. 11 Trusfar <br />- <br />apply SUCH awards. written notice thereof fa <br />-- any notice ur other information regarding such actions or Rroceedings. T:irSf# Stlatl give pe <br />. <br />acv and sbeff be <br />- -. Beneficiary snail be anti -sea. at ;Is option, to Commence, appear in and prosecute crx its awn name any Stith action or p'oceed sera# SHati be <br />- entitled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with any such action Or Oroceedings- <br />- 9. Remedial Not Exckislim. Trustee and Beneficiary. and each Of there stair; be @ -Hied ts, e..force payrneni and performance of a ^..y - <br />i. '3` <br />-rie55 Of obligations secured Hereby and TO a %erCiSe ate rights 8rsa Rowers landex tf?iS f Trust rr,t ^Ce* any other agt9eme!'>•t ^"'�'"'�?ir? Cwt- <br />force, sal -'t>e cu aIi : - #tea such endebtednesss arazi teDirgafiti�s sacureo #r <br />notion herewith or any taws now or hereafter in nor- withstanding, <br />now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed of trust, R -edge, 4en, asslipwrsent or O,*Herwise, Nasthar tree acceptance, <br />may <br />of this Dead of Trust not its enforcement whether by Court aCI#Pn tit p3/3'suar.t to t>7e pflwer of Sale 'ar Gt!'Aer powers frenEiri- C#starriEfi.. SA:iafi <br />to reau 'Cx enforce any Other security now, or hereater t'.esd by Tr'usoee ix <br />prejudice or to any manner affect Trustee's or Beneficiary's right a upon <br />f3enefi ran. it being agreed that Trustee ano Beneficiary. and each Of them, strait be entitled tO enforce this deed of Trust axle arty Mier secsmsii' <br />.. now or hereafter field by Beneficiary or Trustee in such order and manner as Ines or alther of them in" in theft absolute No '. <br />reserved fo Txustee or' Benefictary is intended to be exckisive cif arty Other remedy r*eratn rx by rod tip ar - <br />E,t• <br />" remedy herein c�rfetted upon of <br />`= - permitted. but each snail be cumulative and Briery be to addition toovery other rer'�y hereunder or? 'or- hereafter -� at raw oreat' <br />to Trustee Or Bexefscrary '.ta wxiich a#f"."ser rst *"'ice?? `ssayr be <br />- <br />-, <br />- -. equity or by statute. Every power Of remedy prOVrcec''rereur[der tries Deed Of =trot <br />eritiy Indeciendert ,. from arr+eto "=vine aria as often as rimy ne deetTfed ea�ien -,t f=}t Trustee Or <br />of ^.envise entitled, *nay be exercised, cerica.. or <br />- Beneflasary and either of Them, may pursue ,hcc ivstent remedies Nothing •+erein stmt be GbnrYrued as p,- cttibftixig 8er+efeciary From Seeking a .. <br />„ <br />- tleficienGy iutlgmenI against the Trustor to the extent SuC *. action, Per -led by law, - - <br />- <br />" 10. Transfer of Tile Property, Assumption It of, or any part of Me .rotiee'ty' G' arty ERier -s,+5- tt�i5+?f --s S�"tEf. fransfe'tett � � by :ram' <br />: <br />without Beneficiary '5 ormot: written C1n59nt. exciiad sr+g;a) the crew iori o€ a liar= �-f ericumnr.ance sabardinate to This Deed G? Tr'"15• -_ ;tsl t'bE <br />for hai:SBnadd a rxansts, by devise. desc d dr -thr OPerat+arF of taw i3pdN" tf rdeafest SEi a <br />4 ' <br />'- of $ purchase money, seci.r ±ty interest aLePitancss cc.? <br />'.: tenant Dr (d} the gear=, o aRy =eas@no:d an6erest a> tHree years ar :.Ct LLY:itairi'r4G an. o4t�r'i *.O �. Benef#diary tray,. at BenetiCaary s op- -- <br />_ <br />. ttor,. declare apt the s ms secured 'by thts Deed or 'rust to ale sm—_s Jjat_ -v Clue arad bavasste, or cause tae Trustee *a ' >se a +xtvice .;:.f dew.,.. - <br />tits Transfer dr- conveyanCe. BeneffC dry and the OWSOn to whom Gila <br />8enefirriary shall have wa rev suctl Gpt *on to ac`-afera:e 't P'.ii"ir ic. Safe. <br />`,each -n w-trtin'i; Trier Tr`* cre3'_t at 5uCh nerSon is satr5ractory to Ber+efic'sarir and friar "Tara - <br />" Property IS to De soil or t-,ansfarred agreement <br />- interest payatim an the sums secured by tn�s f )sea at - ;t5 ". Shia fl be as Su-_f ate as BerW..c anti s^al request: <br />- - <br />t 3 Accettentian upon Detau#t: Roptedlea, Sale, UpOn detau,, ..-r -� uSto, :^ t"p@ payxn e r. of Gr Performance Of the ter[n3s end r_GraS,frr�y,:,< at t*�? <br />!hErE4%y rt e '*` »e'v"t <br />- <br />Note or any renewals mo1'ticatiOns or exiensions T *e eof, oT t- a rarme^ . any cltl _- debfekfrU&SS CU red -"- pex'}a"'?'.a - <br />- <br />- any of ,ne covenants or agreements hereunder. Benef.r_ :dry may declare 3 - Sul s se4..ufed txereLa � rrTrrtedlately a't� and payat�a ar?ct 'cis �- <br />st'an thereupon become due and payable wefHOut xesenlrrient. detrsarsd. totes, +r t'Kliete df am yx, rc Thereafter. Benef,c arc may dens er TO <br />hr the e ty grid ff Bex e,- dry �Gides <br />Trustee a written decleratio t of default and demana tot sale_ Tru'Stea s'ta ± have power of swe of <br />TO deposit with Trustee this Dees. of Trust and the N^te or Rotes ano any other adaurneriis cevideni:Tng exile - rid =titres <br />Property is be soil it strali <br />Secured hereby, and Snail deilver to Trustee a written notice of detau.t and a ecti'on. a cause I€3e Property td be said, 3,d T "ur5tee, t - ^, .u7"+. Sr' # <br />_ prepare a stmiiar notice =n the form reQ cad by. w chi shy R be ds. } f-;;ed "or record by Trasee . - - <br />lay Atter''he !apse o` such time as may ale required of :ax . ivw 9 "he .ec:;IOW + n Nrt se Defau ;.. and f+i ;t; e -=ei Defat t a,74 € atKe of <br />Trustor., ST'laIt se Tire''` perry r*. o,.te of "sore par-ets and In W-Ch <br />Sate hairng Dean given as required by law Trustee, xiiho �t demand or - <br />" as Truster mat asner'^nnne aft Ina date a3'ia at T"'e ;,, a and face a stgnate: to sad €vcf ce Gt Sara. at DIJiT { {". a'Jcti.'�irF i.i�i eh$ 4Yry), t3QS* v�c4�. aeR. a'i - <br />purL,itase price parati=s . Ca5!' :^ lawf W money c4'ne Units- a es as -'?£ "me of sae Ti'.e' per5ori _ -^au* ,Prig the Sans, '""'3''f. #or any -Zaase reor <br />_ .. <br />- she deems expedient, pastpon@ the saes from time To a.tne ..:. A s_ ^,s.'- be __. ..feted al C- in ever - such case- notice of postponement sraP ,'3, e <br />at the time and vast appointed for the 5abe', provided, ' -# the sale xS y'td5tpa`i@d fry. <br />given by oublic declaration thereof by such person piece <br />:. -'- ..than aria ? day Payond the day designated iP the Ntli €BC -° nctrctt'�eaf s^a: -ice`- - ^- !? -e3'$ ° "?a ^ —n-er 35':ie� gSiat kictice o` Sat+E -- <br />Deed � 't * lo�g anv ex_cTess- 2,1 - - <br />- impited" The recitafS in ine 'Head of any matters or faCiS a'Sal'+ be conciustve proof of the t'u?h'},'Xrra55 t'Weaf . Any person, nCsudirig -- M`ICy„ <br />- - -. _ <br />- - <br />" (imitation Beneficiary Or Trustee. may purchase at the sale. - - <br />.. - <br />sal When ?rusted seils pwsuant to -tie powers herein, Trustee shat: apcify the Proceeds or the saie td payment of the casts ahq expenses of <br />trm=taftan., .?+@ pay'nent W Truate2 S Fees ahcutred, wf• c "`• Trustees tees s .a := -; �kl <br />- exercising ine power C'# saie and at the Sail, including. wrt'taa:t <br />in the aggregate exceed the foriOwing amounts based upon The amOurt secured herobv and ematcnE s - unpold, 5 percer? turn air the bairai*ce <br />- - tftereaf. ano then to the items set forth it! suoparagraph tti hereof 11 the order therein stated <br />at <br />