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Owner and -i"e a! =.he Nt ne. whether Or riot named ac BeriefiCi�ry flerern. - � - -� Sftap "tear, rite <br />- ,231 Joint and Several Uabdity. Alt covenants and agree ierits of Trustor shat: ae uzrt arRi several. - - - - - <br />{f :n the everrnt any one or more of the Provisions cct tararad s,,x this peed of Trim.. or" f+totrs OF arty other recur =ty is rssmanx.. _ <br />-given m connection with nets €1rens ictio n Sheds for any Mason be hello to be invand. < �- o+r_:unent,-�. 7n �.y then se.. S rr i ire- - -- <br />Aftatity, or unenforcaeon tv snail, at the Dot (an of Beoeft(3", riot affect any 01111ar prosrasron of Zrns Deed of Terser„ tout this Dew of Tinier sir <br />.toe construed as,.' sucfr nivanid, illegal, or unenforceable provision -had never been corittu od t:ererra or ttren�ir;,; If the him of this Dosed of Tnar - - <br />..innrarid or Unenfrtrceatne as €o any part of the debt. or ;f the lien is'invaaid (w uneriforceabile as la are part Of tree <br />"a"y secured pOrtior? of fire debt slult -be completely past Prior to the iaa property- rite � or Par_ <br />and a13_ Ymont Of the remanving and secured or partially secured portion of tine <br />payments made On the debt. whether voluntary or under- foteciasure or other entstrcerraerat aCsiOn Of Procedure., shat! be Considered <br />to have bear± fir$£ paid O•^, anC apbfied to the full Payment w ltia£ porfiort of the -- wtaett_ts rant Secu;cir7 or zrPt fifty sac:Kuratl u-}r tlae of this <br />- <br />- -Deed of TrUSt - - - - <br />(251 Number sad Gbadilit Captions, Whenever used herein. the singular number shaif include fhe;;nurb_ the piwal. the singular, ana he use o* <br />- -airy fjender linsit be aPlniy8ble to all genders- The Captions acid nesdirEgs of the Pairagrapirts 01 ihi5.� ",Zi area! ar8 ty{ cOrrv£3esJ'sLE 3.R3y a of - <br />ara not to be used to srstetpret W, datme the provisions frereot. - - <br />(26)- Acceptance try Trustee. Trustee accepts this Trust when tugs Deed of Trust. atii executed and aCitrrowl dged, ;s rtsade a p�#� •ecrri, as <br />prcv4ed by tarv. - y . . <br />S - <br />10073 <br />(c) After paying the items specified in subparagraph (b), if the sate is by Trustee, or the proper court and other costs of toraclosury and safe if <br />- the safe is pursuant to Judicial foreclosure. the proceeds of sale shall be applied in the order stated below to the payment of: -- - <br />(1) Cost of an evidence of title procured in connection with such sale and of any revenue required to be Palo. - - <br />- - <br />12i Attorneys fees: <br />(3) All sums then secured hereby and any liens having priority over this one: <br />(4) Juntor trust deeds, mortgages, or other lienholders; and - <br />- <br />.. (3) The remainder, if any. to the person or persons legally entitled tner810. <br />_ (d) If the Beneficiary of this Deed of Trust is a bank as defined by Nebraska law any statement contained in any other section of this deed <br />notwithstanding, The Beneficiary shall not be entitled to raceive.or take and debtor snail riot be obligated to pay or give: any confession of . <br />- judgment. power of attorney to confess judgment power of attorney to appear for a borrower in a Judicial proceeding or agreement to pay the <br />costs of collection or the attorneys' tees, unless Such acts of collection would not otherwise be prohibited by Nebraska law; provided, however, <br />that this section does not apply to the Trustee fee referred to in paragraph 6 (b), provided further, that this paragraph shall not apply to this Deed <br />',- of Trust. if the Beneficiary is not a bank. - - - <br />(171 Addtlheal Socurky instruments. Trustor, at its expense, will execute and deliver to the Beneficiary, promptly upon demand, such security <br />instruments as may be required by Beneficiary, in form and aubstanca sellsfaCOrp to Beneficiary. an of the <br />�Y g y tit' <br />Tr <br />Property is <br />Deed O# i by <br />Trust. which - security f y instruments snail be a <br />additional security for Trustor ' <br />_ - <br />other sac uMV instruments executed in connection wtttithts tram- . , .. <br />hOri. Such instruments shall be recorded or filed at Trustors.expense. - - - - <br />413) Appdintrtiant of Suixaasot Tnutaa. - Beheficiarymay, from time to time, men instrument executed and ack:iorvfedged by - <br />- <br />. , p <br />whicn t1eRy,Ts ior;stisd aiitby otherwise complying with the - <br />., n <br />(141 I <br />purpose of part arty of Me airs " <br />(t5) Option to Foreclosure, upon the occurrence of any detauii '*ereunder, _ ..,. - option to foreclose this Deed Of T:vst in ' <br />the manner rrovtded by raw for the foreclosure of moG -gages O <br />On - <br />- <br />no£ tae 2 waiver arf qr ;yrw*de tine exercbse of any such right or remedy. Likewise_ the <br />'.. waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee of any default of Trustor under this DOW Of Trust sflalt riot bee domed tO be a waiver of any other o <br />- <br />or s <br />£ 17) Tniator Not ReWsed. Extension of the time for payment or mporftcart on or a tirationt of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust grans - <br />- <br />a3 t <br />Masse, .€r any rraarmar.. the hatiifity Of the onvin at Tiusttrr and <br />-- Trustor's successor in interest, Beneficiary shelf not be required to rcrmmmencas orocoodaiggi against such successor or refuse to extend tie for <br />payrilent or Otherwise modify amortization Of file sums secured by thn s' Dead Of Try lo, . reason 3f any demand made by rife original TrtSfna f <br />t 18) 1111e0ef£tdary's Powers: Without affecting the liability of the Trustor or arty. DOW person &iabte for the payment of any obligation haree'r "ban -. <br />. tinned, and without affecting the lien or efrarge of this Dead of Trust upon er - <br />-: fcx fire fu =;. arno-,mt of a #t ur. y p <br />- <br />matunty Or alter any of the terms of any such obligations, tiff grant father 4 giro nafea , # r@J.O[9.+8y, or Cause tb be released or- recoma- <br />- veyed aT any lrrrte at Berieflciary's Ot'3tlons any p <br />parcel, iiDr'tiorl or ail of the Property:. Y-i fare or release any Other or <br />additional security for eFty -- <br />- Obligetforr herein mentioned. Or NO make Compositions Or other, arran„gente nts a <br />- <br />ate illetitons in Misibiort tfraretts. - - <br />- <br />.andupoin � <br />#to; t <br />,•.a <br />rRay. - <br />7:.. <br />§ - <br />- 12011 tom. Except !Or any notices. demands, requests, or tither conunu cariori& requrrert lreder'atp a to be given n Ma#`:ier rr4Y#- <br />nor. whenever Rene #'ir any. Trustor_ or Trustee gins or serves arty W <br />Wice {frrG idt ig anlitwire lwm4ahm, notice of detsuK and mince of saaa, <br />demandsequests w olner w:tfl respect to, of Tait eai3 sErC". Fie- pjgdt Pillar q Y <br />Y <br />be ors writing and s-wat; - bee`tective Ottt, if me same- is delivered by personair service -Or master bye- coughed - a�ait postage prepaid, retina Mc-0 <br />- - <br />- ; <br />a copy of "ance 0! <br />defouh, arty notice of sate, required or permitted to be given the Trustor tiereizraeter, be maued to fiat rile address set ford; at the f3 of tins . <br />SL _ "it`ti"..a5 by *aIrrer" r :o o#=rBf EBrt"a fi@4vit as , e - <br />- <br />_ - <br />€ pa Seepereto and ive rs s. This Deed of T ust grid at rrrzs, coradit arrc gat srrfeae +n apply s¢ ano =nwe to the nenafn of and biria <br />ale Darius nerCO, their1 ^s_ legatees, devisees, D <br />Dwsona: Maresentattfves, -s- Ttse? _ <br />S - <br />