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87--- 100731 <br />DEED OF TRUST 8 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this 2nd__ dayof ,1EQtY'uaU 191z;__, by and among !='aY'lin H. and Louati <br />whose mailing address is (Street) Box 129 {city) Doni..phan - <br />(State and Zip) it° ; BSifzi fi therein "Trustor "), and Ra:li, 0- +0 O a yy <br />mailing address ia(Street) •0• $OX ;) ( <br />(Gity) 0 <br />(Herein "Trus <br />tool: snd._E'r -n}C O>" i�dtli pl2ari _ whosemailingaddressis {Street) <br />? sOX B ,(City) Don: R.77laIt _ (State Nebraska, 6:l 8,32 <br />_ - (herein "Beneficiary'). - <br />- - <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, including the indebtedness identified <br />.hereih and the .trust herein created, the receipt of which is hereby <br />i acknowledged. Truster irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys, and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF S <br />SALE, for the benefit and Seem- <br />fly of Beneficiary, under and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed of Trust., thereat property described as follows` <br />t '?C ACRES ?�Z�� � �J�`¢�5(��W I (;,r 1 , <br />ALT �CrNTTv NERRASz:A. .. -. <br />TOGETHER WITH, all rents. profits, royalties, income and other benefits derived tram the teat property; all isases or subleases covermg the teat <br />' O <br />Or any portion thereat, now or hereafter existing or entered into, and all right, t4ie and interest of Trustor t?'lareuxufer: as interests. estatetrs <br />other clalins, both to law and 1n equlty, which Truster now has or may hereafter a <br />acquire in the real property; aft easements, rtg{iti� ,f -way, tame– <br />"Tents. hereditaments and appurtenanceS thereof and thereto; at., oil and gas rights and p,.gfit , wafSr rrghts and water stock, a p right, aiiie and - <br />- <br />interest Of Trustor, now owned or hereafter acquires. in and to any land lying with " tt+e r ght.ot.way of any st^eet er highway, ad iosnutg tine nse, <br />_ : -Pr oerty. any and all buildings. fixtures ^ improvements. and appurtenances new:ot ijemaffe, . e+ECied thereL�eI +Sz ;,teisyilVnV pWa, tip - <br />- <br />chase in h <br />_ _ - <br />TKIS DEED OF TRUST SHALL SECURE <br />(a) The payrttenf of ndebtedrtess evidencedPy Trustorts note cif ±rverr date nerret�rtry rn "tae sufxn o>R "+!E✓..F �+ ^til'$E lt3 �.5ai <br />together with interest at the rate t}r. rates. ov6tted therein. ;herein. together with arm and Ail <br />. <br />refm"ts, modifications, and extensions thefeot, referred tc as the "Note", . <br />- .r . <br />.. <br />=L, _ —2 _._ %..�. - <br />- 'j. <br />-:: (Ci The Dayrrtenf of any sum or sums Of mane) WFih interest ir'.areor. WRiCh -gray be.%erea te, paint or advanced under tile teF';n56T't tr3i5 Deed .'Df <br />TtuS2. <br />(d) The Payment Of any future advances necessary to protect -the security of at fsutl� &avance made - -'Ae, r-f;un of the Parties:. anti - <br />... (e) The pert —ance of an ep igat€un Of any other parson named -n this Trust Deep to a benehc-iary.. <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURtTr OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, TRUSTOR HEREBY COVENT "TS AND AGREES AS FOLLOW& <br />#. Paytnattt W Prtadpat and fntarut. Trustor shalt Promptly tray wr.nen due Ifse prutCnpaf of and rntergst or the iredebiadr€ess evidenced by the <br />-- .Nate, arxf all otntx charges and fees as provrdedvn i!te dote, and *' >he print +:i -aa Ot Am e_rttereSt o <br />3` <br />offs any f <br />title and estate to The Property hereby conveyed and des, - <br />- <br />- will warrant and defend the title to the W - e'rictsribranees except films now of record„ ail# €rus'ti it - <br />- open) against all cla�es and �. - - <br />3- IlaiMautice aid Compbance with Laws. Truster strait keep the Property in, good cOvIdition and repair are" shalt riot commit ,caste dr pefy"d <br />impairment or deterioration of the Property and shalt comply with the prdv #siors Of any tease if this head of Tr"t on a <br />mint, now Of hereafter erected upon the rho . ' + <br />Party snail ire ai28red, removed or den"=W +St€ad w6thout ttte tsr =.,m frrtienrtSent of 8eneticiargc Tftisttar <br />-shall c,ampiy with at; laws. ordinances. regulations. covenants, Conditions and restrictions affecting the property and not OpsrrTit. S�affex. � - - <br />mi2 any aCt to be dome in t)t port the Property in violation cif any law. Ordsnar€Ce, veer; atlt7n coveriarit: conic tion, or res, rctlort. Tnistor sttatt con- <br />Plate all restore promptly and en good woricmar.)ike manner any emarovernent on tn`e Property which tray be damaged or destroyed and pay, relit_ -r. - <br />-due, an Claims for tabor pertor;red anti materials furnished ifferef4we, and for any aiterations Ittereal. - - <br />4. kaanrance_ Truster. at its expense, wit! maintain with inewors approved by Seneticiary, insurance with seSadet"Y to the IrtlQrilKerlMeril'S and per- <br />-sonar property. constituting the Property . against loss ptr ilre, tngninirtg, tornado, and outer petits and hazards covered by standard extended <br />coverage endorsement :n an amount equal to at {east one nursdred Percent of the full repiaicemeent value triereal� and insurance against such <br />.. other hazards and in such amounts as is customarily carried by owners arto operators of Similar properties or as Beneficiary may require for its <br />protection. Truster will oOmpty with such other requirements as Beneficiary may from tntre to - t Tie <br />- r$qr r the by insurance r ifle - <br />inlereals Of the reSPSCIlve parties. All insurance policies MerntafrOd pursuant to this Deed of Trust shall name Trustor and Henef,cuwy as i* <br />sweds, as their - espective interests may appear^ and provide that there shMI tie no Cancailafxar or ntu�dificatid, teretho rt any less 'tt an t$ days <br />Prior written notification to Trustee and Beneficiary- In the event any policy hereunder is not renewed on or before t5 days prior to its expiration <br />date. Trustee or Beneficiary may procure such Insurance in accordance with the provisions etpara~ p- her eo €. Trusitw sltatT lei va, to - <br />Beneficiary The Original policies of insurance and renewats thereof Or r: *m O.cwtes of such Policies and tenewate thereon. Eau ftu'nish <br />such #nsurance by Truster. or renewals as required hereunder Sh off, at theopikul of Beneficiary. constitute a deffa tit <br />5, Tuna. An aid: Chdrgaa" TtustOr shall pay art taxes. is and other c , <br />l -,�^_s alt: ' -_a iE MS .. p _ - �i nar3tes, ttsChtdntl� wrthatto � tat . t <br />Yv, arFr€- lsasenetdpayrnerttS otgrsiund rents, if any, before ttte same become deiiifuertL Trfasto? Shelf <br />fu (fish to Beneficiary aFf notices Of amounts due under this Paragraph, and. in the event Trustor shag rna{ce payrriSrtt directly. Trustor: <br />Benefr isfi, s interest herein of upon evidencing such payments, Truster shall pay all taxes and assessmeris .which may tie. �ers�} upon <br />part thereof upon the Beneficiary, Inia Deed Of Trost without - ragari# to $try taw that may be enacted imposing Payment of the wtr" or arty <br />