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<br />DURA~~J !j--J.6~k~
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<br />200710476
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<br />Cecil Hulm>> 436 N. Webb Rond,Grnnd Island, Ne.
<br />Tha t I, , of , , ,
<br />COllnisof Hnll ,Nebraska, have made, constituted and appointed, arid by
<br />these presents do make, constitute and appoint Thomas ~Te Sr. ,
<br />of 18312 W.Old Potash Hwv,Shelton Np.. , County of ' " ! Nebraska, my true'
<br />and lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead, and on my behalf, subjectto
<br />the provisions of Paragraph 13 hereof, to do and execute all or any of the following acts,
<br />deeds and things:
<br />
<br />1. To receile debts, paYlents aid 'tll,erty. To ~sk, delland, sue for. recoveralld recei ve 3.8 SUIS of loney, debts, dues, goods, wares,
<br />nerchandise. chattels. effects and things of whatsoever nature or description which now are or hereafter shall bear hecole due, of/ing, payable or
<br />belonging to ie in or by any rigH, title, ways or mns howsoever. and upon receipt thereof, or of any part thereof to Bake, sign, execute and
<br />deliver such receipts, releases or other discllarges for the me respectively as IY said attorney shall deet advisable.
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />2. fo settle accouts. 'fo settle any account or reckoning wltatsoever wherein I now at or at any tile hereafter shall be in any wise interested
<br />or concerned with any person whoDsoever, and to payor receive the balance thereof as the case laY require.
<br />
<br />3. To satisfy seclIl'itylllterest ud aortgages. To receive every m of Doney which nOli is or hereafter shall be due or belonging to De upon the
<br />securi ty or by v iftue of any security interest or agreenent or mortgage and on receipt of the full aDount secured thereby to execute a good and
<br />sufficient release or other discharge of such security interest, or mortgage by deed or otherwise,
<br />
<br />4, fo cO.PQund, sub.it to arbitratiol or otherlise settle or adjust differences. To conpound with or make allowances to any person for or in
<br />respect to any debt or demand whatsomr whid now is or shall at any time hereafter become due and payable to De, or hy Be, or upon DY accoultt, and
<br />to take and receive, or to pay and discharge (as the case Day be), any composition or dividend thereof or thereupon and of such debts or delands, or
<br />to settle, co.proDise, or submit to arbitration every such debt or demand and every other right, natter, and thing due to or concerning me as my
<br />attorney shall think best, and for that pupose to enter into and execute and deliver such bonds of arbitration or other instrmnts as my attorney
<br />may deem advisable in the preaises.
<br />
<br />5. To prosecnte and defend. To co lienee , prosecute, discontim, or defend all actions or other legal proceedings touching ny estate or any
<br />part thereof, or touching any Batter in which I or my estate uy be in any wise concerned, .'
<br />
<br />6. fo IlllIage real estate. To enter into 8.Jld upon all and singlllar my real estate, and to let, manage, and improve the same or ,tRY part
<br />thereof, and to repair or otherwise iDprove, alter, or reconstruct, and to insnre, any buildings or structures thereon, and further to contract with
<br />others for the management of such real estate and to grant to such others all the powers with respect to such real estate usual in real estate
<br />unagement contracts, and granted to IY said attorney herein,
<br />
<br />7. fo grant leases, receive rents, ud otherwise deal lIitk telluts and leased property. To contract with any person for leasing for such
<br />periods, including periods longer than my life, and without regard to the tmination of tliis power of attorney, at such rents and subject to such
<br />conditions as my attorney shall see fit, all or 8.Jly of my said real estate. and to let any such persons into possession thereof. and to execute
<br />all such leases and contracts as shall be necessary or proper in tlLat behalf, and to give notice to quit to any tenant or occupier thereof, and to
<br />receive and recover fora all tenants and occupiers thereof or of any part thereof all rents, arrears of rent, and SUts of money which now are or shall
<br />hereafter becoDe due and payable in respect thereof. alld also on non-pnymt thereof or of any part thereof to take all necessary or proper means <lnd
<br />proceedings for terminating the tenancy or occupation of such tenants or occupiers, and for ejecting the tenants or occupiers ani! recovering the
<br />possession thereof.
<br />
<br />B. To sell or elchlllllle real or person} estate. To sell, either at public or private sale, or exchange any part or parts of my real estate or
<br />personal property for such consideration payable iuediately or upon such terms as ,~y attorney shall think fit. and to execute and deliver good and
<br />sufficient deeds, bills of sale, endorsements, assignmenLs, or other instruments for the conyeyance or transfer of the same. with such covenants of
<br />warranty or otherliise ,1S my attorney shall see fit, and to give good and effectual receipts for all or any 94rt of the 9urchase price or other
<br />cons idera tion. .c','. ~"'~""i',,''';''
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