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<br />200710476 . . <br />~; :0 ,~e~ir loulf',; ,Imdru, invest, u.d otherwise deal lith tangible property. .10 deposit ~lty moneys which lay cUI.e tohishandsaH sllch <br />attor!!.ey W1 tit iny bank or banker in .Y naIIe, and to withdraw any of such loney or any othenoney to which I at entitled which nOl is 'or ~h&l1 be so <br />deposited, and either elploy snch Janey as he shall tltink fit in the paymt of any debts, or interest, payable by lie. or taxes aSll'ements, <br />insurance, and expenses dne aad payable or to becm due ~nd payable on account ofapeal and personal estate, or in or abont an1of'thepuDoses <br />herein sentioned, in my me it any stocks, shares, bonds securities or other property, real Dr personal. as he m think proper and to receb~ and <br />give receipts for any incole or diyidend arising frol such investlents, and to vary or dispose of all and any such inmtnents, or other invest.ent <br />for sy use and benefit as he I&y think fi t. <br /> <br />10, To fate at stocllolders' aeeUngs, execute proxies, and otherwise substitute for oner. To vote at the seetings or stockholders or other <br />neetings of any corporatLon or cOlpany, or otherwise to act as IY attorney Dr proxy, with power of substitution. in respect of any stocks. shares, <br />bonds, debentures, or other evidences of o~nership, Dr securities, now or hereafter held by me and issued by or on account Dr said corporation or <br />cospany and for that purpose to execute any proxies, liiited or general, or other instments, <br /> <br />11. To execute deeds, bills, IORs1 and si.ilar instrOlents. ~or all or any of tlte purposes herein stated to enter into and sign, seal. executej <br />acknowledge J and deliver any contracts, deeds ,or other instruments w~atsoever, and to draH, accept, sake, endorse. discount. or otherwise deal with <br />any bills of exchange, checks. ptolissory notes or other cOllllercisl Dr mcantile instruments. <br /> <br />12, to do all other things necessary in connection herewith. In general to do all other acts, deeds, natters, and things whatsoever in Dr about <br />If eSti!te.L_ property,~n~ affairs, or to ~onCllr with persons jointlyjnteresteOwith JyBelt the~ein in doing acts deeds, latters, and things herein. <br />either particularly Dr generally described, as fully and effectually to all intents aJld purpose as I could do in my own proper perm if personally <br />nresent, it being my intent ~mted to Dy said attorney a general power to act for Ie and in ay behalf, and not a lili ted or special power, lili ted to <br />the specified acts herein described. <br /> <br />13. Paler of attorney etfecti,e notwithstanding disability of principal; continues il effect after principal's death until notice. Pursuant to <br />the provisions of Nebraska Probate code section 30 2662 and 30 2663, I declare that this pom of attorney shall not be affected by my disability or <br />incapacity, and that the authority gra.nted herein shall continue durillg any period while] am disabled Dr incapacitated. Fllrther,pursuant to said <br />sections, all such authority sh.all continue after my death, until notice of sucll death shall .have been received by my attorney so that hehasactual <br />knowledge of the fact that I hue died, Any ,1ction taken In good faith by said attorney during allY period while it is uncertaLnhether 1M alive, <br />before he receives actual knowledge of IY death, or) in any event, taken during any period while I am disabled or incapacitated, sh-all be as valid as <br />if I me alive, competent, and not disabled. <br /> <br />Dated <br /> <br />January 4 <br /> <br />,.201~ <br /> <br />~/cLJ..J 6- }t~ <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) 58 <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> <br />2"~~(KN~{;h;t on January 4 <br /> <br />described in and who executed the above <br />same to he his voluntary act and deed. <br /> <br />, 2~, before me personally appeared <br />, above named, who is to be known to be the person <br />Durable Power of Attorney, and acknowledged the <br /> <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto subscribed my name and ,affixed my official seal, <br />the day and year last above written. <br /> <br /> <br />CDWI. NOTARY.StIIt of Mnsb <br />JOSEPH E. GRABOWSKI <br />My Comm. Up. Dee. 29. _ <br />