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<br />;, lodej~lt IOneJil,' ,.Hhdru, ~.D;mt, .and othenille deal .ith tugible propertT,'Todepo~it ~D.110ne1g which lay m:e to highaD.d~assflck
<br />attmey wi tk ,111Y bank or banker i1 11 nm, and to withdraw any of such mey or D.n)'othenoney to which I am ell.titled whi~h ao. is-'Ilt ~hall be so
<br />~eposited, and either elp]oy ench laney ashe shall think fit in tile paymt of anT debts, . or inte!est, payableby lie. or taxes assements,
<br />insurance I and expenses dne lad payable or to becone due tnd payable on account of 11.1 real a-na personal estate, or l.n or about any of-the par:posei.-
<br />aerain mtioned, in my late il allY stocks, snares, bonds securl ties or 0 ther property I real or persoul. as he Jar think proper and to receive and
<br />give receipts for any incm or dhidend arising frol such imstBents, and to my or- dispose of all and~n1 sncb investients. or other imstBent
<br />for ay use and benefit as he 141 think fit.
<br />
<br />
<br />10, To vote at stockholdenJ leetilgs, eIeCllte proIies, and otherwise slbstitute for ouer. To vote at the leetings ot stockholders or other
<br />neetings of any corporation or cOlpany, or othmise to act as my attorney or proxy, with pam of substitution, in respect of any stocks, shares,
<br />bonds! debentnres, or other evidences of oiners-ilip, Of securities, now or aereafter held by ~e and isslled by or on account of said corymtion or
<br />COMpany and for tht purpose to eIecllte any proxies, lillited or general, or other Lnstments.
<br />
<br />11. To eIecllte deeds, bills, llttes1 iIlld sililar instmellts. For all or any of the purposes herein stated to enter into and sign, seal. executel
<br />ackllodedge, and deH'!er any contracts, deeds,or other instruments wh.atsoever. and to arai, accept. nake, endorse. discount. or otherwise deal with
<br />any bills of exchange, checks. prolissory notes or other colllmial or mC.lIltile illstments.
<br />
<br />12. fa do 11.11 other things D.eUsslry in con.nectioll herewith. In general to do all other acts, deeds, utters, and things whatsoever Lu or about
<br />my estate, property, and a.ffairs, or to conm with. persons jointly interested with myself therein in doing acts deeds, tatters, an.d things herein.
<br />either particularly or genmlly dmribedr as fully ana effectuHyt-o all Lnl:ents and purpose as I Gould do if 1 DY own proper perm ii pmcnally
<br />Dresent, it being my in tent ~ranted ill DY said attorney a general power to act for Ie and in 11 behalf, and not a United or special p1lwer, lili ted to
<br />the specified acts herein described.
<br />
<br />13, Paler of attorney effectiJe.llotvithstanding disability of prin.cipal; contillllell iI effect after principal's death IlIItil utice. Pursuant co
<br />the provisions of I/ebraska Probate code section 30 2662 and 30 2663, r declare that this power of attorney shll not be affected by DY disability or
<br />incapacity, and that the a.uthority gr.lIlted herein shall continue duri.n.g any period while I (l.I disabled or. Lncapacitated. Further, pursuant to said
<br />sections, all suoh authority shall continue after my death, until notice 0 f such duth shall have been received by 11 attorney SI} that he has actual
<br />knowledge of the fact that I hm died, Any ,1ction taken in good faitJJ. by said i\ttorney during any Defiod while it is uncertaiuhether r a. aU ve,
<br />before he receives actual knowledge of 11 death, or, in allY event, taken during any period wb.ile I all disabled or incapacitated, sbll be as valid as
<br />if ! were alive I CORpetent, and not disabled,
<br />
<br />
<br />...
<br />
<br />Dated
<br />
<br />January 6, 2006 "201_
<br />
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<br />BE I !-KNOWN, th~ o.n
<br />rJ / k../~ y/l/ &i-'r>? E;
<br />described in and 'who executed the above
<br />same to he his voluntary act and deed.
<br />
<br />J8.71Uary 6
<br />
<br />, . 2~, before me personally appeared
<br />, above named, who is to be known to be the person
<br />Durable Power of Attorney, and acknowledged the
<br />
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal,
<br />the day and year last above written.
<br />
<br />
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<br />