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<br />,,. '\ t V Ii Pit, <br /> <br />DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNlEy <br /> <br />T H 1 436 N Webb Rrl Grand Island,NE. <br />Ev(~lyn"" . u me ""... , <br />That I, , of <br />tiall , <br />CouptyO f ,Nebra.ska, have made, constituted and appointed, arid- by< <br />these presents dQ JIlake, con.sti tll.te and a~oint Thomas Hulme, Sr. <br />of 18312 W" lHd F6tash H.wy; SheHan " Co"unty of Hall <br /> <br />and lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead, and on my <br />the provisions of Paragraph 13 hereof, to do and execute all or any of <br />deeds and things: <br /> <br />. ./ <br /> <br />2007.10476 <br /> <br />,. <br />I Nebraska, my true, <br />behalf, subject to <br />the following acts, <br /> <br />L fa receive dehts,~a!lents and property. To .1sk, denand, sue for,recoler aad receive as SUIS oJ loney, debts, dues, goods, wares, <br />nerchandise. chattels. effects and things of ahatsoever nature or descri~tion which now are or hereafter shall be or becone due, owing! payable or <br />belonging to Be in or by any right, title, ways or neans hmoever, ald UpOl receipt thereof, or of.lny part thereof to sake. sigll. execute and <br />deliver mh receipts, releases or other discharges for the me respectively as IlY said attorney shall dee. advisable. <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />2. To settle acconnts. To settle any accOllllt or reckoning I4Aatsomr wherein r now at or at any tile hereafter shall be in any wise interested <br />or concern.ed with any person ~JlOnsoever I and to payor receive the balance the reo f as the case JaY reqllire. <br /> <br />3,To satisf, secarityllltererl IOrtgages. To receive every SUI of n.oney .~b.ich ROll is or hereafter shall be due or belonging to ne upon the <br />security or by virtue of any security interest or agreellent or mortgage and on receipt of the full anount secured thereby to execute a good and <br />sufficient release or other discharge of such .security interest, or mortgage by deed or othmise. <br /> <br />L To cotpound, subtit to arbitratioll or otherwise settle or adjust differences. To conpound with or make allowances to any persOA for or ill <br />respect to any debt or demd whatsoever whld now is or shall ,it any tine hereafter becone due and payable to !ej or by De, or upon DY account, and <br />to take and receive, or to pay and discharge (as the cm Day be)) any composition or dividend thereofor thereupon and of such debts or desands, or <br />to settle. GomproDise, or submit to arbitration every such debt or demand lnd every other right, natter, and thing due to or concerning !e lS my <br />attorney shall think bes t I and for that purpose to enter into and execute and deli ver such bouds of arbitratioD. or other iD.struDentsas lY lt torney <br />may deal advisable in the prelises. <br /> <br />5. fa ~rosecllte a..o.d delend. To aouence, promute, discontinue, or defend all actions or other legal proceedings touching my estate or any- <br />part thereof, or touching any utter in which I or DY estate may be in any ~ise concerned, " <br /> <br />6. fa Janage real estate. To enter ill to and upj)n all lnd singnbr my real estate, and to let, Image, and improve the Salle or aD.Y part <br />thereof, and to repair or otherwise iDprove, alter, or reconstruct, alld to insure, any buildings or structures thereoll, and further to contract with <br />others for the management of such real estate and to grant to sud oth.ers all the powers with respect to sllch real estate usual in real estate <br />aanageoent contracts) and gran.ted to .y said attorney herein., <br /> <br />r. fo grant leases, receive rents, aad othenise deal with. teunts ilD.d leased property. To contract with any ~erSOl for leasing for such <br />periods, including periods longer than my life, Illld without regard to the tmination of this pom of attorney, at such and subject to such <br />cOldition8 as DY attoney shall see tit, all 01' a.D.y of If said real estate, and to let alY sU1:h persoJlS into pl}S8ession thereot Illld to eXecute <br />all SlIcb. leases and contracts as shall be necessary or proper in that behalf, and to give notice to quit to any tenant or occupier thereof, and to <br />receive and recover fOll all tenants and occupiers thereof or of any ~art thereof all rents, imears of rent, and SUIB of money which no~ are or shall <br />hereafter becone due and payable in respect thereof, and also on non-paYlent thereof or of ilIlY part thereof to take il.ll necessary or ~roper Jeans and <br />proceedings for terminating the tenancy or occupation of SIlCh tenants or occupiers, and for ejecting the tenants or occupiers and recovering the <br />possession thereo f, <br /> <br />8. To sell 01' exclluge real or personal estate. To sell, either at public or private sale, or exchange any part or parts of my real estate or <br /> property for such consideration payable illlediately or upon sucl terns as my attorney shall thid fit. and to execute and deliver ~ood ~nd <br />sufficient deeds, bills of sale) endorsements, assignllenls, ,)r other instments for the conveyance or transfer of the same. with such covenants of <br />mranty n otherwise ,is iy attorney shall see fit, and to give good an.d effectual receipts for all or any part l)f the purchase price or other <br /> <br /> <br />","ider'ti"'I~;rJJ <br /> <br />at?.I A I IV 11 /,.. <br />