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<br />...~~", ,~""' <br /> <br />~-----l <br /> <br />200706446 <br /> <br />emancipated, dies, or until further Order of the Court. Child Support payments shall be made to the <br />Nebraska Child Support Payment Center, P .0. Box 82600, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501-2600 or at such <br />location as maybe further ordered. Delinquent child or spousal support shall accrue interest at the <br />rate of 6.849% per annum. <br />6. The Plaintiff shall meet her child support obligation as set forth above by means of <br />income withholding upon her acquisition of permanent employment. Until such time as income it <br />obtained such payment shall be made personally. Such income withholding once income is establish <br />shall commence as soon as practicable with the Plaintiff executing the necessary withholding <br />.. . documents to provide notice to the employer of withholding requirements. In the event the Plaintiff <br />fails to pay any child support as such failure is certified each month by the Nebraska Child Support <br />Payment Center in cases in which court ordered support is delinquent in an amount equal to the <br />support due and payable for a one month period ohime, the Plaintiff may be required to appear in <br />court on a date to be determined by the Court and show cause why such payment was not made. In <br />the event that the Plaintiff fails to pay and appear as ordered, a warrant shall be issued for her arrest. <br />7. Pursuant to Stipulation the assets of the parties are divided as follows: <br />The Defendant shall have quieted in his name the family residence located at 1110 Hall <br />Court, Grand Island, Nebraska and legally described as: <br />Lot 22 Fonner View Second Subdivision, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Subject to any liens or encumbrances thereon which shall include a first mortgage with Beneficial <br />Finance and possible second mortgage securing a line of credit. Plaintiff shall retain the motor <br />vehicle described as a Toyota Corolla vehicle identification no. lNXBR32E83Z012253 subject to <br />the encumbrance and debt thereon with Bank of the West. Defendant shall retain title and ownership <br />solely in his name to a 2000 Ford F150, vehicle identification no. 1FTRX18L2YNB40766 subject <br />to any encumbrance thereon with the First National Bank of Omaha. <br />Each party shall keep and maintain the household goods currently in their possession save <br />and except the Defendant shall deliver to the Plaintiffher bicycle currently in his possession. <br />Each party shall maintain the bank accounts currently in their name and possession. Each <br />party shall maintain in their sole name their respective accounts with Edward Jones. Plaintiff shall <br />be granted sole and exclusive ownership of account no. 893-93088-1-6 and Defendant shall be <br />granted his account no. 893-06270-1-2. The minor child, Christopher, maintains an account at <br />Edward Jones as account no. 893-08503-1-1 which shall remain in Christopher's name with the <br /> <br />3 <br />