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<br />;~-"~.., ~) <br /> <br />,,",__------l <br /> <br />200706446 <br /> <br />the children up for purposes of visitation. <br />b) Every other holiday in accordance with the attached amended Wilson v Wilson <br />schedule. The amended schedule specifically includes break time from the Grand <br />Island School system unique to that system in the way of Fall Break and Spring <br />Break. Should the father relocate out of the jurisdiction of the Grand Island School <br />system then such holidays shall be established in accordance with the new school <br />systems breaks, if any. Should any new school system not have a specifically <br />designated Fall or Spring Break then such holidays shall become void and <br />unenforceable; and shall represent a "substantial change in circumstances" for <br />purposes of judicial review. <br />c) For the summer of 2006, the mother shall have visitation with the minor children <br />commencing June 25, 2006 and terminating July 30, 2006, during which time the <br />father shall be entitled to weekend visitation commencing the 14th day of July and <br />ending on the 16th day of July at 6:00 p.m. each. <br />d) Mother shall be entitled to six weeks of visitation for herself and the children shall <br />be granted as additional independent visitation with the maternal grandparents <br />aforesaid two additional weeks each summer. The mother on behalf of herself and <br />her parents shall notify the father in writing by April first of each year when she <br />intends to take her authorized summer visitation. <br />e) The mother shall be entitled and the father shall not interfere with the right to <br />reasonable telephone contact daily prior to 7:30 p.m. In addition, on behalf of the <br />mother, the maternal grandparents shall likewise be entitled to telephone contact <br />with the minor children no less than weekly which the telephone contact the father <br />shall not interfere with. Said telephone contact shall likewise be done prior to 7:30 <br />p.m. When the children are in the physical custody of the mother or maternal <br />grandparents, father shall be entitled to similar telephone contact as given to the <br />mother, above stated. <br />5. The Plaintiff shall pay for the benefit of the minor parties child support in the amount of <br />$75.00 for two children and $75.00 for one child in accordance with the Nebraska Child Support <br />Guidelines, copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Said support <br />payments shall commence July 1, 2006, and continue the youngest child reaches age 19, becomes <br /> <br />2 <br />