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<br />200704728 <br /> <br />DOC ID #; 00016463810905007 <br />make any other ICClOtnlDOCIati with reprd to tho terms of this Deed of TruIt or thO Note. witbO\lt: that <br />Bormwet's CClDJart anc:i without leleisIna that Borrovrw or modifying 'this Deed of Trust as to that Bonower'. <br />interest in the Property" <br />12. NotIa. Except for any notice mqairI:d under applicable law to be givcn In another manner, (a) any <br />notice to BorrowIt povided fbr in this Deed i)fTrust iball be liven by cWlverin& It or by mallJna such noDCO <br />by certified mall .adchsIod to IJom:JMlr at the Property Address or It such other addlcss II Borrower may <br />designate by nodco to LeDder .. provided h..... and (b)any notice to Lender lhall be given by certified mall to <br />Lender's address stated bendn or to sud1 other addrca u Lender may desipato by DQtlco to 8on'owor u <br />provided bereln. Any notice provided fbr in this Deed ofTnlst ahIIl be deemed to have beCD liven to BOf'I'OWel' <br />or Lender when liVen in the IIWIIlCI' dosianatod bcr*. . <br />13. Govendq lAw; SmraIdUty. The state 11M localia~ applicable to this Deed of Truit sba11 be ~ <br />laws of the jurisdiCltiQtl in which the Propart)' is I~. Tbc foreaoiDJ ..tcnco shall not limit the llflPllcabili~ <br />of fcdcnllaw to this Deed ofTnlst. In the tMlIlt that In)' ~ or clause of ~ Deed of Trost or the NQtc <br />CQntlim with epplicable law. _ confUct slW1 not afftd otbClr provisions of tbis Deed of Trust or the Note <br />which can be given ctfett withOut tho conf1ietb1g provision, and to thi. end tho provisions of this Deed of Trust <br />and the Note arc dccIarod to be severable. AI used herein, "~" "OIq)OnMs" and "attorneys' foes" lncJudo all <br />surnato the extent not probibitlld by applicabIolaw ot limited herein. <br />14. Borrower'. Cop)'. Borrower rball be 'fiuniJbc:d a conformed copy of'the Note Ibd of this Deed of <br />truJt at tho time of cxoeution or after recordation hcnot: <br />15. ReIlabIIltatloa LoM AJnem- Borrower shall iWfiU all ot90nowa's oblipdons UDda' any homo <br />tdlebilltadon, improvement, Mpair, or other loin ~t which Borrower CDten into with LcDdc:r. LCIldcr. at <br />LeDder'. option. may roqulre Bonowcr 10 oxecuto and cIoliver to Lender, in a form ac.ocptIble to Lender. IJl <br />asslanment of any rJab.ts. c1_ or 4eft:nacs which BC)l'IOWeI' may have ll&ainst pltties who supply I.. <br />materials or IClIVices In COftIlCdion with improvam.eatl..... to the PrQperty. <br />16. T........... oftbe Property OJ" Btatft$llatenlt" 80....".... If -.II or any pert oftlte Property or <br />Illy intwest in It II sold or tnln81\lrNd (or It a bcneftcie1 iDtanllit in Borrower Is sold or tran8ferred and Borrower <br />Is DOt a naturII pCnoit) without LOnd<<'. prior writton oonsent, Lender may~ at its option, RlqUlre immediate <br />payment in full of alllUml secand by this Dto4 of Trust. However. this dption shall not be crxcrciIod by !.onder <br />if exerctae il probibitod by fedcrillaw IS oftht _ of this Deed otTiullt. <br />[fLender nerd... dtilOpdon, Lender shall aWe Bonowor nodoe of accoleratlon. 1be notice shall provide <br />. period ofnot 1-. thlU) 30 days ftoJn the date the notice is do1ivtnd or mailed witbin which SOrrowa' must pay <br />aU IUIIlIlRICUnId by thl. Deed ofTrustlfSonowar fails to pay th. sums priprto the expiration orthis period. <br />Londer may Invoke lU1Y remedies permitted by tbis Deed of Trust without 1brther DOti~ or deInand on <br />Borrower. <br /> <br />NON..uNIFORM COVENANTS. BoitoW aDd Lendtl' tbrtb<< COVCllllllt aDd.... as foUOWl: <br />17. Aecekntioa; Remedlel. ExCept IS tp'Urided iii ............ 16 Itenof, upoa BoIT8WtI". broach .f <br />aay coveaat or .f Borrower III tI1II Deed of TnIt, IDclalllD. BorrOMr'. tliJIIIn to pay, by the <br />ead 01 18 ...... d.,. .fter .., .... due, .., i... by WI Deed of T..... lAIldtr prior to <br />.cetlItItIoa .1IlIl .... DOtIa to BortOWer at prodded .. ........."12 Iaereof spetif1hll: (1) tile bnaeh; <br />(2) tile .... nqulnd to C1lI'e MIa breada; (3) . "*, DOt ... tIwa 20 .,. fro. tile date tU IIotIce II <br />_ailed to Borrower, by wIdda .... bnadl_. be eared; aad (4) that Id.... t8 care ..a breadl .. or <br />befon theda. lpedW Ia the aetiq ..f....BIt fa acceIentIcM of die ..... eeeancI bJ WI Deed ofTrut <br />aAd .. of the Prol*11. TIle DOCIee IIIaJl ,tutlaer iDfona BomJWV of tile rtgbt to rellutate .fter <br />a~ aad the rlpt to briaa . cowrt ac:f;Ioa to IIIIeI't tlaealllaeSllteMe of .. default 01' 88" ..... <br />defeIiIe ofBorrowtr to........tIoa ad _lltbebreadlll DGt eand." or befo... the datt.lp8dfled Ia <br />tb. notke; Leeder, lit ~. option, .., dedIre aD of the IUIIlI ieeund by tbII Deed 0' Trut to be <br />..edlatll1 due ad ,.,.... 1ritIIctat 1'urtIMr ....d ad ..ay IIIYob the power of "'e IIId Dr otIler <br />rem.... permitted by appIfa.... law. Lclider be ..titled to coiled aD I'eIIOIIable COItI aIld ape.... <br /> <br />Gt ..'111(111) - CHL (NIOI) <br /> <br />....IIfO <br /> <br />PoIII) 3IZI <br />