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<br />200704728 <br /> <br />DOC In #: 00016463810905007 <br />In the cvatt of loa. Iklrl'ower thall &ivc.promplllOtlco to the inIurancD cerrlcr and Lender. Loi1dcr may <br />make proofotloss!foot mIdo promptly by Bonower. <br />lUll! Propcrtyiubllldonecf by Borrower. or ifSOrtowir taU. to respond to Lender within 30 days from <br />the! .datb llbtice i. matted by Lendor to Borrow<< that the insuruce carrier 0" to settlo a claim for Insurance <br />beneftb, Lender is IUthorized to collect and apply tho Insuranoo proceedI It Lender's option oither to restoration <br />or ropeir ofthc Property or to the SWIll JCCUred by this Docd of Trust. <br />6. PraenratioJr lUId Mafate8aaa of Property; LealelleIdt; C.....-.......;PlaDed !flit <br />Penlapaa." Borroww Mall keep the Property in good repair lUld shall not commit wasto or permit <br />bnpainnent or ~ of the Property and shall comply witlt the provisionl of oy 1_, if this Deed of <br />Trust is on a leasehold. If this Deed of TnIst it O!l 8, wit in a ~ or a pJaDDCd unit 4evo1opmeat. <br />BOI'I'OWel sball pe.rfbnn all of Borrowats obUptionI UAder tho decluatlon or covenants CI'flIdD& or IOV'ftlInS <br />the condominium or planned IlDit development. the by-laws and reaulations ofthc Condominium or pleintod IiDlt <br />de\te1opman..ud constituClnt doownentI. <br />7. l'rotecdtJa of Leader.' Seeutty. If Borrower fails to pedbrm 1he otwenants md qnlClIIICDtS contained <br />in this Deed of Trust. or ifany action orPJtlC*lding is commenced whieh materially aft"ccts Lender's intllt1lSt in <br />the PrQperty. tbe:n Lender. at Lender', option. upon notice to BorroWCl'. may make mch ~ dlsbutae <br />such iWns. incIw:lina teasonablo attorneys' feci. lIDd takCI ew:blDtlon u is ileCeIJlr)' to ptotcct Lcndet'1 iDtatst <br />[f Lender ftlqultod mortpge iDJunmc;:e as a condition of maldna thc loan It/CIIIted by this Deed af Tnlst. <br />Borrower _11 pay the premiums ~ to maintain.audI InlUl'8l'lCC In effect until sudI time .. -tho <br />requitement fbr such IDsunInce tennilllU:ll In. accotdlmce with Bon'Ower'. and Latder's writtcIt aarcemeat or <br />applicable law. <br />Arty amounts diIbuned by Laadcr pur5UIftt to this J*'8If8pb 7. with intoNlt 1hnon. at the Note rate, shall <br />bccomo additlOMllndebtednels of BOrrower secured, by this. Deed of Trust. Unle8I8qrrowcr and Leodar aaree <br />to other terms of payment. such amounts IhIlI be payable upon notice tom LeDder to Borrower rtquesting, <br />paymODt thereof. Nodting contalneclln tbII pir8grapb 7 shaD require LcrIder to ineur any 0xpen$0 or tlke an)' <br />aetion htnimdw. <br />.. lapeetIoa. Lender may make or cause to be made reIIOftIbIe tiDttIes upon and 1DIpecd0Dl of the <br />Property. provided 1hId; Londot shall give 8orto'Wer notice prior to lIlY such Inspecticm specii}'ing reasonable <br />ClUte tbllrdbr relatod to Lender's interett in the PropeIty. <br />,. CoIldellutloa. Tbc prococds of.any awvd or claim for _.. dIroct or ccwequerrtlal, in connoc:tion <br />with my concJemnatiolt or other -Ill at the Property, or part thereof. or fOr conveyance in Ucu of <br />condemnation. are henby aulpod and shaD be paid to. Leader. subJeet to tho tcrm& of any ~ deed of <br />trust or other sccurlty apemClDt with a lien which hu priority ov<< this Deed ofTMt <br />10. Borrowa' Not ReI_ed; Forbanace By IADdIf Not; . Waiver. Extension of the time fQr payment <br />or modification of amorlizltion of tile I1UIlIICCUnJCI by this Deed ofTrult granted by Lender to any 8UCCeIIOr In <br />Interd of Borrower shaD not operate to moue. In any DlIIlMt, the JiiblJity of 'the ori&InaI Borrower Jbd <br />Borrower's sueceseors In lnla'eSt. ~ sbaIl not be raquired to coll.1ll1Ci1ce proclOOdlnpapinst such moceaor <br />or retbIo. to cxteiI.d time for pI.JII1Cilt or odwwi. modify amortiatlOtlof the IUIJlI secuted by this Deed of <br />Trust by ntuon of any demand made by the orfaliUll Bofrower t4d Bonower'ssucceslOll In inttnst. Any <br />tbrbearance by Ltnder hi. ClIlfCIrCisitlJ any right or ratlIldy hereunder. or Otherwise lIftbrded by applic:able law. <br />abalI not be a Waiver of at prec1udc,tbeexercbe of lIfty such right or remedy. <br />11. Sacauon .. AItIpI load; ,JoI8t .. $evenI LIa....,; C.......... The llO'YeIIaDts and <br />apementlhcnln cootainod shaD bind. llJld tn riJbtl1Mmmdcr shall inure to. . f'llIP'Ctive IUCCClSIOrS and <br />assigns of Lendor' II\d Borrower. ~ to the provisions of Jl8l8Il'IPh 16 hereof. All covemmtl SlId agreements <br />ofBaROWel' shall beJoiDt and. severJL Any Borrower who co-sips this Deed of Trust. but doa not execute the <br />N01C. <a> is co-tlploa this Doed ofTtust only 10 grW and cotMl)' that Borrowen iil.tercslln the Propei"ly to <br />Trustee under the terms of d:ds Peed of TN.. (b) I, oot persoll8Iiy liable on tho Note or Uildcr this Dead of <br />Trust. aocl (0) apeeI that LCinder llDd any other Borrower hereuJldei' may Iple to extend, 'modify. fotbeIr. or <br /> <br />_ .71NCJII) (IIIllIl CHL (OIIDI) <br /> <br />..... 41il1', <br /> <br />Porm3UI <br />