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<br />200704728 <br /> <br />DOC IO #: 000160163810905007 <br />iIeurred Ia p...... the .......... pI'O\'ided ill this ,......pb 17, illdatUq, IMIt Bot limited to, ~ <br />.....,.. ... <br />Utile....,... 01 ~ Ii laY..... T..... III. neord a IIOfiee 01 dd1tdt .. eada colllltJ .. wlllclt die <br />Property or ..e part tIienollllac:md ad .......u c:opIeI of nda INldec Ia tile ....... pnaerIbed by <br />.ppUeable bhv to Boi'r01ftl' ... to .... other peno.. pnlCl'lbed bf applicable law. A..... tile II,.. of ,. <br />time II _., be ......Ind by afpBable Jaw, Trutee IIiaII 1M ,.bIIe DOtkle of 'HIe .. tile ........ .. hi <br />tile p........ by applicable law. Truta, Wl'tIIHt daaad oa Borrower, IbID .eD tile Property <br />at ,.blle audio. te die ...... bidder at tIae -u.. ..... P" uti uder ............... .. the ndce. <br />01.... Ie OR or aore parak nd.. nda Older II Trattee ..., dfttnDlDe. TnutIe .ar JIOItpDlle .... of <br />.u or .., pa_ of tile Property by pUle ........~... at .... ..... ... plate of IDlY preriHW <br />1tIacd..... lilt. ...... or Leader'. d,...... ..a,. pardIate . Property at u, ... <br />V... naIpt of paym... of tII. prIc:e bid, 1'ntttee ...... deUnr to tbe JRIrdtaMr Trutee'. deed <br />~eybI.... Property ..... ne recta" .. die Tmtee'., deed ... lie prIBuI fade rvldeare of die tndb <br />.ftll. ...... T.......... apply Gte proceedl of die MIe Ia tbdollowlal orden (I) te <br />... reuoaab1e eoata ud ..... " tbo", IDeIIldbaIL bat not limited to, TnItH'i ... ...., bleumcl <br />aad rilaIoJIable atto...... lea II peraltted by AppllalJle Law; (b) to all ..... ........ by ttia Deed .f <br />Tl'UIt; .. (e) tile, aau, It u1, to the penoIl or pentllllepIlJ iIdtIed tIleretD. <br />II. Bot1'oftt'. JUpt to RebaItata. Notwithatandina LCDdct's accelm.tiOll of the IW'DI secured by this <br />Dcocl of Truat. due to Bonowtr'l breach, Borrower ahaIJ have the rigbI: to have lID)' proooodiDp beaun by <br />Lem:Ier 10 enforce this Deed of Ttast diIcontInuod at any time prior 10 the llIrlIer 10 oocur of (I) the fifth day- <br />beibre the sale of tho Property pur8UIDt to the power of"o ClOI'ltalned in tbis Deed of Tiust or (ii) crntry 0(. <br />jud&meDt onfutcina; this Deed of TnIlIt if: (a) Borrower pays Lr:ru:Icr all smu which would be then dv,e under <br />tbia Deed of Trust and the Note had no acce1eradon oceurred; (b) Bonower curoa ,11 bre8choI of llll)' otb.. <br />COVCIl8IlU or aplCllDCQtI of Borrower contained in this Deod of Tru8t; (c) Borrower pay. ill ~Ie <br />expenses incunW by Lendetand TrullteO In enf'ordna the cowalMl end qreemems of Bonower contained In <br />this Deed of Trust and In ~DI Lender's end Tn1stee'1 rand. as provided In pllfIplPh 17 heRllif, <br />indudin& but not limited to, naonabt. lUto'rn8yS' fees; and Cd) BOI'I'OWa'18bs such ICdoa IS Lender may <br />reasonably require to UIUt'O that tho lIenoftbll Deed ofTtut,lAmdtn intaelt in 1be Property lIIld BImower'I <br />obliptioa to pay 111. 8Ul1I1 secured by lhis Deed of TnIst shall OOIltirwe uaimpIiJed. Upon '1IIdt pe.yment and <br />cure by Borrower, tbia Deed of Trust end 1I1.obUpdons IeCUrCld heftIby shaD remain In fbl) tbrcc and cft\sct u <br />if no aocelcntion bad occumd. <br />19. A.IaipIOCDt of RtDD; AppobdmlDt otRecetver; .....r.. r....... As additional aewrity <br />bertunder, Borrower henby usJanl to.LeDder the 1'8Ilta oftbe Property, provided that Borrower shall. prior 10 <br />aoccIcntioQ under JI8I'I8f8Ph 17 hereof or abal1donment of dte Property, bave the right to colJoct and main, such <br />l'alts .. they beoomo du8 and payable. <br />Upon acoeloratlon under peraaraph 17 boreof or abandonment of the Property. Lender. in penon. by apt <br />or by judieially appointed receiver sballbe entitled to enter upoD.. Ili1ce posaession of and manaae the Property <br />end to collect the nmtI of the Property incJudin&tbo.. put duo. AD rei1tI coUocted by Lcaxfa' or the receiver <br />shall be app11cd tint to payment of the COltS of Jllwaemeot of the Property and col1ectiollof rents, Inoludlns. <br />but bot limited 10, recchia's fees. pmniums on reCeiver's bonds and reasGDlble ~I' feu, and then to tho <br />IUIDI aecurcd by this Deed of TMt. Lender and the reooiver ldWI be Uablo to account OI1ly fur tbo.. reats <br />actUall)llllGOivcd. <br />Z8. ~ Upon payment of III SUlDlIOCl.U1ld by this .Deed of trust, Lender aball request 'I'rushlo <br />to recoavey the ProI*lY and shall JUtftIDder this Deed of 1'Mt .... all nDfeS evidalclnllndobtcddas iecured <br />by this Deed ofTJust to Trustee. Trullq,o shall reconvey the Property WithOut warranty and without chup to the <br />J*IOI1 or pcI1QIl& Jcplly entitled tbtnto. SUch ponIOD or persons shall pay all.COIII of~ if any. <br />21. Sa'" Tnutee. Londcr, ftt LeI1dor's option, may &om time to time remove TruItee and appoint . <br />suCCOllOr tr\JSt<<l to an)' TruJtec appointed hcrc:undor by, an inaarument ftlCOI'ded in tho 00UIlty la wbich this <br />Deed of Trust Is reconfed. Without CCift"y1IIKlO of the Propaitr. the, succeaor tnJItec shal~ succeod to all the <br />dtle, power md duds ootlfcrrcid ~ 1hcTruatec herein Iftd by ~tcabIClIaw. <br /> <br />et07IN(NE)(GMI) CHL(OIIOt) .....,. form.' <br />