<br />DEe-30-ee FR! 11 :33 EHCEL CORP.
<br />.Trll~lor /lion I I ollly Ion 110"",' r"., Lh".e 01l11fl11110119 1.11 Lhe
<br />o""va rr.Cl!llcr.d prOJlt'rLy. Nollh", n ^Ul'1II111Llve rom rOI nUon,
<br />11111' l J IlIblll Cor lhese 01.] lanUml1l or 19 in default DC p.~~t.
<br />
<br />P.0~
<br />
<br />exll'lIl tll" 'I'"nnlll fir lilt'
<br />011 ^r I..onn ron'!lIlI ntJ nn,
<br />
<br />88- 107083
<br />TrUlIl F.lltllte I!hllU not dnt,p.riorstfl, Tn no event. ~hBll the ~'ruRtor enmmlt wMl.e
<br />on or lo the ?'~,'~~ Itstlltll.~
<br />
<br />4, IIC'rIONS IIFFECTING ~'RUS'l' "STIITE. Trull!."t eh/Sll IIppellt In IInd r.ontllllt nny
<br />/!JcUon or pto':<lnding purporting to llreect the sl!cllrlty hal;'IIof or t.he right.1I or.
<br />pownts of Benetlci/lry or Trusto", /lne) Ahall PAY aU CORts 8nd ellp'!J1l1n/l, Inc:l,u'Ilng
<br />cost of evidence of title ftnd IIttornny's Clles, in Any such IIction ot procllnding
<br />in which Beneflcilll'Y or Trustell mny IIppttnl:. Shollld Tru/ltor rill L to mllk.. OilY
<br />payml!nt or to do /lny act as IInd in lhe mAnnnl;' l-rovid..i1 in Any of the !,onn
<br />InRt,rUm!!ntll, Benaf.lciary lind/or Trustee, Mch in its own dl.Bctel1on, without
<br />obligAtion, may milks Or do the Bame in sueh manner and to such extent liS either
<br />m~y dOl!m naeess8ry to protect the secllrity hereof. Trustor shall,' Immedilltely
<br />upon d..mllnd therefor by BeneficiAry, pav all costs "nd ellp!!nsl!a incurred by
<br />DennfIcillry in connectJon with the exercise by DeneCicLllry of the foregoIng
<br />rights, IncludIng, w1t.hout llmltlltlon, c:o"'ts or I!vidence of title, cOllrt cost,!;,
<br />IIPPtIlIsA1Is, surveys IInd Bltol;'ney's feM. IIny such costs IlIlII exponses not pllid
<br />within tAn (10) days of written demAnd Rhllll draw Interest at the deClllllt rale
<br />provilled in the Note.
<br />
<br />5. EMINENT DOMAIN, Should the Trllst Estate, or any port thereof or
<br />inlerest therein, be tnken or damaged by r.eason of any public Improv!!ment or
<br />condr.mnatIon proceecHng, or in IIllY other mllllller in<:iudlng deed in lieu oC
<br />CondemnatIon ("Condllmnatlon"l, or should Trustor l'ecIIIve IIny not lee or oth!>r
<br />inCornilltlon reg/lrd,lng 811<:h proceeding, 'rrlJstor shll1i give prompt wrlH'ln notlr.e
<br />thereof to Deneflclllry, BenefIciary shill I be entltlpd to all compenllntloll awards
<br />and other pnyments or relIef therefor;, nnd IIhll11 be entitled to make /lny
<br />comptom.h:e or seltlllmp.nt in connection wllh Buch lllking or dllmage. 1111 IIllCh
<br />compenll/ltion, QWnrdA, damnges, tights of IIctlon nnel proceellA aW/lrded to Trustor
<br />(thll "Pl'ocen,ls") are hereby al\lligned to Beneficiary; and Trustor agrees to
<br />elleellt." BUch furthel' assignments of th.. Procends M BeneficlBI'Y or TrUllll!e mny
<br />reqlllrQ,
<br />
<br />6. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUS'EEE, Bl!neficlRry may, from time to lIm..,
<br />by II writton Instrllmc!ht elCecutlld II/lil acknowll'ldg<'!d by Benllficlllry, IMU..d to
<br />Trustor /lnd rec:ordsd in the County in which the Tr;lIst F.state h located And by
<br />oth!!rwi!;G complyIng with thll provl/liolls of the applir./lh1e lAW of t.he State nf
<br />tlebrllllkB subsUlute a succe..sor or euccellsors to the Trllstee named hllrein or
<br />acting hllreund!!r,
<br />
<br />7.
<br />~enerit
<br />personlll
<br />mftlln the
<br />horein.
<br />
<br />SUCCESSORS IINO IISSIGNS, This Dl!Cld of Tr.ust appliClA to, inures to th..
<br />of and binds /Ill parties hereto, their hell'S, legatee.., devisees,
<br />representlltlveB, succeSllors and assIgns. The tOI'1l1 "ReneClciary" shl\U
<br />owner And holder of the Nole, whethllr or not named AS Beneficiary
<br />
<br />8, INSPECTIONS, BeneficiAry, or its agents, representatives or workmr.n.
<br />lire Qulhorip.od to entof at any rellllonnble tImo upon or In any part or the Trustee
<br />F.slBte for tho purpose of InRpecting the same and (or the purpose of performIng
<br />IIny of the acls it 111 allthori:>.ed to perrorm IInder the torms of any of thl! [.oAn
<br />tnetrumllnt/l.
<br />
<br />9. EVENTS OF DEFIIULT. Any of thll foUowing events Bhlll1 be dp-emed /In event
<br />of der8ult hllrellnder:
<br />
<br />(8) 'rruBtor shllH h/lve f/lUed to mllke pAyment of /lny inBlllllment DC
<br />interellt, principII1, or principal IInd interest or Rny other Bum secllrllll hereby
<br />when due: or,
<br />
<br />(h) Thor/l hilS occllrred 8 breneh of defAult under IIny tClrm, COV!!nAnt,
<br />8greOm!!nt, conditIon, provi.ion, reprClsentetion. or WRrr/lnty cOllt/llned in /lny of
<br />the I~An tnBtrument..
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />defllult occur, Benofici/lry moy deeIIlt'e 811 Inc'lllbtedno':ll sllcurod hereby to be due
<br />IInd pllynble on1, after twenty-five (25) days of written notice of the default from
<br />Bcnnfict/lry to the Trulltor, and the aame ahll11 thereupon becolft" due and paynble without
<br />IIn, preBPnt~nt, d!!mand, protest, or notice of any kInd. TherenCter the RcncCIclllry ~ny:
<br />
<br />(Il) Either In person or by Agent, with or without bringing Ilny /Sctlon or
<br />proceeding, or by a receiver appoInted by e COllrt /lnd without rClgnrd to th"
<br />/lrl"'1Il11CY of it. .ocurity. enter upon /lnd tllke POIll!UllIRion of the TrllRt ElltlltP., or
<br />any pllrt thoreof, in It. own "lIme or hI the nllme of Tr"etell. IInll do nny lIel II
<br />