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<br />88- 107083 <br /> <br />hi h it dClOlnA neceRlIsry or deB1rnble to preslll've tho vsln., ",.wketl.lbllitl' or <br />;en~ftbill t of the Trust ERt"te, or pnrt th"reof or interest th~ra in, inr.t'en~e <br />tho Ince;"" y ':"..r.rrom .::>r protoct tho seourity hereof. snd with 01 wit.hout tnking <br />possesult", "f lhs Trust Estate, suo C01" or othllrwioe collect the rent.II, ioou"o <br />ftnd profite therllof including those past due and unpaId, and apply t.he GIIme, <br />leSR C05t~ "nil ellpe~ses of ol'erlltlon and collection, inoluding IIttol'nllY's CSllR, <br />upon any indebtedneSR sccured hereby, &11 11\ such order as D~nQf1ciBry mtly <br />detcll'mine, The entering npon and taking posssAAion of the TluSt Illltnte, the <br />(:ollootion of such tents, issuee end profits and the application thereof as <br />eforesPlld, sholl not cnre or WAlve any dpfault or noHce of .;Iefault hereundp.r or <br />invalidate sny act done in reSIlonRa to sll"h default or pursuant to such notice of <br />d..fAult and, notwithstanding the cont1nmll\ce in POllRession of the Trust El'lllt.e or <br />the collection, receipt snd application of renls, issues or proEi~s,. Trulltee or <br />BeneficiAry sh/l11 be entitled to ellercise every righ~ provided for in any of t.he <br />tAlan Inetrumentll or by law upon OCCU1'rance of Any event oE default, includIng the <br />right to ell..rc1se the power of 1'111..; <br /> <br />Commence on action to foreclose thiR Deed of Trust all a mortgng.., <br />receiver, or speclficlllly enforce any of lhe cov..nAnts hereof: <br /> <br />(b) <br />sppo.lnt s <br /> <br />(c) D..liver to Trustee a written declaration of default And demand for <br />sAla, and a writt"n notice of default and ..l.ecllon to CAUlle Trustor's inlerel't. in <br />th.. Trust Estat.e to be solll, which notlc" Truste.. shall CBlIse to be duly flIed <br />for record in the appropriate official Records of the County in which the Truet <br />Estete i8 located. <br /> <br />11, FORECLOSURE ay FOKER OF SnLE. should Beneficiary elp.c~ to for..cloRe by <br />elCerciae of the Power of SIIle hereln contained, B..n..ficiary ehall not lEy Ttus~ee <br />snd shall deposit' with Trustee this Deed of 1'ru!lt and the Note and such receipts <br />end evidence of ..xpenditurell made and secured as Trustee may requIre. <br /> <br />(a) upon recdpt of such notice from neneficiary, Trustee sl\l.l1 CilllF;" t,o be <br />recorded, published and delivered to Trustor such Notice of Default and Notice of <br />881e as then re~lired by law and by this Oeed of Trust" Trustee shall, without <br />demand on Trustor, after such time as may then ba required by law Rnd after <br />reoordation of suoh Notica of Default and after Notice of Sn1e hAving been given <br />as required by law, sell the Trust Estate at the tlma and place of sale fixed by <br />it in ouch Notice of Sale, either 89 a whol.., or in lIepBrate lots or parcele or <br />iteme as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such ord..r as it mBY det~~mlno, at <br />public auctio~ to the highest bidder for cash, in lawful money of the United <br />Stetes, pay"ble at tho timo of sale. Trustee shall d..liver to euch purchBAer or <br />purchasera thereof, its good and sufficient deed or deeds, conv..ying the property <br />SO sold, but without Bny covenant or warranty, express or implied, The recitals <br />in such deed of Bny matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the <br />truthfulness thereof. Any person, including, without limitation, Trustor, <br />Trustee, Bnd 8en,,[I01ary, may purchas.. at such sale. and Trustor hereby covenants <br />to warrant and dafend the title of Auch purchase~ or purchasers, <br /> <br />(b) As may be permitt..d by law, after all costa, fees, expenses <br />of Trustee end of thls Trust, inoluding costs of evidence of title in connection <br />withllale, Trustee shall apply the prooeeds of sale to peyment of (i) all sumR <br />expended under tha terms hereof, not then repaid, with accrued interest et 10.75%' <br />pel"Or",t per annum, (l.l) all other sums then secured hereby, and (ili) th@ <br />remainder, if any, to th.. peraon or persons legally @nt1t1"d tllereto, <br /> <br />(c) Trustee may, in tb.. manner provided by law, postpon.. aale of all or any <br />portion of the Trustee Estate. <br /> <br />12. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE, Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of them, <br />&h~ll be entitled to "nforce payment and pe~formnnc.. of any indebtedne~A or <br />obllll6tion. lleCllred end to .."ercis.. 1111 rights and pOWll~S IU1C'le~ thls Deed <br />of True!:. or under snl' Lo"n Instrument or olher agr....m..nt or any laws now or <br />h..r..after in forca, notwithetandinll some or ail of the suoh indebtedner.e and <br />obligations secured ho~eby mAY nOw or her..aft..r be otherwise eecurod, whether by <br />mortgage, deed of truet, pledge, lien, assignment or otherwise. Neither the <br />1I0Ceptllnoe of this Deed of Truut nor its enEorcement whethor by cOllrt a"t~on or <br />pursul\nt to the pow..r of sale or other powers herain' contlllned, shall prejlldl".. <br />Dr in e~y menn..r affect Trustee's or BenefioIary's right to realize upon or <br />On force Bny othar .acudty now or hereaCter held by Trustee or B',"l!f1cillry, It <br />belng Bgreell that Truet.." Bnd nenectol6ry, /lnd each of th"m, sh...U bo enlitllld to <br />enforce this D",,<2 of Truet IInd anv other security Il0W or hereaCtor hold by <br />Bonoflcl..ry or In euch order and mllnn..r aa they or ..Hher of th"m "'"l' in <br />