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<br />d8- 107060 <br /> <br />BarrOtt'lf and Lrndn ronnln' and lit1ft' .s rollmu: <br /> <br />more limn nflct'11 (l~) dn)'1i in arrenn W em'cr Ihl.' c'lilrn C:O;PCII!\.(, <br />im'olved in handlinE! delinqucml pa)'I11C'I1I!'i. <br /> <br />I. ThaI Borrower will P'Y Ih. Ind.b.<dn.... .. hereinboror. <br />provld<d. Prh.II'Be I. r..erv.d 10 p'Y Ih. debl In whole or in pari <br />on any installment due dale. <br /> <br />2. Thll, losclhcr wit~- !"'"!-:' l.~ addilioll tl,)o, Ihe O1C1nlhly <br />payments or principal an.I ~ri~~rtit paynble under Ihe lerms Dr lhe <br />nOlr 5rcur~ hen'by. Ihe b..;,;o\\'er will P3Y 10 Ihl" Le'lldcr. on Ihe <br />firsl day or each month until the said nute:- is fully pnid, IhC' <br />r"lIowlna .ums: <br /> <br />~lilxliD:lhoJdeJdt~iumix <br />_Jl:2IID<DaIKJoIoIIlCllX>i~IntND:IX7IIlJOXi: <br />)(lllXX_~i<IlaJnIIk-oAKX><1lllRllIII!~ <br />>CJfxlX1x~IlDlI~llDbikllJCX>>IIXllIlWdDt1hc' <br />~~~~"'" <br /> <br />l(tt>Ui:lllllkllKlclll~lOClKK<i:K~ <br />XJIIXIDR>CiJo~~ <br />)(iamdxN~_1lIlaJmIDmIrfKirHKICIClCttVlIKbooiR:::ds:x <br />>iJaR~..k..<IdKIKIlDI:XfllJaraoxIbmdrK:>I~~~bc <br />>CIlOIlIIllIllVilDlVlll~~lrllll~ <br />>IlIIr4cXlII'l~IIIlo&ImIlIJ!'<lllIltN~ <br />>ImltJOaallBplxIll1OplllXOlZllDUl~ <br />XIIlIlt:m!IlcIaJl}l!lllicll!llllldlz"""'~ <br /> <br />~f<1lDI:laixImoPlKXli<bl~IOI~ <br />~k~_~ <br />)(1lal=1fI6XJIII!lQl~~~~~ <br />XI'lI!QlI<IlQlIOf>1l:>lllaacsJlllllllIllOOqlUlll~:lOlIK:millf(I<XKX=XX"''' <br />~HHIlCl!lfod~~~ <br />l'lIlI<XIlll!l<ftllll'_It:!lllitlllllllXllilliHidD<~~ <br />~ <br /> <br />(4) .H: ^ IHlI11 l"lllIallo the I:!mulld rt'llIt;. if :my. nt'.'l:1 dill', piLI" Ihe <br />prrmiulU!Iii 111m \\'iIIncxl bcct1llle dlll.' rind payable on policir$ of <br />fire and olher hazard insurance co\'Cring Ihe rropl::r1~', pIu!' ta,\;es <br />and n!i5~S!intent!lii ne.'lt dlle 011 Ihe rropC'rrr (,1/1 :J.~ t.'.~,im",ed h)' lilt:' <br />L~ndC'rJ Ic~~!i all !iIlI11S nlrcmly paid Iherdor dh'ided hy Ih~ num\1er <br />or monrhs to elnp'iC' berore one:' (I) ntol1lh prior 10 Ihe date when <br />such ground rents, prcmlum!i, la.xcs and asseS!imems will recome <br />delinquent, such sums to be held by lender in trust to pay said <br />ground rems. premiums. taxes and special assessments: and <br /> <br />(b) h All payments menlioned in the rwo precrding sub..el.:'lions or <br />this paragraph and all payments 10 be mnde under the nOle <br />secured hereby shall be added rogelher, and Ihe aggregme an1('l1l1l1 <br />Ihereor shall be paid by Ihe Dorrower cnch momh in a single pa}'. <br />ment to be applied by the lender to the rollowing i(ems in (he <br />order set forth: <br /> <br />XltltllDrlllillllD:tI:JQoKlUlIIiIO<llolaOlllO'ClC""&imm=X>i:b>< <br />xIladillllXlK""!<XJbImn.irJttlllJlltXXlmK~~ <br />~~~1I~ <br />>dgx <br />(I) .. grClund rems. la'tes, assessments. nre and other hazard <br />insurance prtmiums: <br />(II) (KIA) inu:relit on the nOle lier.:urcd herci'ly; <br />(III) n amortization of Ihe principal or !iaid 1I01e: and <br />(IV) Il'Ill I... .harges. <br />Any dcnciency in the amaUDI or !illch ag~regme monthly pay- <br />ment !ihall, unless made good by the norrower prior to Ihe due <br />date or the nc.'<t such payment. constitute an eH~'nl of defaull <br />under this mortgage. The Lender may collect a "'ate charge" not <br />to exc~d rour cents (4t) for each dollar (SI) of each payment <br /> <br />3. Thai i( the lOIn I or lhe J1nYlllcnl!i nUIlJe b)' Ihc Umm\\'u <br />under (n)or ,mrn{!rnph 2 preC'Cding !ilmll exceed rhe nlllUllnl of <br />I";:)}'ments iJCIlIDlly nmdr hy lht lender rUT p:rt1lllld renl!i, In"4c!i nnd <br />tls!ie!li!imenU or ImmrnncC' premiums. iJ!i rhe ca~ 1118)' he. 5\1(.'h e,,~ <br />cess. ir Iht lo;:)n is Cllrrclll, at rhe oplinn of Ihe IJnrr(l\\,cr. shall he <br />crcdiled by the Lender 01) ~lIt1!1cqllcnt pllrlllCl11!i In he mode h~' Ihe <br />Borrower. or rcfumlt'd 10 the Burrower. fr. hn\\'c\'(.'f, Ihc lIIulllhly <br />rn,.'ments mnde b}' Ihc Borrower under (a)of ,mrn!.!rnrh .2 <br />rreceding shall nol he !iurficient 10 pay (!rollnd rL'nl'\, In''t''O and <br />D!iliL.i!imenlli or imillr:1I1t'e premilllll!i. a!i the cn"L' 1IIi1}' hL', "hL'1I Ihe: <br />linlne !ilmll become due and payahle, Ihen Ihe Uurrmn'r ~hall P3}' <br />10 lhe lender any mnnunt lIC'ceS!Hlr)' tn 1II:I~e up Ihe deliciclIl.')'. UII <br />or before Ihe datt whell paymelll or stich ~roulld rClllli. la'(e~. <br />assessments. or in!\urance premiutn!i shall No due. If nI any limc <br />Ihe Borrower shalllcnder to the lemjc:r. in uL'CurdulICC uilh Ihe <br />pro\'isiOnii or the nOle ~ecured hcrel'l)". rull pa}'llIcnt of Ihe eltl!re <br />indebrcdness repre!iC'lIled Ihereby, lhe lender ~hull. in l'lllllPllling <br />Ihe amount or such illdetltl'dness. credit 10 the 3L'CClunl or the Bnr. <br />ro\\'<r ~~"IiD:'l!<mi!iooHxXlI~ <br />~o:XxudeJdl~imx<bx~ <br />~RUS~an)'halanL"ert'. <br />mainin!! in Ihe rund.. aCC'U1nulmcd under Ihe rnwisiom. orC a) or <br />p:lTagraph 2 hereor. If Ihere shall be a derauh under nllY of Ihe <br />pn:wislons or this in!'trumem resulting in a public ..ale f'r Ihe <br />premises co\.ered hereby. or if Ihe lender acquires Ihe properly <br />olherwise arler default. rhe lender shall arph'. at Ihe lime (If the <br />commencement of such rroceedings. or nI Ih" timt:' Ihe rr(lr"rty is <br />Cllherwisc acquired. the halance then rcmaining in Ihe tundo;;; ac- <br />cumulated under (a)l1r paragraph :! prccedin~. a" a credil ag.ain"l <br />rhe amounl or prilKipal thl'1I Jell1ainin~ uupaid IIlHIL'r ..ait! UulL'._ <br />omr.t"~ll"",lo"'tiD<KX1't'X=JOI""" <br />lIllOC!IoaJl""lI~ <br /> <br />~, That the florrn\\'cr will p<lr prmlJu..I rent"'. 1:1\C'\, <br />\\'all'r rales, <Iud nlhl'r 1!ll\'l'nmtclltall1r l11unidpal l'hal!:'!t.... Jilll.... <br />or impmiliuns. for which pw,'isinll h:l.. not tol.'l'lI made <br />hereinbcrore, and in lh:fauh Ihereof Ihc Lelld~r nUl) ray 111(' ~:Ilne: <br />and thai the ONTl1UL'r will prol11pll~ dclher Ihl.' 111'1ki;t1 rcccipl.~ <br />Ihere[or to the Lender. <br /> <br />5. The Borrower will pay allla\t:s which mOl) hl' 1l',il.'J Url1n <br />Ihe Lelldp.r's inlcrc-"l in !i:lid real C,HIIC' amI i1npHne1l1l.nt". and <br />nhidt may be le,icLl lIpun thi" il1'\lfUlltl'Ut (lr IlIe LIcht "'l:l,'I1TL'lI <br />hereby (bm Clnly It1 the e~lenl th;:)t Ciuch i!' Itllt rruhihilccJ h} law <br />and oull' 10 rhe f''l:tl'nt Ihm l;uL'h \\.m nOI lIIakl' thio: Il1.m u""rilll'''), <br />flut e'\;ciuding ~ny inl.'ome 13\, Stall' ur II..Jcral. ill1f'Cl..t'd nn <br />Lemler. and will rill' Ihe (1flkial fl'l,'dpl ...hll\\ in!! "ul.:h rlt)'It1~'nt <br />"i(1! the Lender. llpl'" \iul:uit111 t1f Ihi.. l1Iu..lL'rtakill~. .'r il IhL' <br />Borrower is prohibitt'd 1'1,.. an)' law 1Itl\\ or hcrl'uher l'\il;,liu!! hum <br />p3}'ing the whole or an)' portion or till' a[(lrCl;,jlhJ la'l:e", or U(1011 <br />Ihe rendering or an) 1.:'11urI decree prohif'iilinp Iht, Pil)l1tt;'tt1 by the <br />Borrower or all\' !'th..'h ta'\;e~. or if sudt la\\ or dt:l.'tt:C' pnnidCl; Ihill <br />any amount so r3iLl j,y the BOTTl"'cr ,,1m II re L'n:diled (111 Ihe del'll. <br />Iln.''"hall hint..' Il1l' ricIn III ei\'(.' nitlt..'I\ d;I\"Io' \\riUl'lI nnlke <br />10 (he o\\ner of thc premi'ic.... 'L'quirin!! Ihe p;l,..n'll..t1I nr tht' debt. <br />If such m11ice be ~hcn, Ihe "aid debl ."haIl N:L'(llI1e due, pllyable <br />and collectible at the expiration of ~aid ninelY day'i, <br /> <br />6. That o;,hould the Burruwer fail f(1 pa~.. any "11111 or ).l'L'P any <br />co\-enan! pro\"ided for in thi~ instrumcnt, Ihen Ihl' Ll'lIlk'r. :II it" <br />oplion, may payor perform Ihe same, and all e\)1l'lldilUIC'\ ~(1 <br /> <br />, " _ t P~;e 2 of 5 <br /> <br />HUD.92t43DT <br />