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<br />made \hall be added 10 lhe prmdpal ~um owmG on ,he Ilbo\'c <br />nOle, 'thall bl" \e~ured hereh~, and 'thall bear incercM III Ihe rate \et <br />fonh m Ihe ~ald nOle, until paid. <br /> <br />88- 107060 <br /> <br />'. That Ihe Borrower hete-h" l1S~jt;n5, iransfe;_ uf1d sets O\'er to <br />the lender. to be applied (0" ;l,J I~::;; paymenl of Ihe nOle and all <br />!.ums secured hereb>' in case ~: .~ de-fault in the performance of <br />an\' of Ihe term!i and condilions of this inSlrument or the said <br />noie. all the relll',. re\enuc!'l and income 10 be deri\'ed from Ihe <br />'aid prt:'mi!.es durmg ..u~h timt:' as the indebledne!ts ,hall remain <br />unpilid, and the l~'ndt:'r ..hall ha\C' pO\\cr to appoint any agent or <br />agents il may dc\ire for the purpose of repairing \ald premhes anrl <br />of rcming the \ame and ..:ollel.'ting the rent.., rc\'enUes and income. <br />and it may pay oul of \aid inl.:omcs all e\pemes of repairing ..aid <br />premi'ics and I1c..:e....ary ..:ommt"!'Iiom and t:'\:penses incurred in rent. <br />ing. and managing the 'lame and of ..:ollcctmg therefrom; <br />lhe balance n:mainlOg, If J.n~. In he applied lonard Ihe di..chargc <br />I)f 'iaid indebtednc..... <br /> <br />S. Thai tilt: Borroner nill I<.Cl'P the lI11prll~emcnt~ n(.lW ~\l'mng <br />m hereafter erecled on lhe proper!). imun:d a~ may be required <br />from time to time by the lender agalO"t IIJ.... 0) fire and other <br />halard... ca'luall1c'l and comingencle!. m ~uch amount~ and for su~h <br />pc-nod.. a~ may be required by Ihe Lender and \\111 pay promprly. <br />\\hel1 due. any premiums nn ..u..:h insurance prmision for paymenl <br />of ~\ hich has nOI bcen made hereinbefore. All i""urance ..hall be <br />carried. in companies apprm'cd by Ihe lender and the policic.. and <br />rene\\als lhereof ..hall be held by the lender and have altal.'hed <br />Ihereto lo"~ payable dausc'l in favor of and in form ac.:eptable 10 <br />lhe lender. In e\ent of loss Borrower willl!i~e immediate notice <br />by mail to Ihe lender. who mil) make prClOr of loss if not made <br />promptly by Borrower, and each imuran..:e .:ampany concerned is <br />h~reby aUlhoriled and direl.:ted 10 ma"'e payment for 'iuch Im.s <br />Jircl.:tly 10 lhe lender imtead or to the Borront.'r and the lender <br />jointly, and the imuranl.'c proceeds. or Jny par! thereof, may be <br />applied by the lender at ih ()ption either III lhe reduction of the <br />indebtedness hereby liecured or to the restnralil'n or repair of Ihe <br />property damaged. ln even! of foreclosure of this inslrumcm or <br />olher tramfer of rille to rhe mortgaged pruperty in e:\:linguishmcm <br />of Ihe indebtedne!!li secured hereb\'. all righl. lille :lI1d inten~sl of <br />the BorrO\\cr In and [0 any insur~nce policie\ Ihen in force ,hall <br />pa~s 10 Ihe purcha'ler or grantee. <br /> <br />9. That as addilional and collateral !'ecurilY ror the payment l1r <br /> <br />the nolL' dL'scribed. .lOti all sums 10 hecolllc Jut: under this instru- <br />mcnt. the Borrower herchy assigns to thL' Lemler all profits. <br />revenues, royal1ies. nghts and benetits accruing to the Borrower <br />under any and all oil and gas leases on said premises. .....ith the <br />righl 10 rc.:ei\'e and receipt for [he same and apply [hem 10 said <br />indebtedness as well before as afler default in the conditions of <br />this instrument. and the lender may demand, sue for and recover <br />any such payments when due and payable. bUI shall not be re- <br />quired so to do. This assignmem is to lerminale and become null <br />and void upon release of this instrument. <br /> <br />10. Thai the Borrower will keep the buildings upon said premises <br />in good repair. and neither commit nor permit waste upon said <br />land. nor suffer Ihe said premises to be used for any unlawFul <br />purpose. <br /> <br />11. That if the premises, or any pan thereof. be condemned <br />under the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public use, <br />the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of, or the con- <br />sideration For such acquisition, to the extent of the full amount of <br />indebtedness upon this instrument and the note which il is given to <br />secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the Borrower to <br />the lender, and shan be paid forthwith to said lender to be ap- <br />plied by the latter on account of the next maturing installments of <br />such indebtedness. <br /> <br />I~. The Borro",'cr further agrees that Ijhould this. instrument and <br />the note liecurcd hereby 1101 be eligible for imurance under the Na. <br />tional Housing Act within eight months from the date hereof <br />(\\"(I[len \mtement of any officer of the Department of Housing <br />ilnd Urban Development or authorized Bgent of the SecreEBry of <br />Housing and Urban Development dated subsequent 10 the eight <br />months' lime from the date of Ihis instrument, declining to insure <br />said no Ie and Ihis mortgage, being de:emed conclusive proof of <br />~uch ineligibililYI. the lender or holder of the note may, ilt its op~ <br />lion. declare all sums secured hereby immediately due and payable. <br />~olwith andlng Ihe foregoing. this option may not be exercised <br />b~ Ihe It:ndcr or the holder of the note when Ihe: ineligibility for <br />insurance under the ~ational Housing ACI is due 10 the Lender's <br />failure to remit the mortgage insurance premium to the Depart. <br />menl of Hou!ling and L'rban De\'eopment. <br /> <br />13. That if the Borrower fails to make any payments of money <br />nhen the 'lame become due. or fails to conform to and comply <br />\\ilh any of the conditions or agreements contained in this instru. <br />mt:OI, or the nore whkh it secures, then the entire principal sum <br />J.nd accrued iOlerest shall at once become due and payable, at the <br />dC":lion of the lender. <br /> <br />L.ender ...hall gi\'e notke [0 Borrower prior to acceleration <br />following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this <br />Inslrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 12 <br />unle...s applicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: <br />(al the default; (bl the action required to cure the default; (c) a <br />date. nOI less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to <br />Borrower. by which the default must be cured; and (d) that failure <br />to cure the default on or beFore the date specified in the notice <br />may resuh in acceleration of the sums secured by this instrument <br />and sale of the Propeny. The notice shall funher inform Borrower <br />of the right to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a <br />coun action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other <br />defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the deFault is not <br />cured on or before the date specified in the notice, lender at its <br />option may require immediate payment in Full of all sums secured <br />b\." this instrument wilhout further demand and mav invoke the <br />power of sale and any other remedies permitted by"applicable law. <br />lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing <br />the remedies pro\'ided in this paragraph 13, including, but not <br />limited 10. reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> <br />I I' the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of <br />default in each county in which any pan of [he Property is located <br />and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by <br />applkable law to Borrower and to the other persons precribed by <br />applicable law. Afler the time required by applicable law. Trustee <br />"hall give public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner <br />prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Bor- <br />rower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bid- <br />der at the time and place and under the terms dcsign3ted in the <br />notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee <br />determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br />Propeny by public announcement at the time and place of any <br />previously scheduled sale. lender or its designee may purchase the <br />Property at any sale. <br /> <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver <br />to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property. The <br />recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the <br />truth of the statements made therein. Trust" shall apply the pro- <br />ceeds of the sale in the following order: (8) to aU expenses of the <br />sale, including! but not limited to, Trustee's fees as permitted by <br />applicable Jaw and reasonable auomeys' Fccs; (b) to all sums <br />secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the per. <br />son or pet sons legally entitled to it. <br /> <br />Page 3 01 5 <br /> <br />HUo-B2143DT <br /> <br />. ~ ~ n 1.-, <br />