<br />Slate of Nebraska
<br />
<br />88-107080
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />84906-1-20
<br />
<br />,HA CI.. NO.
<br />
<br />321-1288350248
<br />
<br />This Deed uf Trusl, {"Security Instrument'" 15 m[Jde on December 29
<br />19 BB . The 1;.;0." ',. Douglas G. Lane and Debra L. Lane, husband and wife,
<br />jointly and esch ',. t.heir own right, ("Borrower"). TIIelru'leei, COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND
<br />.LOA&ASSOCIATION_~.........>. ("Tru'lee"). The beneficiary i,
<br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN , which i, organi1.ed aud exl5ling
<br />under the laws of The United States of America . and whose address is 1235 "NtI Street, Lincoln,
<br />Nebraska 6B50B ("Lender").
<br />
<br />WUnesselh: ThaI the Borrower in considcnnlon of Ihe debl and trust hereinafter described and crealed, and the sum of One Dollar
<br />($1), to him in hand paid by the Trustee. the receipl of which is hereby acknowledged. doe~ by these pres~nrs grant, bargain and sell.
<br />convey and connrrp\ unto the Trulilcc, foreycr, all of th~ following described real eslate, situBtcd lying and bcing in the County of
<br />Hall ' and Slale of Nebra,ka. to wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Thirteen (13), Block Three (3), Valley View Subdivision, being a part of the
<br />North One Thousand One Hundred Three (1103.0) Feet of the East Half of the North-
<br />east Quarter (El/2 NEl/4) of Section Twenty Two (22), Township Eleven (II) North,
<br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />*NOTE: See FHA Mortgage Addendum hereto attached and said to be a part thereof*
<br />
<br />which ha, 'he addre.. of 1024 East Phoenix
<br />(\lrnll
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />Idl)".
<br />
<br />Nebra,ka
<br />
<br />68801
<br />
<br />("Property Address");
<br />
<br />11JpCodrl
<br />
<br />To Han IInd To Hold the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating.
<br />plumbing and lighting nxtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the
<br />Trustee, and to its successors and assigns. forever. The Borrower represents to. and co\'enants with. the Trustee. that the "Borrower
<br />has good right to sell and convey said premises; thai they are free from encumbrance; and that the Borrower will warrant and defend
<br />the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever: and Ihe said Borrower hereby relinqui~hes all rights of homestead. and
<br />all marilal rights. eilher in law or in equity, and all 01 her contingcOl interests or the 80rro\'0'er in and to the above.described premises.
<br />the intention being to convey hereby an absolute title. in fee simple, including all rights of homcstead, and other rights and interests
<br />as aforesaid.
<br />Provided Alw.)'s, and these presents are executed and deli\'ered unlo tbe Trustee. in trust. however for Ihe foHowing purposes:
<br />Wher:eas. the Borrower on the 29th ,day of Dec'i!mb~r ,19 BB , borrowed from the Lender
<br />lhe ,um (If Thirty Eight Thousand Nine Hunared and Iloaoo
<br />Doll." (5 ::18900.00 ). for which
<br />sum the Borrower has J::'SC.Clllcd and dcli\lcn;d 10 UJ~ L.cnllcc:_~orrowcr's Jlr.pnU~8ry no Ie of even dalc. be-aring
<br />interest at the rate of .t;1.8ttt and EigtttYpet;i:yftt1i.rrPPI1d.redthS 1:1. tUi Dio) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The ,aid principal and inlere't ,h. II be p.yable al the office of FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />
<br />i~INCOLN Lincoln, Nebraska , or at ,uch other place a, the holder of the note
<br />may de'ign.te in writing. in mOlllhly in'lallmelll' of Three Hundred Nine and 65/100
<br />Dollars (5 309.65 l. commencing on the first day of February .
<br />19 89 ,and on the first day of each monlh thereafler unlillhe principal and inleresl are fully paid, e.cep' that the fin.' payment of
<br />princiPal .nd intere'l, if nol 'Doner p.id, ,h.1I be due and p.yable on the flrsl day of January
<br />20 H .
<br />
<br />This form is used In connection with mortgages Insured under the one. to lour-family programs of the National Housing Acl which pro-
<br />vide 'or periodic Mortgage Insurance Premium pavments. . . 11 ., "" ,
<br />\. r _ \;; i Fflrm HUD.92143 OT no R7 F!fiT'"'d
<br />