<br />88-106339
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<br />5. 'e..., ~"'I.m.nl., ond eft.,..... Trustor shall pay 011 foxes, aSSBssments and olher churges. including, wilhoullimilotion, rilles (Iud hn.
<br />pa.ltlans allribulabllla Ihe Properly, and leasehold poymenls or ground renls. If any, belare Ihe same become delinquent. Truslor sholl prelllp'
<br />tly lurol.h 'a B.nellclary all notices of omaunls due under Ihis paragraph, ood In Ihe evelll Truslor sholl make payment directly, Trusler sholl
<br />""Ptly IU'nllh Ie Beneficiary recelpls evidencing such paymenls. Trustor sholl pay all loxes and ossessmenls which may be levied UpOIl
<br />Benlflclary's Inlerlst herein or upon Ihis Deed 01 Trusl wilhour regnrd 10 any low Ihol may be enecled imposing pOYlllenl of Ihe whele er any
<br />par' Ihereal upon Ihe Beneflelory.
<br />6. Addhlonol U.n...d Pro,".tIDn of Stalllelo,,'. So.urlty. Truslor sholl make all poymenls 01 inlerest and princlpel and paYlllenls ef any
<br />olher charges, Ie.. and I.penses conlracted to be paid 10 any ..isllng lienholders or prior beneficiaries under any prior deed 01 Irust or mar-
<br />Igage belare the dale Ihey are delinquenl and promptly pay and discharge any and all ather liens. claims or charges which may jeapardi.e rhe
<br />security Granted herein. If Trustor fails to make any such payment or falls to perform any of the covenonts and agreomonts contoined In Ihis
<br />Deed of Trusl, or in any prior marlgage or deed af trusl, of if any oct ion or proceeding is commenced which materidlly affects Deneficlory's in.
<br />terlst in the Property. including, but not limited to. eminent domain proceedings, or procoedings involving a decendent. or if Trustor falls to pay
<br />Trustar's debls generally os they become due, then Beneliciary, at Benefielary's oplion and withaul nolice to or demond upon Truslor ond
<br />without releasing Trustor from any obligation hereunder, may make such appearances, disburse such sums, and toke such action os is necessary
<br />10 protect Beneficiary's interest including, but not limited to, disbursement of reosonoble allorney's fees, poyimml. purchase, contesl or COIl1-
<br />promise of any encumbrance, charge or lion, and ~l1try upon the Properly to lIluke repairs. In Ihe ovont tlllll llUstur shull fuil tu I',ocuro in-
<br />surance or to pay taxes, assessments, or any other charges or 10 make any poyments to existing prior lien holders or beneficiaries, Ucneficiury
<br />may procure such Insurance and moke such payment. Any ameunls disbursed by Denefielory pursuonlla this Poragraph 6 sholl became oddilionol
<br />Indebledne.. of Trustor secured by this Deed 01 Trust. Such amounts sholl be payable UpOIl no lice Iram Denefielory Ie Trusler requesling poy-
<br />ment thenof, and sholl bear inlerest from Ihe dole of disbursement 01 the rate poyable from time to time on oulstanding principal under Ihe
<br />Note unless payment of Interest at such rate would be cDntrary to applicable low, in which event such ornounls shull bear interest 01 the highesl
<br />role permissible under applicable low. Nothing contained in Ihis Paragraph 6 sholl require 8eneficiary to incur any expense or toke ony aclion
<br />hereunder.
<br />7. Anignmenr or Ren'l. Beneric.iary shnll have the righi, pDwer and authority during the conlinuance of this Deed of Trusl 10 collect the
<br />renls, Issues and profits of the Property and of any personal property located thereon with or without toking possession of Ihe properly orreeted
<br />hereby, and Truslor hereby absolutely Dnd unconditionally ossigns 011 such renls, issues and prorits to Beneficiary. Beneficiary, hDwever, hereby
<br />consents to Ihe Truslor's colleclion and retenlion of such renls, issues cnd prorits os ther accrue and become payable so long os Truslor is not.
<br />at such Ume, in default with respect to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby, or in the performance of ony agreement hereunder. Upon
<br />any such default, Beneficiary may at ony time, either in person, by agent, or by receiver to be appointed by a court, wilhout notice and wilhout
<br />regard to Ihe adequacy 01 any securily far the indebtedness hereby secured, (a) enter upon ond take possession of Ihe Properly or any pori
<br />thereof, and in its own nome sue for or otherwise collect such renls, issues and profits, including those post due cnd unpaid, and apply the some,
<br />loss cost$ Dnd ekpenses Df Dperation and colleclion, including rcusonnble nllufllIlYs Ices, upon emy irnlr.btedncss sccured Imreby, und in mch
<br />order 05 Beneficiary may determino~ (b) perform such acts of repair or protection os I1lUY be necessary or proper 10 COllserve the vulue Df Ihe
<br />Property, (c) lease the some or any port thereof for such rental, lerm, and upon such conditions os ils judgmenl may dictole or terminate Dr mI.
<br />ius' the terms and conditions of ony existing lease or Icases. Unless Trus'or and Beneficiary agrec olherwise ill writing, allY application of rents.
<br />issu.es or profits to any Indebtedness secured hereby sholl nol ex'end or postpone Iho due dole of Ihe installmen' floYl1lents os provided in soid
<br />promissory note or change the amount of such installments. Tho entering upon and luking possessiun of the Properly, 11m collection uf such
<br />rents, issues and profils, and the application thereof 05 aforesaid, shall not waive or cure ony defoull or notice of default hereunder, or in-
<br />valida Ie any ocl dOlle pursuant to such notice. Trustor olso assigns to Beneficiary, 05 furthr.r security for the pcrformonce of Ihe oblinnlioflS
<br />secured hereby, 011 prepaid renls and 011 monies which may hove been or may hereaflcr be deposited with said Trustor by OilY lessee of Ihe I}ro.
<br />perly, 10 secure Ihe payment of any rent or damages, and upon default in the performance of any of the provisions hereof, Truslor agrees to
<br />deliver such rents and deposits to Boneficiary. Oelivery of wrilten notice of Beneficiary's ckercise of Ihe rights granted herein, to uny lenanl DC.
<br />cupying said premises shall be surncient to require said tenant 10 pay said rent to the Beneficiary until further nolice.
<br />8. Condtmnatlon. If 1itle to any port of the Property sholl be token in condemnation proceedings, by right of eminent domain or similar action.
<br />or shall be sold under Ihreat 01 candemnollon, 011 awards, domoges and proceeds are hereby assigned end sholl be poid 10 Deneficiory who sholl
<br />apply such awards, damages and proceeds to Ihe sum secured by this Deed 01 Trusl, wilh the excess, 11 ony. paid 10 T.uslor. If Truslor receives
<br />any nolice or other Information regarding such aelions or proceedings, Trustor shall give prompt wrillen notice thereof 10 beneficiory.
<br />Beneficiary shall be entitled, at Us option, 10 commence, appear in and prosecute in its own nome any such action or proceedings and sholl be en.
<br />tilled 10 make onv compromise or settlement in connection with ony such Dclion or proceedings.
<br />9. Rem.dllls Na. bcluliys. Beneficiary sholl be entitled to enforce payment and performance of any indebtedness or obligations secured
<br />here!Jy and '0 exercise 011 rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under on'" other ugreel11ellt execuled in connection herewith Dr (IllY lows
<br />now Dr hereofter in force, notwithstanding some or 011 of the such imJebledn(>ss Dnd obligolions secured hereby 1ll0Y now or hercufler he olhl!l-
<br />wise secured, whether by marl gage, deed of trusl, pledge, lien, assignment or olherwise. Neither the occcptunce of this Deed of Trust nor ils
<br />enforcement whether by court action or pursuant 10 the power of sole or other powers herein cDnloined, sholl prejudice or in ony mannor affect
<br />Beneliciory's righl to realize upon or enforce any olher security now or hereof tor held by Dr.neficiary, il being ugrccd thaI Uenericinrv shull he
<br />enlitled 10 enlorce this Deed 01 Trust and OilY Dther security now Of hereoUer held hy DClll'ridmy ill such Older nmllllUl1I1Cr"'i illllllY ill il'i lib.
<br />solute discretion delermine. No remedy herein conferred upon Dr reserved to OClloliciory is inlemled to bc l!xc\usive of OilY olhrrr rmll[Otly 11[OI'eil1
<br />or by low provided or permitted, but each shall be cumulative and shall be in additiDn to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter
<br />existing at low or in equity or by slalule. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary or 10 which it may be
<br />otherwise entitled, may be exercised. concurrently or independently, from time to lime anti (15 Dften 05 lIloy he deelTlrrd eXflCtlient Beneficiary
<br />and it may pursue inconslstenl remedies. Nolhing herein shall be conslrued 05 prohibiting Beneficiary 110111 socking n deficiency jUrlgll1011t ogoinst
<br />Ihe Truslor 10 the e.lenl such oclian is permit led by low.
<br />10. Trande, of Property; Allumption. If all or any part 01 the property or any inleresl Ihefl'in is sDld. translerred or cOllveY~11 by Truslor
<br />withoul Benefitlory's prior written consent. excluding (a) Ihe crealion of a lien or encumbrance subDnlill(lle tD this Deed of Trusl. (bllhe crea-
<br />tion of 0 purchMe money SeCIJrity Inlerest for household appliances, tc) u trollsfer by devise. descenl or bV operation of low upolllhe dealh or n
<br />ioinl tenant or (d) the granl of any leasehold Interest of Ihree yeurs or less nol cOll1uinillU UIl oplion to pUlChuse, Beneficimy IIIUY. 01
<br />Beneficiary's oplion, dedore 011 the sums secured by this Oeed df Trust to be hnmcdiately duo and payable. or couse Ihe Trustee to rile a nolice
<br />01 defaull. Beneficiary shall haye waived such option to Dccelerale if, prior 10 Ihe 'ioll!. honslllr Dr COllvt'YOllce. (Jelleficiury umllhro prrsol1 10
<br />whom the property is to be sold or transferred reach agreement in wriJing Ihnllhe credit of such )lerson is sutisfaclory 10 Denericiury nlld Ihlll
<br />the inlerest payable on Ihe ,urns secured by Ihis Deed of Trust sholl be at surll ,ate os Denelicinry sholl request.
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