<br />88- 106339
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<br />IHIS DUDDFlRUST. mod.lhls 18 th day 0' Nov~~ber , 19....BL by and amonll:!ichael A. Wissinll and .
<br />whose moiling oddro.. Is 502 Lilley St., Wood ver, Ne 6lJ8l!3- Denise L. Wissing Husband and
<br />lhoroin"'rvslor""and Bank of Wood River . ""aso moiling address P. 0, Box 487, w1fe
<br />68B1B. ,lhorofn "Trusl.....nd "Beneficl.ry"l. Wood River, Ne 68883
<br />fOR VALUABLE CONSIDERAlION, i"c1uding Ihe indobledne.. i"de"lified helei" and Iho husl herein creuleel, the roceil'l 01 whkh is hereby
<br />ocItnowledged: Trustor irrevocably gronts. lronsfers, conveys. ond .ssigns 10 Tru.toe. IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. for Ihe benelil and
<br />securily of BenefICiary, under.nd subiect 10 the lerms .nd conditions of this Oeed.f Trust, Ihe re.1 properly descrlbed.s follows.
<br />
<br />5100' of Lots 11 & .12, in 8lock 8, in MacColl and LeFlang's
<br />Addition to the Village of Wood River, Hall Coun~ Nebraska.
<br />
<br />TOGETItER WITH, 011 rents. profits, royalties. income and olher bnnefils derived rromlhn reol property: ullleosC!s or subleases covering Iho
<br />real property or any portion thereof, now or hereafler exisling or entered inlo, Dnd 011 riUhl, lillc and intcrost of Truslor thereunder; ull in.
<br />teresls. ost.te or olher c1olms, bolh in low ond in equily, ""ich Truslor now has or may hereaFler acquira In Ihe reul properly, all easemenls,
<br />righl..ar-w.y, tenemenls, heredit.ments ond oppurtenance. Ihereor and Iherelo, .11 .iI and gos righls .nd pralils, w.ter righls ond water
<br />stock, all right, tille and Interest of Trustor. now owned or herealter acquired. in and 10 any land. lying within Ihe righi-ai-way of any stroel or
<br />highway adjoining the real property. ony and 011 buildings, fixturos, improvements, Dnd UIJ!Jul'lonullccs now or harourrcr eroded thereon or-
<br />beloDging Ihereto, (herein referred lO.S "'mprovement" or "Impravemenls"); and .ny and oll.words made for Iho laking by eminenl domain
<br />or by .ny proceeding or purchase In lieu thereof, of the whale or .ny p.rt of there.1 property.
<br />Allaf Ihe raregalng est.te, properly and interest hereby conveyed to Truslee herein collectively reterred to as Ihe "Properly".
<br />(., Tlle.l!pymenl or indebledness evidenced by Tru.tor's note of even dale herewith in lhe principal sum of
<br />Eleven Tnousand Nine Hundred Twenty Four And 71/100 ---------------tJolI.rs (S 11.924.71 "
<br />
<br />logether with interesl at the role or roles provided therein, (herein, lagether wilh .ny .nd .11 renew.ts, modifications, and exten.ions thoreol,
<br />relerred to .s the "Nole") both prlncipal.nd Interesl on Ihe Nole being poy.ble In nccordance with the lerm. .el forlh Iheroin, reforence 10
<br />""Ich Is hereby mad'e. the final payment of ~rinc"i.1 and interosl, if nol .ooner paid and if no renowals, modlflc.tians or exlenslan. are mude.
<br />due and payable on NOVember 18. 199 I
<br />(b~ the performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contoinedl and
<br />(c) The payment or .ny sum or sums of money with inlerest thereon which may be hereaFler paid or advanced under Ihe lerms 0' Ihis Deed of
<br />Tru.1.
<br />(d~ The payment of ony future odvoncus necessary to protQCI fha sucurity or any future advance mode 01 Ihe option or lhe portiesl and
<br />lelThe performance af.n abl/g.Uon of any ather person named in thl. Trusl Deed to. beneficiary.
<br />1. Peym.nl of Prlncipol and Inloro.I. Truslor shall promptly pay when due Ihe principal 01 and interost on Ihe i"debtedness evidenced by the
<br />Nole, and 011 other charges Dnd fees as provided in the Nole, and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by Ihis Oeed of
<br />Trust.
<br />2. W....nl' af nn.. Truslor Is lawfully seized and possessed of good and indefensiblo title ond eslole 10 the Properly hereby convoyed ond
<br />has the right to gronl and convey the Property; Ihe PropertY)$ free and clear of aUllens and encumbrances excepl liens now or record: and
<br />Truslar will warr.nl.nd derend the title to Ihe Property .gainst all claims and demand,.
<br />3. Maln'.oance aild Campnanee wUh law.. Truslor 51~oll keep Ihe Properly in good condirioJl and repair and sholl no' commit wDste or permil
<br />impairment 'or deterioralion of Ihe Property and shall comply with the provi,sions of oily leose ir Ihis Deed of Trusl is on a leosehold. No improve-
<br />ment now or hereuner erected upon the Properly sholl be oltered, removed Dr demolished without the prior wrilten consenr of Dene.iciary.
<br />Truslo" .hall comply with .11 laws, ordinances, regulations. covenants, conditions and reslriction, offecling the Property end nol commll, suffer,
<br />or_ peilnit ,any oct-to be done in Dr upon the Property In violation Dr Dny low, ordinance, regulolion, covenant, condition or reslriction. Trustor
<br />.hall campl..e.r nistore promptly and in good warkm.nllko manner any improvement an the Properly which may be domoged or destroyed and
<br />pay. when'due, .11 claims forlobor performed and materi.lslornished Iherof.re and 'or any alteralian.lhereof.
<br />4.'--,.....,c.~ Truslor; ot its expense, will maintain with insurars approved by Beneficiary. insuronce with respecl to Ihe Improvemenls and
<br />per~anOI'phiperIY', co!nUlutlng Ihe Properly, ag.inst lass by lire, lightning, tornado, and olher perils and hazards cover.ed by .landard extended
<br />c.verageeridor~~m.nl:ln lIi,.mOlll1t equal to .r loast .ne hundred percenl of 1he lull replaceinent value Ihereof and in,uronce agalnsl such
<br />.Ilier hozard.and in sucharnounts ..Is cu,'amorlly carried by owners and operalors of .Imular praperlles or os Beneficiary may require for its
<br />p"ilKlicin~ lru.t.. '/IIill comply '/IIith .tlCh ather requirement. .s Beneflci.ry may from time 10 time requo.t for lhe proteelion by In,uranee ollhe
<br />lnt,","ts of the resplclly, Portios. All insurance policies moinlained lJUrsulIll1 10 Ihi\ I>em' of 1.lJsl shnllll"lI1('1 hU'iIOl flmllh!l1oflriury ll'i ill-
<br />sUrlds, as tlHrir respfclive Inleresll may oPJJeor. and provid& Ihat Ihere liholl be 110 cunccllnlioll or IllIulificullon without no less thlm '5 tlnys
<br />prlor"wrltt'" notlficallon 10 Oln,f1c1ory. In :h. .vlnt any policy horeunder Is nol renewed on Dr be-fore 15 dnV5 prior 10 its o.llpiroliol1 duto.
<br />Btnifidory may procure such insuronc. in ocr:ordont. with Ihe provisions 0' porograph 7 hcroof. Trustor sholl deliver 10 Up'mliciurv 1110 DI ioinnl
<br />politi" of insurance and renewal, Ihereaf or memo copies of such pollcios oml renowals IhP.l~of. fllilUl 010 fUflli'ih ,>uch imtrlllllrc!ly " u\lm, 01
<br />rentwols os r.quired hereunder sholl, 01 Ih, oplion of Bcmlliclorr. constitute 0 deFoull,
<br />
<br />\ 1 ~ . .
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