<br />88- 106339'
<br />
<br />H. A........"" U,... DoI..II, .t111ldlll, 10011. Upan d.'ault b, TruSlar In the paymenl alar p.r formonc. of the t.rm, and condillon, of
<br />lho Not., or any r.newals, modlflcallons or ..t.n,lon, thereol. or Ih. paym.nt 01 onj alh.r Ind.bt.dnns s.cured hereby Dr In tho performonc.
<br />01 any or tho conv.nanls or agr.emenls h.r.undor, B.n.flclory may declaro all,um, s.cur.d h.r.by Immediately due and payable and Ihe 'ome
<br />lhall thereupon betatne due and payoble wilhout presentment, demond. protesl ar nollce of any kind. Thereafter, Benenclory may deliver to
<br />Tru,t" a wrlllen declaralion of d.Iaull and demand lor lale. Truste. sholl have the power of sole of the Prop.rty and If B.n.flclor, d.cldDlthe
<br />Properly is to be laid II shall depa,lI wllh Tru,te. this Deed of Trust and Ihe Not. or nole, nnd any ather documenl' evidencing ..p.ndilur..
<br />,ecured hereby, and shall deliver to Trustee a wrlllen natic. cf d.fault and eleclion 10 cau,e fhe Properly 10 be ,old, and Truslee,in turn, ,hall
<br />prepcn a Ilmllar notice In the farm required by law which ,hall b.duly filed far record by Trultee.
<br />(a' After the lapse of, such tlm. 01 mar b. r.qulred by law fallowing th. recordolion 01 Nollc. of Defoull, and Nolice of Defoull and Notice of
<br />Sale haYing been given as required by law, Tru'tee, wil,,"ut demand an Truslor, ,hall sell the Property in one or more parcel, and in ,uch order
<br />as Tru,'or mar d.termine an Ihe date and at the time and place designated in ,aid Nollce 01 Sale, at public auction to the highest bidder, the pur-
<br />cha,e price payable in cash In IDMul ,!,one, DI the Unlled SIDles at the lime of ,ale. The person conducling Ihe ,ole may. far anycnu,e he Dr ,he
<br />deem, e.pedlent, po,tpane the ,ale frDm lime ID lime until il sholl be complel.d and. in every ,uch ca'e. nollce 01 pO"pDnement ,hDII be given
<br />by public declaration thereol b, ,uch person at the lime and placela't appointed lor the ,ale, provided, if fhe sole Is pa,tponed IDr longer thDlI
<br />Dne (1) day be,ond Ihe day de,ignated in the Notice 01 Sale. no lice thereor ,hall be given In the ,ame mDnner a, the Driginal NDllce 01 Sale.
<br />Trustee shall execute and deliver 10 the purchaser its Deed conveying the Property so sold. but without ony convenont or warranty. express. or
<br />Implied. The recitals in .he Deed of ony matters or 'octs sholl be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Anv person, Including without
<br />limitalion Tru,tee, mDY purcha,e 01 the 'Die.
<br />(bl. When Tru,lee ,ell, pursuant to Ihe powers herein. Tru,tee ,hall apply the proceed, Df the ,ale to payment 01 the CD,t, and e.pen,e, Df
<br />eKercising the power of 50le and of the sole, including. without limitation, the paymenl of Trustee's Fees incurred, which Trustee's Fees shallllal
<br />in the aggregate exceed the following amounts based upon the amount secured hereby and remaining unpaidl 5 percentum on the balonce
<br />thereof, and then to Ihe ilem, ,et forth In ,ubparagraph (c) hereof in the order Iherein ,taled.
<br />fc) After paying the ilem, 'pecified in ,ubparagraph (b). ,if Ihe ,ale I, by Tru,tee. or the proper court and 01 her ca,t, of fareclo,ure and ,ale
<br />il Ihe ,ale I, pursuant to judicial foreclo,ure, the proceed, of ,ale ,hall be applied in the order ,Ialed below to Ihe payment of,
<br />
<br />
<br />(1 J Cost of ony evidence of litle procured in connection with such sole and of any revenue required to be paidl
<br />(2) Attorney' fee"
<br />(3) All ,um, then ,ecured hereby:
<br />(4) Junior tru,t deed" mortgage,. or ather lienhDlders, and
<br />(5) The remainder. if anv.la Ihe person or persDn' legDII, entilled thereto.
<br />
<br />(d) If the Beneficiary of this Deed of Trust is a bonk os denned by Nebraska low. ony 'itnIOlIlr.nt conloinml illllllY olhm 'i(!l;:lion of lido; tlrf'd
<br />notwithstanding, Ihe Beneficiary ,hall nDt be entllled 10 receive Dr take Dnd debtor ,hall not be Dbligaled 10 po, or give, any canfe"ian of judg-
<br />ment, power of ottorney to confess Judgment, power of attorney to appear for 0 borrower in a judiciol proceeding or agreement to poy the casts
<br />of collection of the ollorneys' fees. unless such acts of collecllon would not otherwise be prohihited by Nebraska low, Provided, however, Ihnl
<br />this section does not apply to the Trustee fee referred to In pOfllgrnph 6 (bJ. Provided fUI'IIIOI', t1ll1llhi'i IlIlIngroph 'ihnllllol UjJllly 10 thi'i Oeml of
<br />Trusl, if the BeneficlDry I, nDI a bank.
<br />n. Addltlonal50curlt, In.trumlnl.. Tru"Dr, 0111, e.pen,e, will e.ecute and deliver tD the Beneficiary. pramplly upon demand, ,uch securi.
<br />ty in,trumenls a, mDY be required by Beneficiary. in form and ,ub,tance ,ati,factory to Beneficiary. cDverlng any 01 the PrDperty conveyed by
<br />thi, Deed of Tru't, which ,ecurity In,trumenll shall be additiDnal ,ecurify for Trustor', faithful perlarmance of all of the term,. covenant, and
<br />conditions of this Deed of Trust, the promissory notes secured hereby. and any olher security instruments executed in connt"Ctian with thislron-
<br />sacllDn. Such instrument, ,hall be recorded or filed at Tru,lar', e.pen,e.
<br />13. Appolnlmenl of 5u.....ar Truol.e. Beneficiory may. from time to time. by a written In,trument e.ecuted Dnd acknowledged bV
<br />Beneficiary, mailed to Tru,tar and recorded In the cDunty or cDuntie, in which the P.roperlflS located ,and ~y atherwi,e compl,ing with the provl.
<br />sions of the applicable lows of 'he State of Nebroska, substitute 0 successor or 5UCCeS$O~S 10 Ihe' Tru51ee;~med herein or acling hereunder.
<br />14. Inspedlans. Beneficiary, or Its ogents, representatives Dr workmen, ore riulh~rlze~ ~o_e"ier'_~t,"O~Y:feDsonnbre time UpOIl Dr in any port
<br />of the Property lor the purpo,e of in'pecling the 'ame and for Ihe purpD,e of pe'ii~iming 'any of Ihe Del, It i, aulhroiled 10 perfDrm under Ihe
<br />term, DI the Deed a' Tru'l.
<br />1 S. Option to foncloll. Upon the occurrence of Dny default hereunder. Beneficiary sholl hove the option to foreclose 'his Deed of Trust ill
<br />Ihe mOMer provided by IDW for the fDreclo,ure of mortgage' on real properlv.
<br />16. Far.barone!., .e"ellciary Not a Walnr. Any forebearonce by Beneficiary in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise
<br />afforded by applicable law, shall not be D woiver of or preclude Ihe exercise of any such right or remedy. Likewise, ,he waiver by Bermficiory of
<br />any default 01 Tru,tar under thi, Deed of Tru,t ,hall nDI be deemed fD be a waiver of nnv alher or ,imilar delault, ,ub,equenlly occurring.
<br />11. Trultor Hal Released. Extension of the Hme for payment or modification or amortization of the sums secured by lhis Deed of hU'it
<br />granted by Benericimy to Dny successor in interesl of Trustor sholl nol operate to releu'ie. in ony 1T10111lP.f. the linhility or Ihe originol hu~ror nnd
<br />Truslor's successor in interesl. Beneficiary sholl nol be required to commence proceedings ogoinst such successor or refllo;e 10 exlPIIII limp lor
<br />: pOy'~ent or otherwise modify omortizalion of Ihe sums secured by this Oeed of Trust by reoson of OilY del110nd l110de by 11m origin"1 fruslor (llltf
<br />, TrusIDr', ,uccessor In lnlere,l.
<br />1.8. ~n~i~'1 Powen. Without affecting the Iiabilily of Ihe Trustor or ony olher fmlo;oll liuhla for the pflynmnl of ully ohliglltion hf'fpin
<br />.-;mentionid,in4_:,without affecling Ihe lien Dr dlorge of this Oeed of Trust upon OilY portion of Ihe Property nol then 01 there'ofore relensed us
<br />, security ff t~:lull amount of 011 unpaid obligations. Beneficiary mav. from lime 10 time and without notice, (i) releese any person 50 liable, Iii)
<br />h,exlend thi molurilV or alter any of the terms of ony such obligations, (iii) grant other indulgenceo;, (iyJ release or reconvey. or CQuse 10 be
<br />~-~ released Or r~conYeyed at any time at Beneficiary's options any parcel, portion or 011 of fhe Property, (v) toke or release any other or additional
<br />;-- security for airf ~bligation herein mentioned, or (vi) make compositions or other arrangemenls with deblors in relation Iherelo.
<br />, i9. fllUre Adj,nu.. UpDn requesl of Truslar, Tru,tee Dt Tru'lee's Dptian. prior to recanveyonce of the Property to Tru,tor. may ",ok.
<br />(.j; ruture advance, tD Tru'lar. Su,h fufure advance,. with iniere,t thereon, ,hall be ,ecured by thi, Tru't Deed when evidenced b, promissorv
<br />Ir :"~~ notes stating thot soid notes ore secured hereby I provided thai 01 no lime !iholl the secured principal, future ndvnnces, not includirig sums nil.
<br />vonced to prolect 1he securily. exceed on aggregate principal amounl of $__ _ __
<br />
<br />20. ..connpnce'" Ir..te.. Upon written request of Beneficiary stoting thai 011 sumo; secured hereby hove heen paid. amI UpQll "itJrlf!l1dN
<br />of this 0..., of Trus' and the Nofe 10 Trustee for cOIlCt'lInlion nnd relention nnd upon poynlr.nl hy Tnl\hn of "u\If'4"''1 FfOP-II;. 111111;'rr \Imll
<br />reconve, to Trustor. or the person or persons legally entilled Iherelo. without wnrr(lllly, OflY 1101 lioll of Ihe Plnpf'1 'V Ihf'n hpltt hfl'PIJII!t(11 Ihf'
<br />fecitals in ,uch reconnyonce of any moilers or focts sholl be conclusive proof of Ihe Ituthfulne\s thereof The gnllltep ill (lIlV rpCOllveYOllce IlUIY
<br />be described as "'he penon or penons legally entiUt!d Iherelo".
<br />