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<br />. , <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />'. <br />88- 10~161 <br /> <br />PREPf'. Y&f__~CCRUAL OF TilE FINANCE CIIAR(iE: E\'cn though I do nUl hill'll' In POl)' mmc Ihun Ihl! rcguluf !ochcdulcl.l nlumhly pllyment,l have !herlghl <br />10 flrelJl~"' owill[l (0 ~ou in full III :In)'II01C or in pun fmm lime to lime. If tile Icnc..lin~ il1!oliWliun IIrbllnk lhal huv~ my cmllruct computes the (jounce charge <br /> <br />~hlll~'cl ~~r~ ~n~:d~n c~l~~W~n~i~'iII~ II~t:~~~~~.klh~it~:r~~l~~~e~~~~~d ~~ tl~~1 ~~.:~~:rJ~ }Jrllfuell~1;,~~~~ ch~i~:?fnll~Y~)r1rIl~~~~~:.~nIl3~~~(!P:I~11 ~u~Y~i~~' [::~~fi~ <br /> <br />mule!> ba.,edon (he assumption thlll you will recein: ellch oflhe l?uymentsc'Ulclly on II!. due dllle~ IInd I knuw Ihut there will be no refund ift prepay becuuse there is nothing <br />In refund if 111m charged on u dailv basis. If the lending imtitution or bunk does nnt compute the finance churge daily. and if J prepay the whole amount, )'ou will refund <br /> <br />~~h~~~~~d uJ~~~::~~~~~~ft~~~~n~~'~l~~~a;~~~~~~r:~~ ~J't ~~ l~eC~~t~t~I~!t~:nd~~n~onuon~~nl~f~t~~e p~~uay~~~:~~:i ~~~ \~e~~~I~~~~ ~fiu~:~~u~~'o~~~~~~ 51 ~~ <br />will not be made. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(el We' ae SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA. <br />BILlty AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON AL.. GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR. <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN:L1MITED WARRANTY OR ,SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL. <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />ftn I huve n:ad. in detail. the sCp'urute "I~-YEAR L1!\HTED \V ARRANTY" which. ifmude. uccompanies this conlruct It ellplains lhec:oudilions and Circumstances <br />in which the mnnufuclUred pmducb Will be replurcd nrrerlllCcd. Ituke noticii: of the limitalions un the wurranty. and I punicularly recugnize lhat liny impliedwarrunlywhich <br />applies In the good.s lu~ls only a!'. lonp us the WamlOl)' ur sen:ice cllnlr..It:l. <br />(ell ha\'c read. in OCUli!. the scparulc "LIMITED INSTALLA TJON WARRANTY" whll:h. if maue. :Jccompunies this COnlrucl. It ellplains the conditions and clr. <br />cum.sUlnces in which the instullution oflhe siding will ~ redone. I talie notic~ of the limilalions on Ihe .....urr..tnl)'. and I punicularly recognize thai un}' implied warranty which <br />applie510 Ihe in5talll1tion la~l' only us lung ilsthe wilrranly orser\'icc conlnlct. <br />SPECIAIAlRDER GOODS: I knuw that you have measured my house and it!'. upenmps ~() thai you can make the products to fil my paniculur house, 1 lake notice thut the <br />goods that are manufactured for my ~pecific hou~c pmbably will nnt tit any other house!.. and under !luch cnnditiun:t. I knnw that I cnnnol cum:el this contract ut any lime <br />ufter the period of time given III me. by law. in which to cancel. Aflcrlhllt I~glll period of lime. I know Ihat I ha\'c the t-bli!llltion 10 pay you in fulltheamountowed. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE AND MY REAL EST ATE: I. I promise tn keep my house in good repair and 10 keep It Insured for <br />:t~~~~tl1~~~~:I~~~~hi~h~~~,:~~~f :luhaU~I~:h/~idi1 ~~t~n~e~ l~~~~Tfi~ ;~:~~1~~~ ~~~~'n~~~~:~~~~~h~)II~r~.jf; ~~S~:;c~r~~~C01i~~ ~~ht~~ldri~~ fd~\~~ ;g~~ ~~~: <br />Ihorilc the insur.lIlcc comSian)'IU pa)' you directly for am'lllSll, You can chons!: In use lhi!!. insurunce payment 10 either rcpar any amounts I nWl: )'ou orto repairm( house. <br />~I~~~: ;~;:f~i~I~{ri~:~e ~rfy~ie~~~ ~~~;;;~lc:s~~~~~~~lhOnU~~.~~i~~~~~~~Y ~~~~~rt:' 3~1~~~li~:r~~~~~1~W I~~~~i~=~..~~~nreu~~s t~~:~I~:r' ;h~r~~~~llfnn~~i~~lh::U1~i~~~~ <br />due, 4, I promise 10 timely makeull puvment!!l on m}' prior loan!'. ~ecured by m}' real cslate. I also prnmbe that I will nol c:\tend. renew urchangt: prior luans wilhoul)'our <br />\\~t~n;Puftth~~~~I~.u~f~n~of~~~i~~I~g~~ ~~~~~ ~.~~u~~~llin~~ d~~~~SI~T~~ii~~~~)~~i~ ~~~lhi~V:~~i :~~f'Jtc~J~~~.t~~~t~~~/i~~~~~~~ U:IW :~~I,);oUu i~~k~ ~ae~ ~~o'~lt~~1ii <br />c: ~dd..:~ l~ my debt 10 yoa which ill sccured by my real e~tUlC' lJnd house. I knuw Ihul it you accld~ In buy IOsumnce fur me lhal yuu do not ha\'e to obtain any homeowner <br />orhablllty lOsumnce. <br />SALE OF l\n' HOUSE: I prombc nollll sell.leascorgl\'C my htlll'~ loany"ne unlill ha\'e fullyrcpaid mydehl tn)'llu <br />DEFAULT: I willbc in default under this contract if: <br />I. Jdon'l make a paymc:nl when doc: or <br />2. I break any promise J made 10 you in this conlract;or <br />3. Something else happens which causes you 10 believe in good faith that I do nOI intend to pay you as promised; or <br />4. I defaull on any obligations for which I am using my home IlScollalera1: or <br />S. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. if any. in It. <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand thai you have the righllo f-.rreclose the Mortgage I have given to you and have my house: sold 10 repay any amounts I owe you if I <br />am in default under this contracl. Before my house: is sold, you will do everything Ihal the law rcquln:s. 1f you hire an auomey to assist you to 5el~ house. or! to sue me, <br />:p:~::; 6:~f?;:'.ul;:~d~io~~~,~~l~c"h =~~b~~ i~~~eys' fees and for other related ellpenses such as court costs, title searches money you expended <br /> <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose: not locnforC'c any of the rights under this contraCt as often as we wanl withoullosing them. Or, we can delay enforcing any of the righlS <br />withoutJosing them. We can olsouse any rights now orin the fUluregiven to U5 by law. <br /> <br />~,:::: ~~~ ~o~~~e~~U:r~:J~~~:.ld~i:~I~~ue tfar:~~~t~r;;i~:=~~~no~~~~~:r ~~:5~~:ers':~~;~~:~~~1~~~~~~'rtfu:~:-~f <br />not be liableforsw:h delays. <br /> <br />='~~=~~::;~~ti~~?:.b\~ra":i~~~~~~~~~ ~:v~~U:~~7~i~I~~c~m"~~i:r~~=~~~;~~::d~ b::~~~~~:o':a~=: <br /> <br />ten:d lR the cOUrt haVlRRJunsdlcllonover me and you. <br /> <br />SALV AGE VALUE: I know that the WlndOWll. woodwork. ..iding. bricl.. and OIher maleriah Ihal have to be removed b). you for this inslallalion have NO salvage value. <br />When you remO\.e tnem. you can have them for whute\'Cr purpm~ )0'1111 wanl. <br /> <br />SPEClALSITUATIONS: Duclo the uniquenessofsome of the products thal)'ou sell, J understand that In 5~ia1 situations that:yourRegional Office may havc: to review <br /> <br />~our~:~;s~~~ ~c':,"=t~~o~~~:~v~:=~n~~~~~haa:::ca~~:; :h~~ :h:hl:b~:Cth~o~~ ~~~~:~=~on impoRanl to this transaction <br /> <br />INVAt.ID ...ftVdI~t."V nmvii.inn Oflhili "nntm"t vinlRll""lhr.1nwltnd ilO l1nr:nfnrct'..Hhle lhe no<t nfl~ C"nntmrt will hi" vnlict Ifanv """ nfthlll C"nntnlr.t rr.nllirP.< <br />
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