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<br />1\1 fla)'lTIenl lIl:nt'lIUIC Will DC; <br />NumllCf IIf PA)mcnt' >\mllunlllf Pll)rnent~ When Pu)mcnl' II~ Due <br />Eslimal~d 10 be dUYlI ufter Ihe dale <br />(If Ihe Complcliun Certificale. <br />All subsequenl imlallmcnls on the same day of <br />each conllcculive monlh unlll paid in full. <br /> <br />Credh Accidenl <br />& Health <br /> <br /> <br />.11!nllllll'C'- un:r <br /> <br />SfCuril)'1 I al11 g~~-:::urt ~MN~nP ~ <br />I. the guud:'!. hcrvices and pro[1Cny being purchascll, nnd <br />2. my real estale nntl Improvemenl!i. inclndlng my <br />hlluse. all m my "AddreNs" designated ubnve. <br /> <br />Flllng/R<<ordlng r... $ ~O. od <br />Lace Chllrge: If n puyment iN more Ihan ten (10) days <br />Iale. I will be charged $5,00 nr 5% nr Ihe lole pay_ <br />ments. whichever hi less. - <br />Prepayment: If I payoff curly. I will not hllve 10 pay <br />a penally. nnd I may he enlilled (0 a refund of pun of <br />the finance charge. <br /> <br />----fo I will review olher ponions of this contract <br />for nddllional IlIfonnalioll nbnu! non-payment. default. <br />uny required repaymenl In full before Ihe scheduled dale. <br />und prepayment refunds. and penalties. <br /> <br /> <br />InsuranC'e <br />Credit life Insurance and crcdil disability insurance are not required 10 chluin credil. and will <br />not be: provided unlells I !lign nnd u,gree 10 pay Ihe additional cost. <br />T)'(I:: Premium ,!~1, SiJ!nillll!'e <br />Credit Lire I wanl credit life <br />insur.llIce. <br /> <br />.ll1tulun:- <br /> <br />n'lIter <br /> <br />e means an estimate, <br />Propert)o' Insurance 15 requlrflf. and I may obtain such insurance from an~'one I wanl who is acceptahle 10 you or I may provide It through <br />an existing polky_ If I ohtaln this Insurancr IhrouAh you. I will po)' 5 ~~ for ~ months or coverage. <br /> <br />SdO. CX' <br /> <br />I ",ani credit accident <br />and heuhh imur...nce. _ tj!tullln: _ ll\er <br /> <br />~~~~~~~~l\~~~ i~~e ~~~I r~u~~:~~m~~~~~r~:st~~~ill~n~r;I~C ~~~~c 1l~~nl;:~;~c~l~lne~~~:~~~dd~~. S:~n ~hne fina~t;ha~~~n7e;:::~Will begin to run on the <br />date Ihal.1 "~1I11 si$n It C~mplctitln Ccmrlcllh:. The amnunt of Iinuncc char~c (intcresll may ~ motc or less than Ihe amount disclosed dc(X'nding on the amounts I pay you <br />and my Im1ehnes!l In makmg paymcnh. <br />~~i~~~~~~1I1 u~~u~~~I~~~~~Y prepay the llmuunt I o.....e you. in full or in pan. at uny tillle. If I make a panial prepuymeOl. I musl coOlinue In mak.e my regular paymenls '5 <br /> <br />:~~~m~~~~~u~A~;~~I:~J~~ i~~?~~~nh~~~l~~~'1 ~~~c ~a:u4~c~:~.IlI'Il~~~lkln~~:CII~~~I~~~i:nC~~~~f~s~ufu~b~oa~;~~c;i ~:~~~i~~t~r :~~~ mlcrestlln lhalllmount 5 <br />~~~~Ll~~?~g~~~~ l:ulu:~;~o~~~i~I~~~~~;~s~~~~:u~nadn:~~ud~'~~~~ :~~I !x~~~~:' i~c~~~~~,n~O~~ullh~~'?s.~~~t~~~~i~III~':'~da::~:~k~u~u~lhll~~::I~~t~n:y ~~~~ccrnen[. ~ <br />~?t.~~~~~:a~ ~~~l;;rn~'II~~~~~is ~j~~ t~O~~~)~:~~r ~hil~r;~;II'::.l~USlll:s ~~~f~~;.e. my reul eslale and house tocllled al my "Address" designaled on Ihe: lOp ponion ~ <br />~ REVERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAl TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SlOE OF THIS INSTAUMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A :;( <br />z PART OF THIS INSTALLMENT SAlES CONTRACT AND THAT I AM BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS VERY [j <br />o INSTAUMENT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE AOOITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SEUER'S WARRANTY OBLIGATION. ~ <br /> <br />~ 1. I do not ha\'e to sign this ronCracl hefore J read iI or if an).~?I~Cs~a;21~~!~~or the ugrM terms 10 the exlenl of then available Information ~ <br />!Z are 1m blank. 2. I am entitled to a c:r~' of this conlract BC Chr time I sign iI. J. I may pay ofT che rull balance due under Chis contract al any <br />8 :m~du':n ~ t:~~ ~"dfatn ~~~ an~o Iha~~hi~r '~~t~~~:::ism~t ~-=~tlllhl~~ ~~sh":h~1 ~~~rT: I~ainf~~ ;'u I t:n:::::a~~, t:~:n::: ':;~T~~; ~ <br />z or commit any breach or the peace to npossess goods purchaRd under Ihls conlract. 15 <br />o BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL 0< <br />U I MAY CANCn THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AnER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE 0 <br />READ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPlANATION OF THIS RIGHT.) <br />COPY~RECEIVED: I ud.:nowledge receipt uf a cnmplelely filled in copy Ilf lhi!! ('onlruel along Wilh~W~~()PieS nf the Nlltice uf Righi 10 Cancel Fllnn. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhl~ InMallment SQ.h:~ Cnmmcl and Mllngagc hall he!:n Mpncd un thi!! - day uf O....,r .19.z::.L. <br />at IcilY) Jr 4.-. I .. - ~.- . SHIll: of Nchm~~il <br />THE PACESETTELORPORATION ""'"R ""RT',^(;IT, ~ J:: ~ <br />By:' ~,(.rnTr.~ <br />By: ~~<t:~,flr:,f1 ~~J>.A",;r~ ~ <br />"' <br />The lilll:glling instrume:~~~~~,;~~tf'~ me un Ihl~day nf~ <br />County nf ,,~ .~ 1.2. fL- . by Ihe abo"e designuled::; <br />8uy'""- Mungugn",) , I' 1:\ <br /> <br />My cnmm;,,;n" e,p;"" ~nlu'yl'uhh,- ~ ~~ <br /> <br />
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