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<br />pI)'menIU( ~ """"'tYnI.e Jlwpmnhs. then )'OU will nnly'hllYc the righllQ coliCc'1 from me the amounl of InU:n:sl which the'Jaw'aUows y'ou k)cOJiecl. <br />COMPJ.ETENESS OFmlS CONTRACfI Thlli conlract can only hcchanged lrboth you and I agree In writing. <br />The: rollowing notice brings to my DncnHon lhe righls thlll have even when Ihis contract Is sold 10 II finllnclallnstilUlion or II bank. and lahould nolice thDl1.lte Imporw <br />lanccofthisPIU'Iision IllliU"C:ssedbyilsappcarancelntcnpolnl.boldracetypc: NOnCE 88- 108181 <br /> <br />Thl. creelll contract nnance. a purch8la. All legal rlghta which Ihll BUYllr hlla Iglllnll Ihll Sall.r lIr1llnll <br />oul 0' thla lren8llcllon, Including all claim. and de'en.... lire 1I1so vlIlld agalnal any holder 01 Ihll contrect. <br />Thll right to reconr monllY from Ihll holdllr under Ihl. provlalon la IImlllld 10 the amount paid by thll buyer <br />under Ihla conlract. <br />A claim II a legllly vllld reason lor aulng Ihe Seller. A defense Is a legally valid reason lor not pllylng <br />the Seller. A holdllr I. anyonll trying to collllCllor thll purcha... <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: Iff have rc;questcd insurance in this purcltaR, I maycnnccl such request for Insunmccforanyruson within fifteen (15) days from the <br />::Io~~~cgf~~~~~~?:)~~l:~~~~ ~~~~:~J~~n:~=~~Hrt ~~i~ r;:l~:;::~~tion of my covemge will be arranged with the insurance carrler(l) and <br /> <br />PLEASE NOTE: 1fT have ~uested insurance' in thisJ:'rchase, I will receive within thiny (30) days a certificalc of insurance more fully describinfh the insurance coverqe. <br />~~~~~~~:;~~~r,~~in~~~~~~~~~fnsu~c~(~S~f~~~~~fg~;~~~~~=cc~~~~~~~:;r/i~a~~::~~~~n:r{~.surance at] am covered only (0 <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I take notice Ihat eithel' Credit Li~e or Credit Accident and Health Insurance, or bolb, will be applicable to this Sales Contract 6n the reverse side only if J have chosen <br />:::~C~~ ~~~~'S.h~h~~=~e~lll!~n:tf~i~~lof~~~v::;~;fU~~J~~~~~~~:S~:~~~;: ~~~~h~ ~~s~~i~s:::~q::lbl:~~ :.:~ta;!~~ <br />monthly payments. r undcn.tand that Ibis particular insurance may not provide coverage for my last fcw payments, and Ibat during"that ~od of time t wUl nol have any <br />iMurance covemie. All benefits and ~"'Ceds of the insurance will be ~Ilid 10 f.ou or 10 a. financial institution or a bank if it ~rchases the Sales Contract to the cxlenl of its <br />=:~d '::;~ ~a::~ ;i~ :~~~fyt~~nie~~~n~ti~h:~~~t N~ d~d~~~e r}nls:~i;tl~:bii.:~:: :.q~i~a~~re~~:OCIT~ ~~~~;~~;~a~~ft~~~~:J~= <br />the requcsllor Credil Life lnsurnncc, death benefits will be payable only with respect to Ihe firsl one of us lodie. Subject to exclusions, eliminations or wailing period slated <br />in the lRsurance policy or certificate, Credit Accident and Health Insurance is for the benefit amounl of 1/30th of each month's payment for each day Ibat 1 am tolB.Jlydisabled <br />due to an injury or sickness while I owe any payment to you: however, I understand that I have In be Cillvented from working (tue 10 such total disiLbilily formam than four~ <br />::o~:S=~;~::{:J:~o::i== ~':~~:=r:~~:~~~~~kfedion:n~::;~~bi~aa=~:a~o=o~I:=:n,lht~~m:r";6.0~ <br /> <br />aIRI,lbe entireamounl thai i owe you. Due to the muimum amount of covemgc slated in the insumnce policy, 1 know that any unpaid amount in eICCSS of~ 1QSuraDce <br />coverage will still have to be paid. Iflhe Sales Contract is prepaid in full prior (0 the last payment dale, any unearned insurance premiums will be refunded to me in the man. <br />ocr prescribed by law. Within thiny (30) days, I wi1l ~eive the cenificate of insurance more fully describing my insurance covcrage. If the insurance is not accepted by <br />lhe Insurance company, I will receive a refu~ orlbe insurance premiums I have paid. <br /> <br />BUYER: The nexltwo paragraphs contain warranties relative 10 this sale given by us to the financial institution or bank in order for it to buy this contract. <br /> <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLM <br /> <br /> <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Seller hereby sells, assigns, conveys, transfers and delivers to <br />(Assipec) 011 of its rights, litle and interesl in and to the Installment Sales Contract and Moltgage,.together with all liens existing 10 se re its paymenl, and the proper:t)' <br />cncumbered hereby. Assignee is hcreb:r substiluted as Mortgagee under the Mongage provisions of this conlract. Seller wammls and represents; (I) II has therighl to inakc <br />this ASsignment; (2) All slDtcments an figures in Ibis contract and in the Buyer's statemenl are malmaUy b'Ue and correct; (3) This contract arose from the bona fide sale <br />of the goods and services described herein; (4) The cash downpayment shown in this contmcl was acrually paid by Buycrand no part of said downpayment was loaned di. <br />rect1y or indirectly by Seller to Buyer; (5) Each Buycr is legally compelenllO contract; (6) This contracl is notand will nol be subject to any claim, defense, demand orright <br />of offset; (7) The exccul~on of thiS conlraCt and the underl)'ing sales transDction givin~ risc Iherew did not violate any federal or slate law I directive, rule or regulation now <br />in effect: (8) In the event lhalltda contract or the underJYlng sales transaction is subJect'to II righl of recissiarrar cancellation _I?~ the Buyer, such rescission or cancella- <br />tiDn period has expired and n.ilh.rthc sale DD' ,hi. contract h.. heen cancell.d D,....iDd.d, THIS CONTRACT IS SOLO BY SEUER WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br />IN ~ONY WHEREOh'ndc"igoed is an .uthDn'.ed "p'B"l'I:?tive Df the SeUer and has sigo.d helDw 00 hehalf of the SeUer on this , ~ <br />day of (rlJ'p 11'\ h J ,J9.D.l) <br />ICa <br />,19.-ZZ <br /> <br /> <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION (Sollor) <br /> <br />By /JJ "/}P?ll. ~~/ <br /> <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on <br /> <br />'-fi~h J <br /> <br />~ ~ <br />'(1 , .,' <br />~ ...pJ, . <br />otuy Public ", " " . .," '., ~,', ' <br />.~.- ~~~ ~~ <br />
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