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<br />~I l'AtE NSUIVED FOR COUNTY RfCOROfA <br /> <br />,;~ "f" <br /> <br />. h r ~iC p <br />\t,j .Il <br />:88_ 106161 <br /> <br />~~. <br /> <br />FOR USE IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />INSTALlMENT SALES CONTRACT ANO MORTGAGE <br />THE PACESmER CORPORATION, A CORPORATION <br />(TIlE SEllERlCREDITDRI <br />9505 .'1" STREET <br />OMAHA, NEBRASKA 6B127 <br />(402) 331.(1275 <br />~OR METROPOLITAN OM,lHA SERVICE CALL 331-l)277 <br /> <br />TO BE RECORDED IN REAL ESTATE RECORDS <br />SM.F-li <br />CONTRACT NO. <br /> <br />78111 <br /> <br />2550 NORTH DIERS AVE., SUITE F <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68BOl <br />(308.384-4414 <br /> <br />Sold To ~.r: 7- rL~._~'# ~-eJ.~.-.J <br />.R'U I Hi,\! ,",\\11' OF ".. _ rIllYF.RS'i <br />"Add,...' ~ I ~..,t 7d~ C;I~ i'r",,_'^~'~ ,S,"'c $.JZJ. Zip ~JI'P~~ TClcpt'1.~o,7.s-~-~d <br />In Ihis InslallmenJ Sal~~ Cnmrucl Ihe word.. I, me, and my refer to the Buyer and Co-Buyer (if ~nyl !\igning Ihi,s cnntrucl. The words. you and your. <br />\O'..e and us, refer to Ihe Seller and mal al!\tl mcan u bank tlr tllhcr financial institution ir it buys 1111" cllnlrucl. If It d()c~. I will make my pa)'menL'i to <br />it. Under the MortSllge !\lutUlc!\, I <.1m al!\o \.;011\\ n a!\ Iht. .'Mllrtsugnr:' and yuu an: relerred te:' u~ Ihe "Murtgagcc" I under~land Ihut ir more than one "Buyer" <br />signli below thll[ each will be rt:lopon!liblc I'm all prnml!lc" made :md tilr puymg thc obliglltlOnls) in full; you Illll)' ctlllecl af.ainsl une or Ilny, This contruct <br />coven. mv purchase of manufaclIlred flnldut.(!I. of The PacC'!<ocller Curpumlion, and/or !liding di!\lributed and inMa!led h)' 111C I aCC!lCUer Corpomtion, You have <br />quoted me a Cash Prict" and a Towl Sale Pnce. The Total Sule Pnce 1!llhe tutul cmlnf the ProdUCI!\ und ..en"ice.. If I hu}' (111 credil, <br />I now chllo\(! tn bu\!. and 'ilIU a~rce to ~elJ. lilr Ihe TOIal Sale Price. )C[ fnrth below, Ihe pmducl!I I1nd ..en'ICc" dc!\crihed below. I agree 10 pay <br />you the amounl financed in 'uccllnlance Wllh Ihe fluyment ..chedule ..e[ funh below. IIlgclher with interc!lt thereun al Ihe unnunl pcrccnla~c nlte which is disclosed <br />below. I also agree: In ull of the other lenn!\ on both !>ide.. of thi.. conlmcl. Onlv produels manuraclurrd h)' The Pat'ftCller Corporalion are covered <br />b our 10 year Llmlled Warrant)'. No cxll:'rlor or Inlrrior...trim. paintin~!lr stainIng, "".111 he pro,"ldrd unln. tipulnrd in thl!l~ ~ <br />l' ~.a. r. -ml <br /> <br />~" W. ~~~ <br />'.,d/--A. 'J"d/ <br /> <br />Dute Of Thi!o Cuntracl / /'J ....!:J~....- t1'~ <br /> <br /> <br />legul de!>Cripliun <br /> <br />BuyeD IIcknmdrdRr Ihal II Legal lJe..cnflllnn I'" not a\Jailahlc ut tht' IUIIC Ihl~ wntnu:t I" t'l.eculcd. Sdh.:r hu~ Ihe nghl In nbtlllll I1l1d Ihe Legal DI.'!lL'riptinn <br />at u IUler dale <br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Ba"c l.:uloh price S ~,~ lult ~-+ uddilinnul warr.Jnl)'/servicc cn\'crngc~.:= S .:Jvtf.3.nn <br />Total cash price ~ ~ Yr:6-:=t.OO Ca~h flntal) dn.....npaynlcnt S ~~-,.,O =- Unpaid balance ors .:)y~~...ctt'!t, <br />ITEMIZATION OF TilE AMOllNT FINANCED OF S L~06-.~rl. c)o : <br /> <br />S .2 'iff. ~ AO Amount LTl:dned tn thi!t cunlr'.Jct (Same amnunt U!\ the "Unpaid Bul<.lllce. ") <br />$, -3..0.1.J,...1;JJ'J Amoulll paid IIn net balance from prior cnntr'.JCI with U!\ <br />AmnunUsl paid tn nlhcn. on my behalf: ) ""'.c)(J <br />S ~...O~ to in!<.umncc company for Credil Life in!lumncc S 1""J~.~d <br />S ^O.dL1 10 in!<.ur'.Jncc company for Accident and Hcuhh in~umncc S ~... dI/J <br /> <br />to im,ur.Jncc cnmpuny for Property Damage insurance <br />In public officials for filing/recording fees <br />In (Specify) "'--'~ <br /> <br />ANNUAL FINANCE Amount Tolalol Total Sale Price <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments 1be total em[ uf m)' purcha.o;e <br />RATE The dullar amnuntlhe The amount nf credit The llmount 1.....i11 un credit. including m)' <br />The COllt of my credit a!l credit will cosl me, provided 10 me oron ha\'e puid after I downpayment or <br />a yearly nste my behulf. rum:: mude all pllymenllo S d".ClCl <br /> as !tcheduled. <br />/7. 6-/ % s ~ FO 7. <'c:' Ss 5" 30.c:)O ~ '8~.J7. ot:) s 8':3 ~ 7. dO <br /> e e <br />.. , , ..... ,. Ifl&.:... ~... <br />