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<br /> <br />When Payment. lire Ilu~ <br />&Iimul~d 10 be ~ dny~ after Ihe dalc <br />nf thc Complelion Cer1ificnle, <br />All ~uhscqucnl immllmcnl5 on, Ih,e ...l1mc day of <br />cach cunsecUlivc monlh until pmd In full <br /> <br />InAlnlncr <br />Credit life insurnnce and crrdil di~abilily insurance are nol rrqUlred Iu oblain credit. and will <br />nol be provided unless I "'I~n LInd ugT't"C' In pay Ihc additional L'ust, <br />T)J'C f'renllurn SI~IUlIUrt' <br />Credit Ufe I wanl L'rcdil life <br />msumm:c. <br /> <br />Security: I L11ll giving II ...ecurity inlcrc!ll in: <br />I Ihe gumh. \~rvicc... and property being purcha...ed. and <br />1. my rent c\tale and impnlvemenl!\. including my <br />hllu~e. ullal my "Addrcsli" designaled abovc. <br /> <br />FlIInj:l/Rccordlng fees S CJo. 6 0 <br />Late Charge: If 1I puymenl is mure Ihnn ten (lO) days <br />laiC. I will be charged $5.00 or 5% of Ihe lute pay. <br />ment'io. whichever is leu. - <br />Prepayment: If I pay off early. I will nol have 10 pay <br />1I penallY. and I muy be enlilled 10 a rcfund of part of <br />Ihe finunce charge, <br /> <br />-- <br />:,,~ruItU~ --nUl'" <br />S 0:1''''. c ~,-, <br /> <br />Credil Accidenl , wam crrdil acddenl I <br />& Henllh . and heahh in!<lurunce, ...,~ <br />$ a~CL ~ _.___ _________ e eSlimatc, <br />Property Insurantt is Rqulred, ..nd I IOn) obtain such Insunmcc rrom anyone J "nnl who is acceptable III ynu or I ma)' provide II lhrou~h <br />an ni:sting policy, Ir I oblain ibis In.'iourantt Ihrough you, I will pay S ~~__ ror ..........Q._ months or cn"er1l~c. <br /> <br />----+ , will rrview 'other pur1jon~ of Ihis conlract <br />fur addilional infnnnalion about nun-puyment. defllull. <br />lIn\! requi~d repayment in full before tnI.' 5chedulf!d date, <br />I1nd prepayment refunds lInd penullies, <br /> <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CIIAR(a-:: The limlOL'l' charl!C' Hnlcre..n i~ c~llfl1alcd tn stan on __ ,/I/~),/ &:- ,,;(.,FC <br />Hosen the dale) ellcept i'1 Ihe ~Ycnl Ihal vnu complete lhe lII~llllllllllln 01 Ihe gund>; .1IIt.! sefVll-es on anolher tlale. Ihen the linllnce dlllrgc (mfC'rcsll will begin III run on the <br />dalf! !hat. I shall sien n Cnmpleutln CCr1lllclllc. The llmllum 01 finance dult!!!! (mlerc..11 llIay Ol' mure ur Ie.... Ihan Ihe amount t.!lscl(ls~d depending on the lImllunls I pay you <br />and my tm\clioess tn mllkin~ pa)'ments" <br />PR~PAYJ\.fF.NT: I may \'nlunumly prepay the llnlllunt Im...e y.m. '" tu!lor '" pun. alany 11111C If 1 mukc II pani:!l prcpu)'nlcnt. I must eominue In make my rcgulllr payments Z <br />until I have plud all amounts owed. 0 <br />REQUEST FOR FUU. P,,"'MEflt7: If I dn nnl pay .....h!!" dul.'. )'IIU Clln declare all Ihlll I n\loe undl.'f IhlS contr.1CI pllvahle all1nl'l.'" I agrec 10 pay you inlcrestnn Ihal amounl i= <br />at lhe mllXimum Cl1ntructual rille nlluwed h)"lnl4' unlilthe l.omullnl1 1I14"C you IS pllid. 'alsll kml\lo Ihat yuu {'an fl.lredosc ihe Mnngll!!e I have given 1(1 you. :J <br />fi~~uL:o~?~~~~y r~Ju~~~~}~~~i~I~I;:;~~~:~f~~;~"aJnr~~;~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~'i~c~=~b~"n~ll~~allh~~I~~~ligl~I~~i~~I~~~~da:~:l~~Ifc~u~u~~I;~~{~~~n~y 1~~~cmcnt. ffi <br />:~~~:~:~ ~~~ll~rn~ilblll1~~~t~ ~~~ t~~I;~~Yu:::;~r tltj~f:~;l:~l!~:~~a~~~ ~~~~~~~"~. my real estate nnd hllU!oC hll"Uted al my "A.idress" dcsil!nalcd on the lOp JlUnilln ~ <br />>- REYERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIDNAL TERMS AND PRDVISIDNS PRINTED DN THE REVERSE SIDE DF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CDNTRACT ARE A <( <br />~ PART DF THIS INSTAUMENT SALES CDNTRACT AND THAT I AM BDUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED DN THE FRONT OF THIS VERY u <br />6 INSTAUMENT SAlES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PRDVISIDNS PRINTED ON REYERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIDNAL TERMS LIMITING SEUER'S WARRANTY OBLlGATIDN. ~ <br />~ NOTICE TO BUYER z <br />~ I. I do nol hue 10 sign IhlJ contract bc!rort' I Trod II or If any or Ihe spaces Intc:nded for the IIgrttd terms to the: extent of thc:n a\lallable information u:: <br />~ U:~~c:~JI)~kSo 2d:ln~mJ e~~~~ t~n:IlIc:l~oo~ ~e'ba~:'~~~~e a~::~=1! ~:~: ~;...3'ln~..:'~J~haofT ~hfir f~~ ~~I:~t :n11Je~r~:~ :~~~ ~~:rr:'~':e-:lt <( <br />c Is based upon II home: solicitation !illle and thai Ihls Instrumenl 15 not nrgollable. S. II shall nOI1: leJ:al ?',r you In enter my premL'ie5 unlawfully Z <br />~ or commll any breach or the peace 10 npossess Roods pu~~~~;;e:~~~sH~n~octCANCEL ~ <br /> <br />8 I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT DF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. {I HAVE 0 <br />READ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF RIGHT TD CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATIDN OF THIS RIGHT,} <br />COP,,' RECEIVED: I Ilcknnwll.'dge recclpt Ill" a l'ulTtplclC'I)' filh:d 10 cupy Ilf Ihi... cllnlract alnng Wllh tWt1 (21 cupic~ Ill' Ihe Nnlit.'e uf Right In Cancel Forni <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOf ~ lhi~ In"'lallmenl ~Ie~ )9t'lrucl and Mortgage halo been ..igned on lhis _.-Lf:..._ day 01 a: 1 .19 ~ . <br />al ICily) ~'a'~("/ rS~ __ . Sill": III Nehm!lka. <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION ,'ElUI< M""n;""EI, <br />fJ. <br /> <br />By' <br /> <br /> <br />~--q('"t(.-"j!r-?- ~ f/d;it~ <br />~~.c,"~. ~ <br />rurIT'V. {(j,\ ;fiR - ~ <br /> <br />The: fmcgmng lO~mel)t was acknowledged before me nn Ihi!- ~ day of ~ <br />Qr;;r~ ~....-;19~ .bYlhel1bnvcdcsignl1lcd S <br />BUY'"'H1'~1 .. ::7;J~~ ~ <br /> <br />!'>.I'lta~ l'uhllL" ,<. ~... Cr--L~~~ '-=U""_______~_._"_~__ <br /> <br />By, <br /> <br />Suue Ilf Nf!bnnlt.u <br /> <br />, <br />I ~!I, <br /> <br />County or <br /> <br />...--...... <br />lOll A. CIWM <br />,1991 <br /> <br />My cummilosilln elpin:~; <br />
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