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<br />THlI $P'AtI "!!EIIYlD fOil CDU"" IUCOIIOlft <br /> <br />88-105620 <br /> <br />------' ' -', <br /> <br />FOR USE IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ' <br />INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ANO MORTGAGY <br />"--. THE PACESETTER CORPORATION, A CORPORATION <br />". I1llE SEllER/CREDITDRI <br /> <br />2S50 NORTH DIERS AVE., SUITE F '~- -----O~~t.:! / <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 (402) 331-0275 Z-.--/ <br />(3011) ~14 FOR MeTROPOlITAN OMAHA SERVICE CALL J31.02n <br /> <br />Snld To f:,'(" IC L C'j Roo,J.Gthf1r )J",7""~_______D"" Df Th;. Cn"',"" ..12c.(, ~ 1711 <br />If'l,I\lIH,'1 'IlI\MF.OFI\\J. IllH:RSI J ur... <br />"Address" ";-;;21 t)1.,rn.'1I It. I Dr Cily 6""'...::h"rr J:r:.(e,.....r./.Stllle A...-I' IIp._~Telcph(lne NIl..~..f'/-.,,(I.q'i <br />In Ihis Inlilallm,=nl Sales Conlracl the wurn!'> I. me, anll my refc:r In Ihe Buyer a,nd ~'tl-Buyer (if an>'} !>i~nin!! thi,!'>"L The words, you and your, <br />W~ and w. refer 10 the Seller nod may also mean a hunk or other financial imlllulmn If It buy!> Ihl!> conlr.tcl. If II dt)C!'>, I wi!1 make my paymenls 10 <br />it. Under the MongD~e !<itatules. I um ulsll known ilS the "Mongugor,'" ~nd you un: rele~d In u!\ lhe "Mortgagec" I undersland Ihal If rnnre than one "Buyer" <br />~~,,~5rs be~~wp~~~~ctlf ~~n~ac~:~n~~u~:~ ~~I th~m~~~~~~t~e,C~~o~~itr~,Y~;d/:~rC ~i~~~a~:~~~~U:~d r~~~ 1~~lan~J b~J1~h~ }ra~;~~lI~~eC~~~~iio~~i~~~n~~ <br />quoled t;o~ C~::O~~~ a~~y~ ;~~IlI),~~lea~~e'tOTh~lTO}~llr Sl~ ~~~';lls~l~e ;:;\~~.C(~~llIfo~~ ~~~~1!'>,,~~dp~~~ui~~~ ~~J ~~~iC~SCd~~~ribed hc:low. I al:;ree 10 pa)' <br /> <br />you the amount f1nnnced in llCCordnnee wllh Ih~ paymenl ~ehedule !>e,1 ronh below. lugelher wilh imeresl thereon III lhe annual pen::emage rute which I" di~losed <br />below. I also /lgn:~ to all of lhe Olher lerm!> on' hnlh side!> nf thl!> ennlract. Only products manurllclured hy The Pac~tler Corporation are cover~d <br />by our 10 year Limited Warranty. No eNlerior or intfr~r trim. palnlinJi[ or stainlnJh ~'III he pro"ided unless specified in Ihis ConlrAcl, <br /> <br />I?w><;"mr '" .-;/ .cn,<7""~~,df>I.'," f. A-r/'~~~T.-" A:"" .rP'~'_j ~I"'~'l;~ <br />~~"~S't':h~~~~~,r".,<((.Y"n' "~"<""'~' -~..s).,'k ",//_.J1, ~ _<~_~ <br />d;; Z" ' Dn.,L;~'5 ~//,,/...,,;, s/al'.{ h;,,,j,,1 ,:,_~, O1'7~:I., 7'4, '.,//' <br />,,~..aI~~ .a1/o'JI (,tJdd71>..-z:; .'<D~ C tf(..<:.s '2'""~u/Y,,, JI...L./U--:::.f.r~/< 5!.--ij~;~ <br />- ~r ~. '~,:sL12,=mc,~:.u~__/;/.. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION The abo c.'. "hc:d goud!> und ~ervice~ arc 10 he Imlall~d and pi cc upnn Ih~'/~./ldrc,..~~ lIc.::I~~lI, il (1\'\. unllthc le~:I...d::~riPli n <br />for such "Addre~s" i,,: ---1.-=t:_u.a~ ......,,.... <br /> <br />WMcesma2" <br />~COlWRATION <br /> <br />TO DE RECORDED IN REAL ESTATE RECORDS <br />SAU:''i <br />CONTRA(.. NO. <br /> <br />81943 <br /> <br />e( ~// e<-~7 .y;7, <br />P;"'.o( .:rd,,,,.,,! &IdcJ I <br /> <br /> <br />Buyen acknowltdKf thut if Legtll De~cnplil1n I" lllll u\'wlabh: al the lime tlm. Wnlf.KI I' excculell. Seller ha" lhe nphl III nhlain and imcn the Legal Description <br />al a later dult:. <br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Ii,,!,>!: Cl1!>h pricc S ~ f lUll ~ + addi!innal warmnt)'/"cr\'icc l.:(wemgc ~ $ ::;;n,);6d <br />Tulu! cash price 1i ;2li ;;~.l2 u ("a"h I10tllll dnwnpaymcnl $ .---O-Q .~. r;:',.i.! Unpaid halllllce IIf 1i 2.:!:2 ~ __ . <br />ITEMIZATION OF TilE AMOUNT nNANCED OF $ _ ~~ : <br /> <br />S _-flJ!i~(L'! Amnunl credncd tn thi!> cllnlmcllSumc amllunt il!> the "Unpaid Balancc"', <br />S ~~ Amuunl pard nil nCI halanec fmm prim conlmcl with us. <br />Amnunll!'>) paul In III hero. IIn Ill) hchalt $ <br />S _Q.Q ~~ III IIhuruncL' t:11ITlpllll} fllr ("rellil Life insumncc S <br />S nrJ rt ~ III m..unllu:"t,:umpilny fur Accident and Hcalth in:-.urancC' S <br /> <br />__~._ 1(1 insunrm:c company fur IJmperty Damage insunrnce <br />C7o. CO 10 publk nff1dal!> fur r~rccording fec" <br />00 ~ C fr ._ In (Specify} pUoJ1) <br /> <br />ANNUAL FINANCE Amount Totalo! Total Sale Price <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments The tollll C()!iluf my <br />RATE Th~ lInllur IJInuUnI Ihe The IImount of credit 11le amount' will on credit. including my <br />ThecllstoflR)'credllll!> ~TC'dlt Will CII!lllRC' p",,,ided 10 me urnn have paid after I dnwnpaymenlof <br />nycarlyralc my behalf. hove mude all paymenb $ (JO. ~ CJ <br /> u!'>schedulcd. <br />/7r1 "10 $ /500,6:) $ c??75V6 $ -f' 39:5: P; $ 7' :J95:~{) <br /> e e e <br /> <br />Mv oaVf1lC'nt ..chedule .....,1\ he <br /> <br />0:-> <br />