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<br />ADDITIONAL TERMS <br /> <br />88-105620 <br /> <br />. <br />PRt:PA \"MENT AND "l"CRliAI. 0'"' THE nNA ,\('}o: f:HAH(iI-:: l'\'cn lhnll!!h I dllllnl have In pltV 11l1lre llinn lhe n=gulnr ~dll~dulcd I1IUlIlhl)' payment. (have the ri~hl <br />lU p'rcp~ the ,,"'be1lQ llQlounl o\\'ln~ 111 r:;u In lull al all~ 11ll1~ lIT '" P"" hnllllllllC' 11111111(' lithe Irmllnlllli"l1lll11tln lIf hllnk Ihul bu)'~ lilY ctlntrucl cnmpulch the ftiUlI1ce charge <br />~~~.('l ~ml~ ~n~~cfn c,~,~('n~i~I'II; 11~,~~,:VII~'~'''I~:lnlh~r~~::;~~('~:;I~~Ot~:l ~:~I ~~~ ~llel~~d'~ l-.r:l~il~1l:~;1:'~~~'C~I~~:;:~D111~i~;f'I~I~~,~~~~:1:nat~~~I~I~~111 ~lllrr?p~~:1 J~~~~i: <br />~u~e;u~~tf?t:~h:h~~~~~oa" J~ii~'YI~~~~'lI:t~h~'l~~~~~-: j~~:~~~~~;I:~~~;nC\;\~I~\I~~' ~~II~~~;:~~~I~I~~I~ld"~~~;~h~hr~lcl~~ITy~~I~~ir"tp7~~:11l~~ r:1~g1'l :~~~~~~ ~~~ure ~i,r~;~~~9 <br />~~.;~~reed u~~~:n:~~l~~~~~rt~r~;n:'~l~~hl~.a~~~,~~~~.~~~ ~(;I ~I~ li~eC~~lt~~r~I~~~~l~~~~;(~~~~,nt::\~~e r~~~an;~:~~;~lht~i ~~I~ ~~Jey:~lrk~I~~ ~fi~C~~1~~lt~C'~~~~~ S~ ~M <br />Will not t'C' mude. <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) Wa aB SELLER HEREBY OISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILItY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br /> <br />lhll hnve rend, 10 l.Ietlul. thL' 'L'parale "10- YEAR 1.I~IITED WARRANTY" which, if mude, U(l'(!IllP:UIlC," IhlHnntraCI. It e~plni~!\ Ihe ctloditionJiund circumstancC!s <br />10 whir;h Ihem:mufllclUrcd pn>ducb.... ill he rcp:llred ilr replaced. 111lk/;! notIce nfthe lImilations llnlhe warranty. and I pUr1lculnrly n=cugnl1'c Ihul any implied wurrunly which <br />applies 10 the [!.oodS 11l.\lsonly us IOllg as the "'urr:Jnly \It sc.....lce ctlntr.JCI. <br /> <br />leI I h.."c rend, In delall. .the !ot'panltc '.I.lMITI~1J INST AlLA TlON WARRANTY" whkh. if mude, lIccnmpantes Ihls cnnlmcl. II clI.phtills Ihe condilions !lnd dr. <br />cumstnnce~ III wlllch the lIl_"tuJl..tlnn nlthe ..Idln!! Will he rednne, Illlke ntlllce nflhe limilUlltIns on thL' warranly. and I pamculurly n'c<l~ni7r!thalllny implied wurrunly which <br />applies to the in!otnllallUn last!'nnly us Inn).!:I' Ih~ llr "~f'\'ICl!cnntr.!cl <br /> <br />SPECIAl.-ORDER GOODS: Il.nnw thilt ~,'u haw lll!:a~un~d lilY huu~~ aml m (Jpcnlllg~ M' thai you can rn:lkL' the prouul'b Itl filmy panll'ulur house. I take notice Ihal the <br />good~ thul Un' man.ufnclUn'd fur my 'p~clllL" h(lU'~ pwhabl~ WIll. nol fil an)' olher hllu\c.~. .1111.1 umkr \ul'h Wndllltln~. lhalll:annul. cuncellhis cllntrucl al any lime <br />:tflerthe penodllftlmL' 1;1\'('n III me. hy liI\\ , In w hlL'h \11 canccl ."llcr Ihallegal pcmxl (lfllmc. 1I.00'w thai I hll\'C Ih~ nhllputllln to pay Y'tIU In lull the amounl owed. <br /> <br />~~c~~~~~l~.~I~ ~~I~~~I~~:~:fu.~~\,I~~:~~~~RITr~'~:U~~~d~Y:~~er:u~cr.~n~:~~~~'p~~~~ i~; i~'~~r;~c~r~~,:~;~e'~l~~tl~~u~e ~~I~~dt~rt~~. ~~~ Wl~~~i~~i~~~~:~~ <br />a beneficiary duu!>L' which 'a)" thaI YlIU .Ire In he pmd If there I~ a Im~. The insumncC' c~JIT~pany mu~t agree Ihallt wl(1 nlll cancer my pllliq WlIhnUl first (elling you. I au- <br />~hha~,~A:I~eoi~~~~~~~~~\~~~~~I::1~~~)~'7~..~~~e~~~!'Ir,~;l~~h' ~t~"~"~lt:~~'~I~~;~t~~~111~1~~~~I~I~I\~~~~i~d~~cal~~~111~b('~r:;d~~j p~ia :b~n~~,t2~i K,~~ ~~~Ii~~~~a~{ ~WI~i <br /> <br />allnw unyone else In {Ilnce an~' hen~ unlll)' real C"late wlIhnut Yl1ur written perllll.'~IOll_ J I prnnnsL' 10 pa}' alltal[,L'~. a~sC~"lIt:nts and other charge~ ~n my real eslale when <br />due. 4, I pmml~e 11IIUn~ly' lIIa"L' ~II paYlllcnl~ nn lilY pnnr Inans ~el'urcd bymy' real L'~liItC' I ubI) promIse Ihall WIll ~{ll c"end, renew {lr ....hange pnor loans without your <br />wrinen pcrmi~!!olnn. 5. III tin nnl lIl~urc Ill\' hllu..... or tulfill my tllhC'r ()bli~all~m~ III my real e..lUle, Ihen you can dUlt lur me if )'(10 wa~l (bul you dll nol have 101. If you do <br /> <br />~~dd~dl[d':n~ed~~~ift~~'~'~~~h~c~~~ ~~~:~Jt~r~;;:~~~~~~:~n a~dm~;u~r, Ik~n~~n;~~~t':~~l:~15~~'~~~~~uJ\~'i~~I~~~~~lft~I~~I~~~ty~n~~11 ~~~hJ~~ul:~;w~~e~yah~~~~w~~~ <br />tIT Iiahilil)' insunlllce . .' <br />SALE OFMY HOUSE: I proml..... n{ltln~dl. kll...e tlrgi\'l;~ my hllU\...tnanyonc unllll IM\'L' fully rcpaltlmy deb' tn you <br />DUE ON SALE: If 1 ~dl,lell!Je ur gl\'L' my' h(lu~e III ally"nc heron: I h:l\'I~ fully paid alII IUW U/1llL'r Ihi~ ,Onlr.tct. YOII can dCl'lllrC all (hall nwe underthisconlracl payable <br />al once and I agree Itlllnmedlalely pay you lhal alllnunl <br />DEF AUL T: I WIll be indefaul! under IhlsWlllfUCI if: <br />I I tlnn'l make a pa)'mL'nl when due; or <br />, I break un)' proml!>e I OIadl: III y'tlU In Ihl~ cnnlracl~or <br />J, Somelhing el..l: happen~ which t:au~,e~ you Inhdlc\'C in ~lltJd t'ullh that I t!llllllllTlIL'IIU Illl'ay Y'uu 01_' pmnmeJ: or <br />4_ I default on any obh!!Ulitlm lor which I am u~ing m) home a~cullulerul: m <br />5_ Sumethmg hllppen~ lomy huuse whICh lhrealen!> yuurrighl", If any. mil <br /> <br />~~1 ~;d~f~~1 ~~l~~~ ~~l~I~~~~r;~h~~I~~y;::~u~I:~'~ ~,~td~i;~~ l~iW~~~~~~,111~i~\~~~lilthe 11~~,\~t!~~i'~e~_I(;l;:~u i~~ h:~'~t~~~~.~;~ a:(~:~t 1~'o~r~~...II~ ilh~~~~~ ~~~~ ;u~u ~~~ <br /> <br />nr, tn prolect your ri~hl~. I agree III pay ynu fur )'our reu~nnahle allnr,ney~' fees und fur tither relull:d e'(pense~ \uch a~ clIun Ctl1>t~. 1IIIe seurche~ an~ lIlonl:Y you ellpended <br />It! pnllecl my hou!Jl.'. Ifyuu are alltlwL'd (0 cullecl ~uch amnunh hy Inw <br /> <br />OTHER RIGIITS: We cun chuo~ nollo L'nhlfCe any ollhe ,:!!hl~ u~der 11m wnlral-I a...nt't...n a~ Wl: wulll wlthuUllllSlllP. them. Or, wc can delay enforcing nny oflhe rights <br />\\'lIhoutlosing Ihem. We can alsou!>L' any righl!> now ur III the IUlure gl\'en III usby la\l' <br /> <br />~T~~ ~~~ ~~n;a~sl~d~~,n~riki~~~~et~h;/~~~~~~IIIJ~~,I~~ia\;.~I~,~~l: tfa~'~~~~~hlt::~I~~r~~a~:~:I~:~II;?~l~I~:~~; ~eu~!o~~~..~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~r~~~~~:~~'~~d~i~~~d~n~~~~~fi~ <br /> <br />nol be liable fnr:Jouchde1uy~. <br /> <br />ARBITRATION: III have a di~pUle \It clatlnWllh you CUlIcernlng lhe quantity, qUl~lllv or perfunnanc/;! \)1' Ihe producI!>. I that my dispule may be submilled 10 <br />and ..c:u1ed ucconlinl; to Ihe m~l.allUn.arhllratltln progfUmlhul may Ita\c t1('\'elllped In rll)' l'olTlmuluty. I also knllw Ihal any' decI~lonlllatle hy an urbllrulorls) would be en. <br />lered III Ihe cnun ha\'lIl~Jun~dlctlon m'er me and you. <br /> <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know (hnl 1I1L' ~Il\Jnw~. woud.....ork. ~Idlll~, hncl- ilnJ (ltht:r nllllcnal~ lhat have tn be rcmll\iL'd by Y"U ftlr 1I11~ imtallallon huve NO salvage Value. <br />When }'IlU remove Ihem, ) have Ihem lor ....hale\.('rpurpt1\t:' you want <br /> <br />SPI-:CIAL SrnJ A TIONS: Due (olhe ulllqucne"1> (If !>lIme uf Ihe rmtlucl~ (hu( ~'tlU -.ell. I under:Joland Ihal in speciul Situations thaI your Regional OfficL' may huve In review <br /> <br />~~~ulIrcfi~~~':'~;s~I';~~ec~'o~U~;t~~n~~~ll~(~~t:~~~I~~)~~\~~~~~~;;lhit. ~t~~~haa:~dt\I~Ca~~~d ~.~~~ 1~~tl~~k~t~'~h~~~~~~::;1 ~~~~J~~:~~~I_ilm 111lpnnanlIU this lmnsaclinn <br />