<br />88- 105378
<br />
<br />t.:....II'ORM O)\TN^~TS Borrower Dnd Lender co\'emml and agree u\ fillhl\\"
<br />1. Pa)'ment or Prfnclpalllnd Intcrest; Prepu)"mcnt and lole Chor"es. IImTP\\l'1' ..tlllll J1nlfJlpll~ puy whcn dUL'
<br />Ihe pnnclpnl orand inlcrc~1 on Ihe debl e,..idcnccd by Ihe NOlc and IIny prcpuymclll amJ 11IIl' ...hllr!Zl" dill' lindeI' the ~1\1L'
<br />2. Funds. rorTBxcs and Insurance. Subjecllo upplicuhlc law 01' U1 11 \HIIlel! \\ 111\1..'1' h~ I L'lllh:r. Bnrr,\,"o:r ,hull 11">
<br />10 Lender on the day monthly pnymcnl~ liTe due under Ihe NOh:, Ulllllthc NOIl:" pllld III full. II "!Jill ("FlImb", cqul.lllil
<br />onc.twclflh of: fa) yearly l.ilACS nnd asses'mcnh wlllch ma) IHlam rnnnl~ mer Ihl\ SCL'Ur1IY In\lnll11l'llI; (hI yearly
<br />leasehold pa)'ment!l or ground renl~ on the Properly. if uny; (e) ycnrly luulIrd ,mUrlIflL:c premIUm!>: and (d) yearly
<br />mortgnge in:!lurance premiums, ifany, Thesc jlcms arc called "C'~crnw Ifl'fTl'," LL'luJer mllY c'IIITlatc Ihe Funds due on the
<br />hasis of current dala and rCDsonahle eslimDles of future escrow item"
<br />The Fund~ !ihull be held in an institution thc deposits or accounts of which Ilre lII!'ooured or guurnnlecd by a federal or
<br />slate agency (includmg lender if lender is such un institulion). Lender !<IhallllPply the Fund!'oo lO pay Ihc escrow ilems,
<br />Lender may 1101 chargc for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing Ihe un'ollnt or \Crifying the escrow items, unless
<br />Lender PU)'''' Borrowcr inlercst on the Funds and applicable law permits Lendcr to make such a charge, Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree in writing Ihat in1eresl shall be paid on the Funds. Vnlc!\., nn ngn:cmcnl i!i made or applicable law
<br />rcquir~ interest to be paid, Lender shall nol be required to pay Borrower any II1te_~est or earnings on the Funds, Lender
<br />shall give 10 Borrower, wilhoul charge, an annual accounting of the Funds !'oohO\\11I1g credit!'oo and debils to the Funds Dnd lhe
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged ll' llddllTOnlll ,ecurity for the sums secured by
<br />this Sccunty lnslrument
<br />Jrthe amounl of rhe Funds held by Lender, together wllh the fulure monlhly payments or Funds payable prior 10
<br />the due date.. of the l.'Scrow ilems, ~hall exct:ed th.: amount n::qUlrcd w pay Ihe I.~L'rnW 1lc::0l!'a wh.:n due, the excess shall be,
<br />at Borrower', option, either promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credite:-d tll Borruwer nn mnnl hly paymenls of Funds, IC the
<br />amount of the Funds hdd by Lender is not !'ooufficicnl 10 pay the e!'ool:row Item, when due, U(Jrrower shall pay 10 Lendcr uny
<br />amounl nect:!\sary 10 make up the deficiency III one Ilf more pll)'ment!'oo a' re4ulred hy Lender
<br />Upon payment in full of all sum~ !'ooccured hy thl!'oo Secunly 11I'lrUll1enl. Lender shall promptly refund 10 Borrower
<br />any Funds held by Lender, Ifunder paragraph Iq the Prnperl~ I' ,oill tlf aL'qulred hy Lender, Lcndershall apply, no later
<br />than Immediately pnor 10 Ihe sale of the Prnpert) or It.. .IL'qUI,llloll h~ I emler. <ill) Fund!'oo held hy Lender at the lime of
<br />application a..~ a credit againstlhe sums secured hy rhl!'oo SeL'unl~ 11l'lfUITlI-nl
<br />3, Application of Pa,'menls. l1nles.. apphl:uhle Ill" prll\ldl"' 11lhcrwI!'ool', all paymenls recclved by Lender under
<br />paragraphs I and 2 ~hall be apphed: firo.l. tolale dmrge!'oo dUt" 1I1ltln Ihl' ~Illl', 'l"l:ond. 10 prepayment charges due underthe
<br />Note: (hlrd. lo amounl~ payahle under paragraph 2, fouTlh. (tlllllt'r{"'\1 dUl', and laM. 10 princtpal due,
<br />4. Cha~s; Liens. Horrnwer ,hall POl) all I au..... ;1"<-""lTlcnl', charge" fines. and impositions .utribuliJhlc 10 the
<br />Propeny which may altam pnoruy on'r Ihl' Sel'unr~ 11I'lrIl1l11'111. and lea"idlllld payments or ground renls, if any,
<br />Borrower shall pay Ih~e ohhgallon' III the- manne-r pnl\'uJl'd III pl.Hil~filph 2. Ilr If not paid Inlhat manner, Borrower shall
<br />pay Ihem on lImc:: dm~clly to Ihe persolloulcd payml'nt BOrfll"l'f ,hull pfllfnplly furnish III Lender 311 notices of amounls
<br />to he paid under Ihls paragraph If Borro\\cr mal~ Ihc!oc pa)-fT1enh dlfl"L"II~, Bnrrnwcr !'oohull pn ,mptly furnish 10 lender
<br />recelpls eVldencmg Ihe- pa~..menl"
<br />Borrower shall prnmplly discharge any ile:-n \\.Iuch ha.. prltlllt) tl\'l'r Ihl!'oo Secunly Imlrumenl unless Borrower: (ll)
<br />agrees m wntmg 10 the:- payment oflhe: obhgatlon sl"1:uftxl hy the lien In II mllnner accl'plahlc to Lender; (b) conlests in good
<br />fanh the hen hy, or defends agum!'oo( enforcC'mcnl of the hen ln, le~al procl.'Cdm~s which m Ihc Lendcr', npilllon upemtc to
<br />prevent 1he enforcemc::nt of Ihe hen or forfeiture of any part of the Prnpcrty; nr (e) secures from Ihe holder of the lien an
<br />agrcrmcnl !!ull!lfaClOf) 10 Lender subordmaung the hen 10 Ihl!'oo SC1:urny JO"ttrument. If Lender delerminc!! that any part of
<br />lhe Propeny I!I subject 10 a hen .....Inch may altum poorll)' tHlcr thiS Sccuory In!'oolrumcnt, Lcnder may gl'o'c Bnrrower it
<br />notlct' Idt'nl1f)'mg the hen. Bnrmu,.cc shall sallsfy the lien Of lah nne or more of the acllon!'oo 'cl fnrlh ahovc withlll 10 dllY'
<br />of the gl'o'lOg ofnOlTce:
<br />5. Hazard Insurance. Borrower !'oohall ket'p lhe ImpfC1\l'mCIII\ 1I1l\\" cXISllllg or hercaflcr creL'tcd on the Properl}'
<br />lIl~urcd ngalll"iillos!o hy fire. hal.ards includ~ wlthm the: lerm "c:r;tcndc:d co\'eragc" and any nlhe:r haLlJfd!l for which Lt'ndcr
<br />requlr~ m,urolnc(' Thl!'oo In!luranct' \h311 he mUlIllamro III lht' amounl.. ;.Inu fnr the pt'cwd, that Lender requirc!t. The
<br />msurance: carner pro".ldmg the m~urnncc "hall he: chu~en h) norrll\\er ,uhJt'l:t III Lender', apprl1\'al winch shall nol be
<br />unrca\onllhl)' \\'l1hhcld.
<br />All msurancC' pohclo and renewals !It.hall be aCL'eplable tn Lendt'r and ,hall lI1dudt' a ..taudard mortgljgc dause.
<br />Lender shall h:n!e Ihe nghl to hold Ihe pohclo and renewals If Lcnder reqUlr~, Borrtlwer ..haJl prnmptl~ gl\'e 10 Lender
<br />all rccelpl~ or paid premIUms and rcnc\'-al nOllco., In the eHnl tlf 1m" Bllrrnwcr ..hall gl\C pTl1mpl nnllce to Ihe IIlsurance
<br />carner and Lender Lender may mukt' proof of 10""" It nnt made prompll) h). Ullrnlwer
<br />Unles... Lender and Borrower othcrWl\C agree III wOlmg, m!'oourancc procecd, ,hall he llppllc:d 10 rl....lOrallon or repair
<br />of Ihe- Property damagC'd, If lhe fe!ltoraUon or repair IS ecnnomu:aily fea!tlhlc and Lt'noer\ \ecunly I' IInl loscned. If Ihe
<br />re!tloration or repalf IS nnt cL'onomlcally feaMble or Lender', ~cunl} "Iluld he I~'elled, lhe Ill!'oouranl:e proceeds shall he
<br />apphed t(l Ihe ~um' ~urcd b}. lhl!'oo Secunl) Imtrumcnt. whelher 11r nll1 then due, with any e.\cC!t!'oo pllld to Unrrower, If
<br />BorrOllI,-cr ahandon"ii the Prupeny, or doa 1101 3l1!'oo\\-'cr \\'lIh1l1 30 day!'oo a noUce from Lender thai Ihe lIl!'oourancc carrier has
<br />f'ffered to se1tle a claim, Ihen Lender ma)' collect Ihe Insurance prnceah Lender ma}' U!'ooe rhe prnceed!<lln repl!lr or restore
<br />the Propeny or III pal sum!'oo !oCCurrd hy thIS Secunt) lnMrument. whelher or nnt Ihen due The JO-day pc-nod will hegm
<br />when the .1Ollce I!I gl" en
<br />t!nlo.. Lcr.der and Borro\\er (llherwl!'ooC agree III \\.'ntlllg. an) iJrph~alltm tlf pro\:t."C'th to pmKlpal !Ihall nol extend or
<br />postpone the due dale (lfthe- monlhly payment!. referred to In paragraph, I and ~ \If change lht' amounl ofthc paymenl". If
<br />under paragraph 19 Ihe:- Propcn}- IS acqum:d h) Lc::nder, Borr0wer'", nghl ICI an~ ltl'UrilOi:e p<,lIclC!I and pruceed!-i rC!tuhmg
<br />from dam3ge to Ihe ProperlY pnor 10 Iht' acquISItion shall p~~ 10 Lender Illlhe e\tenl of the ,un1\ ..C'curoo h)' rhl" Se,.:uriry
<br />ln~trument Immedinld} pnor 10 tht' acqulMllun
<br />6. Prac:rr.ation ud ~taintenance ofProperf]o': Leaseholds. Borrou.ec ,hatl ntlt dC"otw~. damage or ,uhstanll3l1y
<br />change Ihe Propen~, allow the- Pwpcny 10 delennralt' or cnmmll u,aste_ If thl" SecUrtl} In..lfument IS on a lea!tchold.
<br />Borro""'~r ..hall cumpl~' ",,'ilh the pm\'I~1(lIl!50 oflhc lea~, and if Borrowcr acqulr.:-s fer Htll' hllhl. Prllpert), the lea..ehold and
<br />fa: t1l1C' shall nOl merge unlo!. Lender agrees to the merger m wnung.
<br />7. ProtfttiOD of l.endcr.s RJpts in the Propert}': 'Iort~~t" Insurance, If Horrnu.cr fall, In perform the
<br />an-'enaJ1t5 and agreement!\. conta.lned In Ihis Secunt)' Im.rrumem. or there- IS a Je~al pfl'Cl-cdlll!! Ihat mll} ',gnlfkanll)' affecl
<br />Lender'" righl" In rhe ProperlY h,uch as a proceeding. in bankruplC), pfClhale. for 1."llIldC'mnatltlfl or In enforce law, (If
<br />rqutalion!o),lhm under may df' and p.a)' for wharner I~ nece<o~f). hi prnlc\"r the \ 31u(' (lfthe: Pwpert~ and Lender', nghl'
<br />In Ihe Proper1) , Lender', 3c11l1O" ma) Include paring an) ~um~ ..e.:ure-d n) a hen \\hll.'h ha\ pnnf1l~ Il\t'r Ihl' Secunll
<br />lr.stTlJment. .IIppeanng m coun. pa~'Ih~ rea'ool.lnat'lle aUume!<."," f('O and t'nlcnn~ llfl Iht" Pnlpc'rt~ III ma"'e fepalr' Although
<br />l..cndeT rruy take acllN1 under thl,. paragraph " Ll"ndc-r d~ nol ha\e Itl dtl....l
<br />Any arnounhdl"hu~ h~ Lendec under Ih,.. ~r3gnph i ..hall ~t1me addlllllOallkhl "," B"ffI1"c:r 'l'L'ured 1:1) Ihl'"
<br />Secunl) Insrrumrnr l'nln... ROrrll\\rf :md I c-nder a~rec 10 othC'f Irrm' of p.a~ml"nl. lht.....t. .t"1I'lInl... ,hall ht-:tf II1Tc-fl"'\1 ftlml
<br />the ~te ur dubuf'loC'tTlnll at the' '.'Ie' r.tlc .1lId \hall t'C r.l~ahk \l,llh lTllC"ll"'l llP.'1l Ih'{I...t" Ir.'fll I enile! II' Bpff.,u('r
<br />requaun, J1.:I~.mnll
<br />