<br />88- 105378
<br />
<br />If Lender n:qUlTcd mOTtgugt' m~urance liS u ~lInditHln of mllkm~ the loan secured by Ihis Security lnstrumenl,
<br />BorrowC'T !.hall pa} the premiums reqUired to rnamtUln the: insurance In effect until such time as Ihe requiremenl for the
<br />,"surao.:;!: terminate. in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's wrilten agreement or applicable Inw.
<br />8. Inspection. lender or lis agent may make reasonable cnl ries upon and inspections of the Pr~perty. Lender
<br />shall gl\'C Borrower nullee al the lime orm prior to un mspcC'linn specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or cOlIsequcOIilll. in connection with
<br />an)' l"ondemnnlioll or olher laking of any part of Ihe ProperlY. or for con\'c)'am:e In lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br />assigned nnd shall be pmd 10 Lender.
<br />In the c\'enl of a total taking of Ihe Property. Ihe proi:eedli shall he applied lollle sums secured by Ihis Securily
<br />Instrument. whelher or nOllhen due. wilh any e~cl.'S~ paid to Borfl1wer. (11lhe 1:\'el1l ofu partial laking of the Property.
<br />unless Borrower and Lendcr olherwise agree m wnling. Ihe ~L\mS !Ilecurcd by this Securily Inslrument shall be reduced hy
<br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) Ihe lolal amount of the ~ums secured im;nedinlely
<br />before Ihe laking. diVided by (b) the fair market value of Ihe Property Immedialely lJc:fore Ihe laking. Any balance shall be
<br />paid 10 Borro.....er
<br />If the Property 1\ abandoned by Borrower. or If. after notice by Lender 10 Rorrower Ihat the condemnor offers 10
<br />mak.:: an award or scllle u claim for damages. Burrower falls 10 rC50pond lu Lender wilhin 30 days after the date the nOlice is
<br />given. Lender IS aUlhunzed 10 l.:ollect and apply Ihe proceeds. al its oplion. either tn restoration or repair of the Property or
<br />10 Ihe sums secured b)' thiS Security Instrument. whether or nol thl'n due.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otheN'ise agree: In .....rltmg. any application ofproce:e:ds 10 principal shall nOI extend or
<br />po!.tpone Ihe due dute (If the monthly paymenl!.. referred 10 in praragraph!O 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments,
<br />10. Borrower ~ot Released: Forbearance B}' Lender ~ot a Wainr. E.'l.tellsinn of the lime for payment or
<br />mndlficallon of amortlzalllln uf the sum~ sl.'Curcd hy lhi!. Security fnstrumcnt granled hy Lender to any successor in
<br />Interesl of Uorrowcr ..hall nnt operale In relt~u!.e I he liahihly IIf I he onginal norrower or Borrower's successors in interest,
<br />Lender shall nUl be reqUired 10 commence proceedings agamst any ..uccessor m interest or refuse to exlend time for
<br />pll)'rnC!11 (lr otherwl~e modify amurll/lltllln nfthe ..urn.. ..ecured h~' thiS Secunty (n..trumenl hy reason ofnny demand made
<br />hy Ihe ongmal Burrower or Btlrro\\ler'.. "UCCL'\.~Of\ In IIlIL'r~1 Any forbcilrancc hy Lender in e,"ercising any right or remedy
<br />..hall nnt he a Wtllver of or preclude the c,"cn.:lse of nny nght or rcmcd).
<br />II. Successors and Assigns Bound: Joint and Several Liabilit)'; Co-signers. The cm'cnants and agreements of
<br />Ihl!! Secunty In~lrument shaJJ bind and hc-netillhe \U("'Cl.~SIJr!'l and il!O"'lgn", IlfLender ami Borrower. suh:~t to the provisions
<br />nf paragraph 17. Borro.....er.!! co\'emmts and a~rt'c:menls ...hull he JOint and scveraJ. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securlly
<br />In~lruml:nt but do~ nol e.\ei:ute the NOle_ (ailS i:O-"lgmng thl\ Secunty Inslrument only to mortgagc. grant and convey
<br />thai Borrowcr'\ intrr~1 UI the Propcrty under the lerms of thl.'t Security Inslrument; (h) is not personally obliguled to pay
<br />the sums !.CCurcd by this St.'Cunt)' Inslrument; ilnd ((I agrees Ihilt l.ender and any olher norrowcr may agree to clt.tend.
<br />modify. forbear or make any al..'COmmodallIll1s wllh regard Itl the leTrn.. of lhl' SL"l..'Urlty Imlrumenl or Ihe Noll' wllhOUI
<br />lhal Borrower'!. consent.
<br />12. Loan Charaes. If Ihc loan ..ecured hy th"" SCi:umy Imtrumcnll~ ,uhJcL"l 10 a law which sets ma~imum Inan
<br />charg~. and that law 1!Io finally Inlerpreted '0<1 Ihal Ihe II1lcrl.~1 nr Lllher loan dlUrgc", l'ollected or 10 be collecled In
<br />connecUon wuh the loan exceed Ihe pcrmuled hmw., Ihen (a) any ..ueh luan charge shall he reduced by the amounl
<br />na;~"i.ary to reduce the charge 10 Ihe permlllcd hmlt; and (h) an) ..um\ already callecled from Borrower which exceeded
<br />pcmllned limits will be refunded 10 Borrower Lcnder lTlay ~hom(' 10 make Ihls refund hy rt.-duclllg the principal owed
<br />under the Note ur hy mallllg 11 dlret.-I payrncnlln Burro.....er If a fefund redUt:~ pnncipal. the reducliun will be treuted us a
<br />panlal prepa)'rnent wllhuUl an) prepayment dlargC' under the NIIIC
<br />13. LeRislaUon Aft'edioK tender'fi RlaJlIs, If enactll1enl nr e"plrallOI1 of applicable laws ha~ the effect uf
<br />rendenng an) prml'll1n l.Ifthe Nole ur Ihl" Sl;"l.."Iml~ In..lrum~1I1 unenf(lrl'c:loh.. <Icl.."urdlng lu II~ h:rms. Lender. al its opium.
<br />maJ requITe Immrol.atc paymelll In full of all ..urn" ..c..'l..'ured hy 1111.. SC,,:ufll) In..lnnneJlt illld may iJ1\'okc any remedie",
<br />permltled b} pant~raph Iq If Lender t'''erl.."l''~ 1111" opllon. Lcnder "hall take Ihe "Iep~ speCified mthe second paragraph uf
<br />paragraph 17
<br />14. SorlcC5, An) nnl!l"C' h1 nnrro\\cr prll\ldl'd ror In tlm SCl'Ufll~ In\trumcTlt ..hall he givcn h}' deJi\'cring il or hy
<br />mailing II by llf'\l da!ll'" mati unk"'!>.'!. apphcahle 1:1\\ require'!. U\e of anuthl'r melhod. The 1I11(Il'C \l1all he dirl.'Cted to the
<br />Propcny Addre:s.'J or an) olher addr~!! Borrm,cr do.lgnalC!'! by nnllLl: In Lender, Any nClllce tn Lender shall be given by
<br />firM da~!Io mall to Lender\ uddro.. ..tulN herem or all) other addrL"''' Lcnder dl."\lgnales hy notlcc 10 Borrower. Any ncnlce
<br />provided fur In IhlS Secumy Itlstrumcnl ,hull he deemed 10 ha\'c hecl1 gl\en tn Burrower tlr Lender when gIVen a.. flflwided
<br />IJ1thi~ pamgrnph
<br />IS. Gonmlng L.aw; Snerabilit).. fhls SL'\:urlly Imtrument ,hall he gm'crncd hy federnllaw and thc law of the
<br />Jurisdiction m which the Property i~ 100000-dted_ In Ihe event that an) pro\'i!Olon or clausc of thl!. Security InslrumCl1l or the:
<br />Note conflich with applicable 13\.... '!touch conftlt:1 \halll1l.1l affect other prm'ISlOns of this Securily Instrumenl or the Note
<br />which can be gl\'en effect v.i.lhoul the nmftlcl1ng prm"lsion. To Ihl" end lhe prn\'l'~iun.. of till" Secunly Inslrument lInd the
<br />NOIe are declared 10 be ~\erable
<br />16. Borrower's COP)'. BClrrower ~hall be gln'n nne conformed CIJP} of the Note and Ilf I hi" Security In..lrUIl1l'lIt
<br />17. Transfer of the Pl'oper1)" or II Beneficial Intcrest in BDrrower. If all or an~ p;:lrt of the Prllpc:rt) or .HI)
<br />mtell:Slln It IS ~Id l.lr traJlsferred (or if a bendiclalmlerCSl111 Borrower l' "l.Ild or Irall",ferrcd and Borrower I" nola mlluml
<br />rc::non) \\Il1hout Lc:nder'", pnor wnllen con'C:nl. Lender ma}. alII.. Optllll1. require Immediate raYOlenlm fullllf all "UIII"
<br />loeCured by Ihls Secunt}" In~trumenl. Ho\\c\'er. Ihl\ option ..hall not he l'\ercI\ed hy Lender If exerCI"e t.. prnluhltc:d h}
<br />federal law a\ ofthc dale of thl~ Secunt". In'!i.trumenl
<br />If Lender l:xt'rC1SO Ihis option. lrnder shall gl\'t~ Borrower nut Ice nf al~eeleralllm_ The IUltli:e ..hall pfllVldC' a pC'rI'ld
<br />of not les\ th:1I130da)'~ from the dale the nOllce I..deli"ered or mUlled ""lIhm winch Borrower mmt pi!) all..um, ..ecured hy
<br />Ihl'" SC\:unt)' In!itrumenl_ If Horrower fnlb to PIlY these Ioums pnor 10 the e,"plralllln ofthl" perind, l.ender ma}' lII..nkc any
<br />n:mcdl0 permmed by th~ Sccunly InMrumenl wnhout further nutlce or demand 1111 Borrower
<br />II- Borrower's Ri&bt to R~instare. rf Uorro\\.'er meel~ cC'r1aln t:nndlllon.... Burnwer ..hall hll\'e the nghl tn hUH'
<br />enfort'C'fJ1C'nt oflh~ Secunl)' InstrumC'nl dlC\Conllnued at any lime pnor lolhe earher llf (a I ~ day... lor "ui:h 11Ihcr pc:rHld a..
<br />applicable IDQ, mil)' ..pecify for rrll1'italement) bef(lre \ale of lhe Properly pur...uanl III an) pllwc:r III ..ale: l"pnl.llned '" 1111...
<br />Secunt~ Im.trumenl, or (h. entry of a Judgment enforclllg 1111<;, SCCUfl1) In..lrumenl Thc","c LlIlIIJIIIOtl\ an: thlll nornmer
<br />(21) rct>"' Lc:ndcr all "um\> "'hll:h lhen would he duc under IhlS Set:unl'i In..lrumenl aud Ihe Sole had 1I0.1i:l..'eJemllwl
<br />ou:urrcd. (hI cur~ <an}' JeflJulr (If an)' orher \."Il\ellanl\ or agreement'." 11.:) pay" ,III npcn..C'.. UKllned III t'lIrlln"llI~ 1111...
<br />~unl) In"lrUrtlnlt. mdudllllt. hUI tllll hmllro tn, re..""onnhle aUllme:y..' fee.. and Ii! I lakC"'> "Ill h .1l..'llllfl a.. 1 C'ndt'r nut)
<br />TCl.'U:1I1a.hl) require In Ii"urc thai the hC'n uf Ih,,- Sn:UTlI) In"rumen!. I cndt"r'.. T\~h'.. 111 Ih\" l'IIIpt'tI\ and BI'rTll\loer....
<br />obhf!2Itlnn 1(1 p..1} Ihe \um, \.et.'urC'd h} Ihl.. St'l.:unly In..lrumenl ..hall ~,'nl"I(l<' \JlIlh;IIlJ.:t'\t I '{"III ;\"t,..ll1il'T1lC'"lIl h\
<br />Bnnu.er, Iht\ ~Unl) In"lrumenr and IhC'I'hhr,llllnn" 'C'c:tlred hereh~ ...hll] I rrrll;UIl lull\ dJ('dl\l" ,I' II rh' ,h, 1"I['r.III,'1I h.1I1
<br /><oc("urrC'd Ho,,"r,,:-r. lhl'l. l1flht In rr-In'l.l.llle dial! nnl 4prJ~ lIllh" t'3"C pl;h I rll"f .1It.." IInde'1 I'"I! ;IWr;Jl'h, 'i -I I .
<br />