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<br />(SPIt!!' Aboye flu, t..me far Retardr". Datal
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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST j"Secunly Instrument") I~ mad~ no September 30 I
<br />198B Thetre"o,1S James B. McElroy and Oevra Po, McElroy, each in his and her own right,
<br />and as spouse of each other, ,"Borro\\:er") Thclrusteel!'o Earl D. Ahlschwede
<br />,"Trustee"), The benc::ficiary is
<br />. which is organized and existing
<br />. and whl1!te address is 113-115 North locust
<br />("Lende,"),
<br />
<br />:.
<br />.
<br />~
<br />:II
<br />~
<br />
<br />The Equitable Building and Loan Association
<br />under the la\\'s of the State of Nebraska
<br />Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />BOrTOll,'a OWe\ lender the pnnclpal ~um of Twenty Two Thousand Four Hundred and no/100
<br />____________________________4)ollars (US $ 22,400.00 ). This debt IS e\'idenc~ by Borrower'~ nole
<br />dated the same dau: os thIS. Seeunl)' In!olrumenl ("Nole"), which prol,'ldo. for monthly paymenls. with the full debt. Ifnot
<br />
<br />patd ""rher. due and pa\'able on October 1 200B
<br />This SeaJnt)' In!.u-um~nt secures to Lender: (a) the repa)'ment of the debt eVidenced hy the Note. wl1h mteres1. Bnd all
<br />renewals, e:llilens.tons and modifkatJons: (b) Ihe payment of all other ""urns, with in1c=re50l, ad\'anced under paragraph 7 to
<br />protec1 the !>C'CUnl~' of this Secunly Instrument; and (c) the performancc= of Borro\\.er"s co\'enants and agrc:ements, For this
<br />purpose. Borrower Irrcvocabl): grant!. and l'on\leys to Trustee. In trusl. wnh power of~alc. the follOWing desCribed propen)'
<br />
<br />10000.ed an Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Part of Lot Seven (7) of the County Subdivision of part of the South Half (~) of
<br />Section Five (5), in Township Nine (9) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth
<br />(6th) P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows, to-
<br />wit: Be9inning at a point 26.1 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 7;
<br />thence running Southerly along and upon a line 28.1 feet West of and parallel to
<br />the East line of said Lot 7, a distance of 181.0 feet; thence running Westerly
<br />parallel to the North line of said Lot 7. a distance of 327,0 feet; thence
<br />running Northerly parallel to the East line of said Lot 7, a distance of lB1,O
<br />feet; thence running Easterly along and upon the North line of said Lot 7, a dis-
<br />tance of 327.0 feet to the plece of beginning,
<br />
<br />..'hleb Iw the Iddr= of
<br />
<br />402 North Firs~~~feet
<br />
<br />Doniphan ;C,ly'
<br />
<br />Nebrosko
<br />
<br />68832
<br />lZ'1) C~I
<br />
<br />("Propeny Address");
<br />
<br />TOGETlIER \\'JTIi all the Impro\'emenl.5o now or hereafter erected on the ~'lropen~', L\nd a1l C3'l.c=menl!.. nghts..
<br />appun.manca. raIts.. royaluo.. mtDl:nl. 011 and gu rights. .and profit5.. ....liter ng.ht!l nnd ..tock and all ftllU~ now or
<br />hereafter a pan :'Jf1hc:- propcn)' A.ll rcpla.ccmcnu,and additions shall also be C',overed by lhi!!. SecunlJ Inl,trumenl Alloflhe
<br />forecom& 15 referred to In Ihi~ Security Im,lrumc:nl as lhe .'Prope:rt)'_"
<br />
<br />BoAaOWElt CO\'E.""'lAST5 thai Borrower lS LawfuUy sased or the estate hereby roO\C'1"N nnd ha!rl I ht' nghl In gran I
<br />and com~ the Propeny and that the Propeny IS unencumbered. ncept for encumbrances of Ta:<lrd UOITOwer warranh
<br />and WIll ddmd penall). the 1111e to the Propeny apmst all claims and demand!!.. !\-ub]ect to any enL.umbran..'<,,\ of record
<br />
<br />Tun.Sf.clJltln' INSTRt'Mr-.;"l I:'.ombmo umform cmrenanlf, for natIOnal U~ Ilnd non. uniform ,:malanl.. "'llh
<br />IImlled \'anaUon\ h)' Jur~'-<lI~-tJnn to .."<In,.hlule a uniform '!aa:unr~ ms.trumenl com t'nng real pmJ'C'rt..
<br />
<br />NEBRASl.A- ~ I ~"r-fN".1 rHtMC UNIFOMl IM$TltUII[Nl
<br />
<br />'n...' ]018 I. 'Ill
<br />
<br />._...:J4aOII............ ,_' -.JO........,
<br />