<br />88- 104885
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<br />If Lender r<quirm monp.. illJurance u a condition of making the loan ...ured by this Securlly Inslnlmenl,
<br />Borrower shill pay Ibe premiuma requirm 10 mainllin lIIe inlurance in cffec1 until such time u the requlremOllt for the
<br />insurancelcnniDllesiD accordance wilh Borrower'land Lender's wrinOllaar=mOllt or applicable law.
<br />a. I..,.ctioL Lender or ilS agOlllmay make reasonable OIIlries upon and inspeclions or Ihe Propeny. Lender
<br />sba1IpYC lIcHToWer'iIoticealthelimcof or prior 10 an inspection specifying reasonable cause for Ihe illJpecllon.
<br />9. CoIIdeImIad-. The proceed& or any awanl or claim for damages. direct or conscqUOlllial, iD connection wllh
<br />any COIIdentDation or other WiDg of any part of the Properly, or for conveyance in lieu of coDdemDltion, are hereby
<br />uaipted and shall be paid 10 Lender.
<br />In lIIe evenl or a 10111 WiDg of Ihe Properly, the proceed& shall be applied 10 Ihe sums sccurm by lIIis Security
<br />InatIWllOllI, whether or nOllhOll due, wilh any excess paid 10 Borrower. In the eVOllI of a partial taking of Ihe Properly.
<br />un.... BoITOWCl' and Lender otherwite agree in writing, thelums sccurm by this Security InslnlmOllI shall be rmuccd by
<br />the amounl of Ihe proceed& multiplied by lIIe foDowing fraction: (a) Ihe lotal amouDt of the lums 5CCurm immediately
<br />before !be IIkiq. divided by (b) the fair markc1 value of lhe Properry immedialely before Ihe IIkiDg, Any balance shall be
<br />paid 10 IIorrower.
<br />If the Properly is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower lhat the condemDor oWe.. to
<br />make an award or IeIIIe a elaim for damages, Borrower fails 10 RSpond to Lender witbin 30 days aner the date Ihe nOlice is
<br />given, I..ender ilauthorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at its option. either to restor:ttion or repair of the Property or
<br />to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whel:hcr or not then due.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrowerolberwite agree in wriliDg, any application ofprocceds 10 principal shall not extOlld or
<br />poslpoaethe due dale oflhe mODthly plymOllIl referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change Ihe amount of such paymOlllS,
<br />10. BomI.... Not ReJcued; Forbearance By Leader Not a Waher. Extension of Ihe time for paymOllt or
<br />modification of amonization of Ihe sum. 5CCurm by this Scc:urlty InstrumOllt granted by Lender to any successor in
<br />inlcreSl of Borrower sba1I nol operate 10 rei.... Iheliability of Ihe original Borrower or Borrower's successon In inleRSI.
<br />Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse 10 extend time for
<br />payment orotherwite modify amonlzation oflbe sums 5CCurm by this Security InstrumOllt by reason of any demand made
<br />by !beoriJina1llorrowcr or Borrower'SIIlCCCllOl1l in IDlcreSt. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />sba1I Dol bea wai_arorpreelode the excrcite orany righl or remedy.
<br />11. s-.... AaaIpa JIoIIIId; JoIDllIItI SennJ UabIIItr, Co-Ilpen. The covOllanlS and agreements of
<br />this Security InstrumOllt sba1I biDd and beDcfitlhe successon and assigns of Lender and Borrower. .ubject to the provisions
<br />of paragraph 17, Borrower's covOlllDlland agreemOllllshall be joinland several. Any Borrower who co-.lllI'Isthis SecurilY
<br />InstrumeDl bul does nO! execute the Note: (a) is co-signiDgthis Security InslrumOllt only to monPle, granl and convey
<br />that Borrower's inleresl in the Properly under the terms of Ibis Security Instnlment; (b) is not persottally obligated 10 pay
<br />the suma secured by tbis Security InstrumOllt; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,
<br />modify. forbear or make any accommodatioDs with regard to the lcnns of this Securily In.trumOllt or the Note wllhout
<br />thai Bonuwer'sconsenL
<br />U. Loa a.r.ea. If the loan 5CCurm by Ibis SecurilY InslrumOllI Is subject 10 a Jaw which .... maximum loan
<br />elwBes. and tbat Jaw is fiDaIIy interpreted 10 thaI the iDlcreSt or olber loan charges collecled or to be collected in
<br />connectillD with the loan acocd the pcnniUed limits, then: (a) any sucb loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br />nccc:ssary to rmuce the clwJe to Ihe pcnnlned limil; and (b) any IUms already collecled from Borrower which exceeded
<br />permitted IimiIS will be refunded 10 Borrower, Lender may choose 10 make this refund by rmucingthe principal owed
<br />under the Note or by making. direc' payment 10 Borrower. If a refund rmuc:es principal, the rmuetion will be treated as .,
<br />partia1 prqlIIymeDt without any prepaymenl charge under the Note.
<br />13. LeIlIIatIoa AlrectIq Lcadcr'a RIP'" If enaetmOllt or expiration of applicable law. bas tbe eWect of
<br />.rc:ndcrinl any provision oftbe Note or Ihis Security Instrument unenforceable according to its tenns, Lender, at its option.
<br />may require immediate paymenl in full of all sums lICCurm by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies
<br />permitted by paragraph 19. If Lender exercises Ihls option, Lender shall like lhe steps specified in Ihe second paragraph of
<br />paragraph 17.
<br />14. NotIca. Any notice to Borrower provided for ID this Security InstnlmOllt .hall be given by delivering it or by
<br />II1IiIinJ il by fint cJass mail unless applicable Jaw requires use of another method, The notice shall be directed to the
<br />Property Address or any other address Borrower desiJDlltes by nolice to Lender, ADY notice to Lender shall be givOll by
<br />fiR! cJass mail 10 Lender's address .lated herein or any other addrest Lender designates by notice to Borrower, Any notice
<br />provided for in this Security IlIJtrumOllt sba1I be deemed to have been givOlllo Borrower or Lender when giVOll as provided
<br />in this parqraph,
<br />15. GoftraIq ~ SeftnblUlf. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of Ibe
<br />jurUdiction in ..hich the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the
<br />Note conftias with applicable law. such conflict shall nOl aft'ect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br />which can be givcD elI'ect withOUl the conftiCling provisiQJi, To this OIId Ibe provision, of this Security Instrument and the
<br />NOICare declarod 10 be severable.
<br />16. Bonuwer'a o.r. Borrower shall be giVOll one confonned copy of the Note and oflhl, Security InstrumOlll,
<br />17. TIUIIer of the Property or a BeaefldaJ IDWed I. Borrower. IF all or any pan of the Propeny or any
<br />inta'ell in it is IOId or transferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural
<br />penoa) without Lender's prior wrinOll consent. Lender may, at its option, require immediate paymOllI in full of all sums
<br />IClCIIftd by Ibis Securily InsuuJ\\etlt. However. this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise: is prohibited by
<br />federal Jaw as of the date orthis SecurilY InstrumOllt,
<br />If Lender eun:iseo this opllon, Lender shall give Borrower nOlice of acceleration, The notice shall provide a period
<br />of DOt ....Iban JOdaysfrom lbedatc: the DOtice is deli_ or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums 5CCurm by
<br />this Security InsuumenL If Borrower fails to pay lhese sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may iDvoke any
<br />remedies permitted by this Securllf IDltrumenl without funber notice or demand on Borrower,
<br />IL IIottower'a RIPt tD R--. If BoITOWCl' m.... callin conditions, Borrower shall have the righ.to have
<br />OIIfoRcmenl orlhis Securily InSlt1llllellI discontinued al any lime prior to the earl;er of: (a) 5 days (or such other period..
<br />appJablc Ia", may specify for rcinllatanOllI) before sale of the Property punuanl.o any po.... of sale contained in this
<br />Scc:urity Insuumenl; or (h) enlry of a judr;mOllt enforciDI this Security Instrument, Those condition. are thai Borrower:
<br />(a) pays Lender aU sums whicb lhen would be due under lhis Security InstnlIDOIIt and Ihe Nole had no acceleration
<br />occurred; (h) cures any default of any other """......11 or apecmenls: (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforeinl thi,
<br />Security IIIJ\TUtDCDI, Indudina. but nOllimlled to, rcasonaI>lc altorneys' Fees: and Cd) likes such action.. Lender may
<br />raIOIIIb/y require 10 ....... lha. the lieD of tbis Security IlIJ\rument. Lender's nghls in the Propcny and Borrower',
<br />obtipIion to pay the sum.. lec:ured by this. Security Instrument dWl conllnue unchanled. Upon mnlblemenl by
<br />&orr-. lhis Securi.y Inslrumenl and the obJjplionslCCUrm hereby shall remain Fully deet..e.. if no accderallon had
<br />occvrred. HOWI'WIf. lhil rip- to reinstate &ball not.pply In lbec:aleOraa:duauon under par.lr.ph, 13 or 17
<br />