<br />88-104885
<br />
<br />NON.UNIFORM CoVEN"NTS. BorrowerlDd Lender funher covenanllDd asree as follow.,
<br />I'. AcceIeratIolll R..... te.der IIIaII II" DOlIce to Borrower prior 10 accelentloa 101101rill. Borro",r'.
<br />~ oflQ' CO.......I CII' ~tlll tIIIa s-tl)' IttatnuDeaI (but not prior 10 acceleration IIIIder ........p...13.... 17
<br />.we. IIfpIJc:UIe .... pnmdeI otIIenrIaa). 11Ie .ace ...... apecIl): (0) die defaalt; (b) IIle actIoa required to cure Ibe
<br />.....t; (eladate, aut_..... 30"'" rr-... dale lbellOllee.. aI_lo Borrower, b, wbldl'" defaDlI muat be cared;
<br />.... (d) IMt faIIare to cue ... defaDlI oa CII' before ... dale apod/led Ia Ibe aotIc:e may reaulllII_lerallon 01 lb. I1UIII
<br />-.red b, tIIIa Secarll)' IDaInuaeat .... ... of Ibe Properl)'. n. notice ...... fmtber Ioform Borrower 01 Ibe rlpt 10
<br />~ ...... .....eralloa ad Ibe rlabt to ....... a ...... actIoa to _rt Ibe DOD-a........ 01 a defaDlt or ID, otber ;,
<br />..... olBorrower to ........lIoa ad ....lflbe defaalt.. nol cared on or belo.., Ibe dale lpIdIIed Ia Ibe DOIlce, Lender
<br />at Ita ...... may require Immediate pi"""" III fldl 01 lIIll1Ulll aeeured b, tIIIa Se.urlly luatrumeDl "'Ihout further
<br />....... ad ..,111",... IIle pow.. 01... ..... a)' otber remedlea penaltted by app1Ieable Jaw. Lender...... be ..1I11ed to
<br />collect lIIl _ '-ned Ia punoJq ... remedIa promted iD tIIIa paraarapb 19, Ia........ but Dot Umlted 10,
<br />reIIOIIIbIeau-ra' rea.... _ollllle m~
<br />If die JICIftI' 01 ale .. Imolled, TrDatee ...... reeord . DOIIce 01 delull iD eadI eOIUIl)' iD whleb IDY part 01 Ibe
<br />Property ....................1IIIil eopIea orsudl_ce iD die __ preoerIbed by appUeah.e.... to Borrower IIId to Ibe
<br />otlter _ preoerIbed by appUeable Jaw, After Ibe _ required by applleable law, Trustee ......111.. pDbU. notice or
<br />ale to Ibe _ ..... iD Ibe _or preoerIbed by appUeable Jaw, Trustee, wlthoul demaad on Borrower, abaII oeIllbe
<br />Property It ....bU. _OD to Ibe b1(lbe1t bidder al tile be..... pIaee IDd DDder Ibe lermm dallPWed Ia IIle notJc:e olale iD
<br />... or ...... pan:eIIad in ay order Trust.. determlDea. TI'IIIlee IDlY postpone ale of lIIl or a, pan:el ollbe Property by
<br />pabIk _I althe lime IDd p.... 01 IDY prenlllllly adledDled ale. Leader or Ib d........ IDlY plU'1:bau Ibe
<br />Property allQ' a1..
<br />Upoa recelpt Dr pI,..,...,1 or Ibe price bid, TI'IIIlee anll deU,er 10 Ibe purcbuer TI'IIIlee'. deed .....,eyiD. Ibe
<br />Properl)'. no. red.... iD Ibe Trustee'. deed abaII be prima lade endeDce 01 Ibe InIIb or Ibe IlItemenb made lbe..,iD.
<br />Truatee...... apply Ibe proceeda ollbe ale iD IIle roU01rill. order: ta) 10 lIIl_ DI Ibe ale, iDdlllllq, bol Dot UmIted
<br />10, TnIIlee'. rea .. permitted by applleahle II. IIId reuDlllble attome)'l' lea; (b) to a1111U111 aeeared by tIIIa Seeurlt)'
<br />lDItnuDmt; IIId (ela)' n:eea 10 lb. penon or _I.....y IIIlIded lolL
<br />2ll. Leader u I!-...ion. Upon ....Ieration und~ paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Properly. Lend.r (in
<br />penon, by agent or by judicially appoinled receiver) shall be entitled to ent.r upon, take possession or aDd manage the
<br />Propeny aDd to collect the rents or th. Propeny including those past du., Any rents collected by Lender or Ihe receiver
<br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property aDd collecliOD or rents. including, but not
<br />limited to, receiv~s fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and ~ble attorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by
<br />this Security Inslnunmt.
<br />1I,llHon..ylDte. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instnunent. Leader shaD request Truslee 10
<br />reconvey the Properly and shaU surrender this Security Instrumenl aDd aD nOles evidencing debl secured by this Security
<br />InstrummtlO Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Propeny without warranty and without.harge to the penoD or persons
<br />legally entitled 10 it. Such person or persons shall pay aDY recordation costs,
<br />n. SabIIIlate Tmatee. Lender, al its option, may fnun time 10 lime remove Trustee aDd appoinl a successor trustee
<br />to aDY Trustee appointed hereunder by aD instrumenl recorded in the COUDty in whi.h lhis Security Instrument is recorded,
<br />Without conveyaDc:e of the Propeny. the luccessor lrustee shaIJ suceeed to a11lhe tide, power aDd duti.. coDferred upon
<br />Trustee herein IDd by applicable law.
<br />n ac..-a for NotIc:eL Borrower requests thai copies of the notices or default and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />add.... whieh is the Property Addreu.
<br />U. RIden to tIIIa Seeurity ~ If one or more rid.... are executed by Borrower and recorded IOgether with
<br />this Security Instrument. the covenants and agreements or each luch rider shall be iDcorporated inlO and shaD llDend IIld
<br />supplement the covenants aDd "IfCOIl1mts or Ihis Security Instrumml as if th. rider(s) w.re a part of this Securily
<br />IDllrumlSlt. [Check appllcabl. box{ea)]
<br />o Adjustabl. Rate Rider 0 Coadot.'tinium Rider 0 2-4 FIlDDy Rider
<br />
<br />o GradWlted Payment Rider
<br />
<br />o PIaDDed Dllit Development Rider
<br />
<br />~ Other(s) [specify] Acknowledgment
<br />
<br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower acc:epts and agrees to n~te terms and covenants contained in this Security
<br />lDsuumentllld in lilY rider(s)......ted by Borrower and recorded with iI,
<br />
<br />
<br />,...[)~" ,IR.,~"jL"......,....,....,(SeaI)
<br />
<br />Donald R. Jelinek, Jr. '.It. --....,
<br />
<br />",KCdDfLC<;_3?f.J2e.A-:ul..,~:....(SeaI)
<br />Rox~t,; L. Jelinek ~
<br />
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County 55:
<br />
<br />OD Ihis 31st day of August ,1988 . before me, th. "ndersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commiSlioned aDd qualified for said county, personally came Oonald R. Jei inek, Jr, and
<br />Roxana L. Jelinek, husband and wi fe . to me known to be the
<br />idallica1 person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and ackn~'\wledged the execution
<br />thereof to be their voluntary act aDd deed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county, Ihe
<br />date afDreuid.
<br />
<br />My CommissioD expires:
<br />
<br />,J:--_rl-
<br />CJ.. _a
<br />oC::c' lIy-bJkll._
<br />To n.UstEE,
<br />The unc1enilned is the holder of the note or notcs sCC'ured by Ihis Deed of Trus!. Said nOlt' tlf nolC's, lo~cthcf
<br />with all other indebtcdncn \ccured by this Derd of Trust. ha\'c been paid In full, You arc ht'reb~' dlfCllcd 10 caned 'aid
<br />nole or notn .nd lhu. Dred of Trus.t. which arc dcli"eJ'ed hrrrb)', Bnd 10 reconH'\, \.l,llhoUI \\anamy, all the (""rale
<br />no..- held by )OU undn (hI! Dcrd of Trusl 10 Ihe penon Of pcr'ion\ Iegall) t'nluled thC'fcto
<br />
<br />/J;z r 4
<br />............l...............~..
<br />NOIar" Public
<br />
<br />bal.
<br />