<br />UNIFORN COVENANTS, Borrower and Lend.r covenant and agr.. as follow.,
<br />I. ~I of Prilldpalad IlIIenot; Prepa)'lllellt ad Lal. Cb...... Borrow.r shall promplly pay wh.n due
<br />Ih. principal of and int.resl on Ih. debt.videnced by Ih. Noteand any pr.paym.nt and lal. charges due und."h. Not..
<br />2. Fl:IlIII for Till.. ad IDI"""" Subjecl to applicabl.law or to a wrill.n waiv.r by L.nd.r, Borrow.r shall pay
<br />to Lend.r on th. day monlhly payments are due und.r Ih. Note, unlilth. NOI. Is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") equal to
<br />on.,"velfth of: (a) yearly tues and ......m.nls which may auain priorily ov.r Ihis Security Instrum.nl, (b) yearly
<br />Jeuehold paymenll or ground rents on the Property, if any: (.) yearly hazard insuraD" premiums, and (d) yearly
<br />IIIOf1JaIe insu....... premiums, if any. These ilems an: called "escrow items," Lenrl.r may estimat.lh. Funds due on Ih.
<br />basis of currenl data and reuoaabl. estimal" OrfUIUre escrow items.
<br />Th. FUDds shall be held in an institution lhe deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a fed.raI or
<br />stale apm:y (iDcludi.. Lender if Lender is such an inslilutioD). Lend.r shall apply th. Funds to pay th. escrow it.ms.
<br />Lender may not .harge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing th. accounl or v.rifying the escrow items, unless
<br />Lender pap Borrower inlerest on the Funds and applicabl. law penuits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and
<br />Lend.r may agree in Writing lhal interesl shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreem.nl is mad. or applicabl. law
<br />requir.. iDteresllO be paid, Lender shaII nol be required 10 pay Borrow.r any int.resl or earnings on Ih. Funds. Lend.r
<br />shaD IIv.lo Borrower, wilhout charge, an annual accounting ofth. Funds showing credilS and d.bils to the FUDds and th.
<br />purpose for which each debillO Ih. FUDds was mad., Th. Funds are pledged as additional securily'fo"h. sums secured by
<br />Ibis Security InstrumenL
<br />Ir the IIDDUDt of th. Funds held by Lend.r, logetber wilh the future monthly paym.nlS of Funds payabl. prior to
<br />th. due dales of the escrow ilems, shall exeeed th. amounl required 10 pay Ih. escrow ilems when due, the ..cess shall be.
<br />al Borrower's option, either promplly repaid to Borrower or credited 10 Borrow.r on mODthly paym.nts of Funds, Iflh.
<br />amOUDt oflh. Funds h.ld by Lender is Dol suffici.ntto pay Ih. escrow items when due. Borrow.r shall pay 10 Lend.r any
<br />amount necesSllry to make up the deficiency in one or more payments as required by Lender.
<br />Upon payment in full of all SUID! secured by this Securiry Inslrum.nl. Lend.r shall promplly refund 10 Borrow.r
<br />any Funds held by Lender, Ifund.r panlSraph 191h. Prope"y is sold or acquired by Lend.r, Lend.r shall apply, no lat.r
<br />lhan immedialely prior 10 th. saI. of th. Propeny or ils acquisilion by Lend.r. any Funds h.ld by Lend.r alth. time of
<br />Ipplication as. credit apinsllhc sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />3. AppIleati.. of "'ymeDta. UDless applicabl. law provides oth.rwise, all paym.nts received by Lend.r und.r
<br />panlSraphs land 2 shall be applied; first. to lat. cbarges due uDd.r rh. Nor.; secoDd. 10 p..epaym.nl .harges due und.r th.
<br />NOle; third, 10 amoUDls payabl. UDder J'IFlIllTBph 2, founh, 10 inl...., du.; and Iasl. 10 principal du.,
<br />4. ~ U-. Borrow.r shall pay a1ltues. ......ments. charges, fine::; and impositions auributabl. 10 th.
<br />Property which may alliin priorily, over this Security Inslrumenl, and I....hold payments or ground rents. if any,
<br />Borrower shall pay these obliplioas in Ihe mann.r provided iD J'IFlIllTBph 2, or if not paid in lhat mann.r. Borrow.r shall
<br />pay them on lim. direetly 10 Ih. person owed paymenl, Borrower shall promplly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts
<br />10 be paid under Ihis paraaraph, If Borrower makes Ihese paym.nts direclly, Borrow.r shall promplly furnish ro Lend.r
<br />receipts evideDeing the paymenls.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharg. any lien whi.h has priorily over this Securily Instrumenl unless Borrower: (a)
<br />...... in writing 10 the paymenl oflh. obliplioD secured by Ih.lien In a mann.r acaptabl.lo Lender, (b) conlests in good
<br />flith th.lien by, or defends apinsl enfon:ement of th.lien in. 1.ga1 proceedings which in Ih. Lend.r's opiDion operat. 10
<br />prevent the enfon:emenl of th. lien or forFeiture of any part of Ih. PropenYl or (c) secures from Ih. holder of Ih.li.n an
<br />_I satitfaclory to Lender .ubordinaling Ih.lien 10 lhis Security Instrum.nl. If Leader d.l.nuines thai any pan of
<br />the Property is subjecl 10 a lien which may alliin priorilY over Ihis Security Inslrument. Lend.r may Siv. Borrower a
<br />notice identifyi.. the lien, Borrow.r shall satisfy Ih. lien or like on. or more oflhe aclions set fonh abov. within 10 days
<br />ofth. giring of notice,
<br />5. HaanlIMU'UCe. BorT'OWer shall keep the Improvements now existing or hereaner erected on the Propeny
<br />insured apinsllou by fire, hazards included WilhiD Ih.,enn ....Iended cov.raS." and any oth.r hazards for which Lend.r
<br />requires insurance. This inaurancc Ihall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The
<br />insu....... carrier providing Ih. Inluran.. shall be chosen by Borrow.r subject 10 Lend.r's approval which shall not be
<br />unreuonably withh.ld,
<br />All insuran.. policica and renewals shall be acceptabl. to Lender and shall iDclude a standard monpg. clause.
<br />Lender IhaII hav. Ih. ria/II to hold lhe policicaand ren.wats. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promplly giv.to Lender
<br />all receipts of paid premiuDlland renewal noli.... In the evenl of loss, Borrow.r shall givc prompt nOli.. to Ih. insuranc.
<br />carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof ofloss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Unless l..encIu and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. inmrance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair
<br />of the Pro(lerty damqed, if lh. restoralion or repair is ecoDomicaIJy fcaaibl. and Lend.r's security is nOII......ed, If Ih.
<br />restoration or repair is Dol economically feasibl. or Lend.r's _urity would be I......ed, th. insuran.. proceeds shall be
<br />applied to the swns _ured by tItit Securily Inslrumenl, wh.ther or nolthen du.. wilh any excess paid 10 Borrow.r. If
<br />Borrower abandons th. Propeny. or does Dol answ.r within 30 days a nOli.. from Lend.r lhatth. insuran.. carrier has
<br />oIrered 10 settle a claim, Ihen Lender may collectlh. insu....... proceeds, l.end.r may use th. proc:=ls 10 repair or reslor.
<br />th. Property or to ..y SUIDI _ured by this Security Inslrument, wheth.r or notlhen du., Th. 30-day period will begin
<br />when the DOIiee is gi_.
<br />UnI... Lender aDd Borrow.r oth.rwise agree iD wriling. any applicalion of proceeds to principal shall DOl exlend or
<br />JIOII_ thedue daleoflhe monthly payments ref.rred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 or chang. lh. amount oflh. payments. If
<br />UDder J>Il'IIrIl>h 19 the Propc:ny is acquired by Lend.r, Borrower's riShllo any insuran.. policies and proceeds resulting
<br />from damqe!O lhe Propeny prior to th.acquisilion shall pan 10 Lender to th. ...enl oflh. sums secured by Ihis Securily
<br />IDllrumenl immediat.ly prior 10 the acquisilion,
<br />6. Prelenati...... Mainl_ ofPruperjr. LeaaeboIda. Borrower shall nOI deslroy. damage or substanlially
<br />change lhe Property, allow lhe Property to deteriorate or commil wast., If Ihis SecurilY Instrum.nt is on a I....hold,
<br />Borrower shaD comply with th. provisions oflh.l..... and if Borrow.r acquires fceritl.to Ih. Propeny. Ih.l....hold and
<br />fcelitle shaD nol_ UDIcs& Lender asr...IO th. merger in wrilillll.
<br />7. ~ 01 Leeder'a R1pta I. the Property; M~ IDluraDce. If Borrow.r fails 10 perform th.
<br />anomanll and _U contained in this Security Instrument. or there is a legal proceedins that may significantly .treet
<br />Lender's righll in the Property (such as a proceeding iD bankruptcy, prohat., For condemnalion or 10 .nFon:e laws or
<br />repJalioDll.lhen Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary 10 protectlh. value of,,,. Propeny and Lend.r's rights
<br />m tile Propeny. l.ender'1 aclions may inelude pa)'ins any sums sccured by . lien whiGh has priorilY over this. Security
<br />ll111nuDent. appearinl in count payinl reuonablc: aUDmcys' rccs and mlerin8 on Ihe Property to make repairs. AhhoUlh
<br />I4ldcr may like action under Ihis para,raph 7, Lender doeI nOI hav. to do so.
<br />ADY amounts disbursed by Lend.r und.r Ihi. parasraph 7 .hall becom. addilional deb. of Borro....r secured by this
<br />Sacurity Inltrumcrn. Unlesl Borrower and Lender qree 10 olher terms orpaymmt. these amounts shan bear inleresl from
<br />the date of dKbunanml al Ihe NOlr rale and ,hall be payablr. wlIh mlerrsl, upon nOller from Lender 10 Borrower
<br />_"I' ..ymcnl
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