<br />88- 104785
<br />
<br />If Lendl."f rl'qu:r~d mt'rtf:ug" lIl'l.Ur:lIICC 1.1\ ;1 ('ondltlllll nf makln!! Ihe lnun .."cured h) 11m SClllTUY ImMumclll.
<br />B,'rr,l\l.CT ...h:111 fl:l~ the prcn\lum!\ required 10 mmlllum Ihe Insurance In clTce! ul1l1l ,ul.:h limc us the reqUirement for the
<br />lmUTitll":l'lcrnllnale!\ In accordance with 80rrO\\,'er\ ;.Iud Ll'nder's writtcn llgreement or apphcahll' law
<br />ft. (nspeclion. Lender or lis agent may mllkc Tl"lI!'1011l1blc colTie!'! upon Bnd lIl,;pCCIHlIlS of the Prl'pcrty, l.ender
<br />..hall ~In: Hurnl\\ eT nOllce all he lime: of or prior hl "11 lO"rt:l~lIIm 'pcl'ifying rcasmmblc C3\ISl' for the in:-.pcclion.
<br />9. Condemnorlnn. The proceeds of any i.lwunJ or dum fllr d;lmagl"", dJfl:cl or I."OI1!'icquL'nlinl, IT1 connection Willi
<br />an) cnndcmnallnn nr nlher laking l'[ all) part (If the Pmpcrt}', (IT fm cc,"\'cyuncc 111 lieu of cnndemlllltion, arc herehy
<br />as\lgned Jmd ..hall ht' paid III Lcndcr.
<br />In the e\t.'nl of a tlllnllnkinl; (If Ihe Pruper1). Ihe rro~eed.. ..hall hl' apphed tn the sums ~ecured hy this Security
<br />In!\trum~nt. whether nr nol then due, .....lth nny e:\ce!-o\ p:ud to Borrowcr In the cvcnt of 11 p:lftial taking of Ihe ProperlY.
<br />unlcs~ Borro.....er and Lender nlherwl!\c agree in \\-'fltJng. lhc sums ..el'ured hy Ihis Security hl!\lrUmenl ..hul1 he reduccd hy
<br />the amount of Ihe pmceed\ multlphed hy Iht' followmg (r:u:t1on la) the hllal amounl nf Ihc !\ums secured immediately
<br />before Ihe taking, di\ Ided h~' (hI the fair market \'alue of Ihe I'ropt'rlY Immedl:llely he fore the tllking. Any bllhmct' shall bc
<br />paid 10 BClrWWet
<br />If the Pmrcrt~ I" abandllned h~ Borrower. Dr If. afh'r I1tllh.:e hy 1.ender to Bornm'cr thai Ihc condcrnnnr offcr'i to
<br />mak!: an award Ilr !-ocltle a d;um fllr Jamagt~. B\lrrOWCr filiI:-. tn rc"pllOd 1\1 I.l'nder wllhin 30 day!\ "fler Ihe dale the l1011ce IS
<br />given, Lcnder I" aulhofl/cd tll t'nlll:l.'1 ami nppl~ Ihe pf(l~eed:-.. allh (lptloll, either to rc..toration or rcpair of the Properly or
<br />hI the ...um.. "cl'ured h~ till'. St"t..:Uflt) In>;lrulllC'lIt, \10 hether or not then JUt"
<br />l~nlC'\, Lender .1Od Borrower 1Ilherwl..e agree 10 \Io'fI1lng. all)' app!ll,,'illlOIl ofprnl't:cd!< f(l princtpal..hall nnt c:'i.lcnd or
<br />pn,tpnne Ih... duc date iIf the mlllll hl~ p"ymcllt.. rdcrred 10111 parn~r~pho; I and 2 or dmnge Ihe umount of such payment!'.
<br />10, Horrower ....ot Released: Forbearance n)" Lender ~ul D Wniver. ExtenSIOn of lhe lime for paymenl or
<br />modlfic!ltlon of amllrtl/allnn nf the ,urn... '1.:1.:ured hy Illl', Sct'tJflt~ In"lrument granled hy Lender to any "Ut'CC!\!tOT in
<br />lOIere<.,t of Bnrnm'er ,Iwl! nnt operate In rdea.,c Ihc Imhlhly nfthl'Ilf1~lOal Borrowcr or Rorrowcr's ...ucces...ors in inlerest.
<br />Lender ...hall nnt hl' rl'qulred In t:(Imlllt'111.:e procecdlllg.. ag1111l..1 all) ..ut'L.e.....llr \II 1Ilh.'re,1 or refu,e 10 e:\lend time for
<br />paymenl or 01 her\\. l!-oe modify amllrtl/,allllll of the ,um.. ..ct'un:d h~ 1111' Sl'l'Uf1I~ In'lrumclll hy reiNltl of any demand made
<br />hy Ihe ongmal Burro\\,'cr or Borf(lwt"r'.. WCCC'Mlf' UllOlcrc..1 An~ ftlrhl'aralll't' h)o Lendcr In e.\erclsmg any n~hl or rcmcd)
<br />,hall nnl he 11 \\'al\-e:r of or prt'dude thec:\crl'I'Ie nfany nghlllr relllcd~
<br />11. Successors and Assif,tns Round; Joint and Se\lerall.io.blllt)'; Cu.siitners. The t:l,,,cn;uu.. atld agrecl11enl'" \If
<br />thl" Se,ufll~ Imolrumc:11l ..hall hmd nnd bcnefillhe "ucc~~tlrs :lmJ a~M~II" Ill" Lcnder ilnd HorTOwcr. \UhJCl."lllllhc prml.,ltln..
<br />of paTilgraph 17 Borrower'" ':O\'el1al1l" and agrecment~ ~hall ht: JOInt and ...e\'t'ml Any Borrowef Wllll Ct.'-slglls 1111.. SCCUfll)
<br />In,ITUTTlCnl hut doC"io nolc.\c.:ute the Notc' (OIl... l'(l'>;lgnllll; th.., Set'UTIIY In!\trumcnlllnl~ III mortgagc. grant :llllll.tlll\le)
<br />Ihal H~lrTl'\\et'''llll...rC'oot 111 the Pwpert) under Ihc lerm., tlf 11m Sel.UTlI) Imlrument. (h).., nol pcr...onlllly ohllgaled Itl pay
<br />Ihe '.urm 'l"l:urcd hy th.., SeL"\JT1t) Imlrunlelll, and tel il!!ret'" Ih.11 I.t"nul't and an~ olher lIorrllwcr may agree 10 l':\lend,
<br />rntl\,hfy, fnrhcur tlt mal.:e an) llCl.:nmnllxJullon.. willi rc~anJ hl Ihe It'rm' Ill' tlm SCCllfll) Imlrurncnl (lr Ihe !\itltl' wllhoUI
<br />Ih;11 Ullrrmr,cr\ l.:olJ..cnt
<br />12. loaR L'"harKcs, If Ihl'lnun 'l't'ured hy th.., Sc.:urll~ In..trurncnl I' 'IllhJt'ct tll II !iIW \IohlCh 'eh nUJ.lIIOHUn loan
<br />t'hargC'l, and Ihat 1:1\10: I" final1~ Ifltt"rpreted \11 Ihal the mterc..I tlf othcr hl1ln t:haf~e!! l'ollccled or 10 I:ll' collecled 111
<br />l.onl1ecl1on wnh the loan e.\cced Ihc permitted Ii mil... then (a) an) 'uch Itlan chllr!!c ,hall he rcduced hy Ihe amount
<br />lleCC'I..ary 10 redm'c the charge tulhe permllled IInll1. il11l11h) all)' 'HfTl' ulreudy t'ullected frorn Unrrllwcr W)Udl exceeded
<br />pcrnlllleo hrml' \\111 he refunded III Borrower I eodcr m,,~ ,:hllll'le tl\ Illil"'l' It1l'l refund hy retlUt.:ltIg Ihe pnllclpalll\ud
<br />under Ihe Nule or h) malt.U1g;1 dlrn.t pil)ment III Bflrnmer If a rclund rctlut't.... prll1Clpal. tlu:, redUClll1l1 \\'111 he trealet.! it!! a
<br />partlill prepa~ men! \uthout an} prepayrnCnll."haf~e undl'r Ihe !'.'lllc
<br />lJ, l-cltislation .-\ffeClln~ I..cndcr.'ii Rh~ht.s, II cllill'lml"llt llr C,\plfaIIl1l1 of appht.:i1hle hlW.. ha!<t Ihe clrcl'l 01
<br />tt'ndenng IIn} ptll\l"lllO \If the: ~lIlc llf Ihl' SC\:Ufll) 11I'Itrllrm:nl 1Illcnfort'cnhle i1L'L'onhng 'IlII.. term.,. I.emkr, alll"I1(11101l,
<br />lOa)' requ1fl: lmme"hall" pil~mc:nl HI lullnf;l.lI ..um'l ,eL'uted h~ lill' St'l'UW) III'trUIllL"tlI i1nd may lI1\oke "II)' remcdlc!\
<br />pC'rmllled hy paragraph I ~ If I,euucr L"~crcI"C'l th" llplHlrl. I,(~nder *lha]ltalt.l' Ihe "Iep'l 'pet"llied IlIlhe *lct:lllld paragraph III
<br />rara~raph 17
<br />14, ~lltlce!ol. AIl~ nnllt:c 10 Hllrrn\l.t"r prll\lJeJ ror III tIll" SCl'mll} In..lrument ..hall hc gl\ell b) oeh"'L'f1ng 1I1lr h;,-
<br />nHlIlm~ II h~ tif'.1 1.'1".... mall unlo!! appllcahle lim requlfe!\ u..e Ill' oillnlher IllclhoJ The rlllllL'C: ,hall hc dlrCl'lcd to the
<br />Prnpc:f1} Addrt'" \If ~n) olhet addre<.,!! nntrll"'t'r dL...Ignale, h) Ilntln' III l.cllder An) notlL'C III Lcnder ,Imll hl' glvcn hI.
<br />fir..t L.la..... mall tn Lendcr'.. .Jodro' ,Inted herem \If ;111) olhL'r addtl..... Lellder de'lgllilll'" hy t111IIL'C III Bnrrowcr AIl~ nnUtl'
<br />prll\ld.:-J. r,-,r 10 Itll" Se..:UTlI) In"'lrument ,hall hedl~med llllul\l" heen gl\l:llltl Bnrnl\\cr or I.ender \\'hen lZlven il!-o pro\'ltlL'd
<br />111 thl'o para~raph
<br />IS. Gn,..~rninR 1..11....; Sctlerabillt)', rh" Sct."Uf1l\ In"lrunwlIt ,11;111 hl' I!lI\~rnl'd h~ feJl"rallaw allU the la.... of th('
<br />Jun<odlt'tlun In whl..:h lhe Prclpcn)o 1" hx:atcd In tht, c\-cnt Ihat an~ pnl\I'ollln Ilf dau..e: Illlhh Se:C:Ufll~ In..rrumcnlllf lhe:
<br />~l'te t"nnfllcl" ....llh arrll~i.lhle h1"", ,u~h t."tlntllL't ..hallnnt i.llTccl olhcr prml..lllll..lIfthl' Sel'unt~ 1f1!!trumellt or thL' ~(Ile:
<br />wh:ch l'un he gl\l"n dTt:ct \\.llhlmllhe Cllllnll.tmg prml.,.nn ftl th" t'nJ Ihe rnl\l"IlIll'l Ilf Ihl' SL''''Uf1I~ In..trumcllt and till'
<br />,",Olt' afe declared tn he '~H':rahlc
<br />16. llorrmH~r'~ Cop)", Rmf(IWer ,hall he gl\eO noe I.'llnftlrmed (I'P) (\1 th~ Snit' and of 1111' "ieC'UfI1) II1,trumelll
<br />Ii, Transrl'r ur the "rnp~ny or D Beneficial Intcrest in UurruMocr, If allnr anj rart ilr Ihl: Pmrcrly nr an~
<br />Inlere<.,t III It ,,-.old or lran,ferr~ fur If a hcnelic1ll1 tntcrt"" ItI BOrTtH\ef I' '>Illd (lr tran,ft:rrl't! ilnd B.,rnIWl"T" IInl it l1alural
<br />pef\llnt \\'l1h{\ut Lt'nde"" pflnr \HlllCf1 l'On'iCnl. Lender may. allt'" ')p"lln, n:yulrc utlTllcd,att' ra)ttlenl III full nf;tll'um..
<br />'<e\:urcd h~ Ihl!. Sccunly In'lrumenl Howt'\t'r, Ihl' {Iplltln ,halllltll hc e\ell"j'lcd hy I cmlL'r ,I' e\l'fl'l'e ,... pfllhlhlll't1 h\
<br />fl:deralllJ\l,' a, of the- dale (l( Ihl' Secunt,. In\trument
<br />If Lcnut'r e\crcI!'oC'l till' uptlOn, i~("ndcr ,hall !P"C' lJorftl\\.er f11ltlo.:C (If acceleralll 'II fhl' nnlIL'C ..hall prm Idt"" pl"l'll.tl
<br />"j nlll Ie<." rhan 10 da~'.. frmn Ihe date Ihe nollce I" dcJI\'eretlllr m"ded ....Ithlll .... tudl Bllrrn"'l'r mll'l pil~ all..utll, ..n'llll'l! h\
<br />11m ~'urllY In\trumenl IrBornlwer faJl~ In ra) the-.e ,um.. print III lbt' C,\plrUllullnfllll" pt,tlt.d, I ('oiler flHl~ 1tl\II~t' all\
<br />rt:tl1elllt" pernlllted h~ rhl" Secunty In,trument \\"llhnut furl her tll,lh:l" ill' Jl'rnantJ Ilfl Hllrftl....l.r
<br />HI. Borro.u's Rh:hl to Reinstate, If Rnrrn.....er rTIC'Ch L"l'r1alll ~'l1l1dlllll"'. Btlrnl\\cr ..It:all hil\!' I Ill' fll!hl I" h.i\t.'
<br />c-nf'lrcerTIt"nl of1h" Sccuru)o In..truJOent dl'ot.'cHlllnued III :my IttTle pnl1r 11'lhe earlll'r lIt lOll C; d;l\..l.'! ..Illh ,ITIIl'I pt"r1,,,t.I'
<br />"rrlll:l1hll" I:l\\ ma\- "pl~.t:lf) f,'t rcm.,talcmenl) hefore "ulc nf the Pfl'rert~ pur..uanl 1,1 <HI\ P,l\~l'l ,., .."II" '"11,t1llnlll1 Ihl"
<br />~Uf11" In..lfumenl. pr lhl C"fllr) ,.1 a Jud~ml"1lt t"nfnft'lng thl" St'l:llflT\ Ill'lrumrnl I ho",. \."111111111!l\ .H'. 111.11 1I..11"\h'l
<br />I.., pay.. 1 cnder ,111 ..tun.. \\hll:h !hen ....t.uld l1e dUL" under Ih" "t'lUfll~ Ill\,rulTlI'nl .uuJ llll' ....,11(. h.lllll<' ,h. 1,11'1,1111'"
<br />'","luned lhl \,Uf("'o .111\ de("ull nf an) IHher I.lI\l"lHtlll\ lIr agrC't"IllI'TlI.., IL" p;I~" ,Ill npl'lhl'\ llhlllll'l! 11\ I.Tlt.." \Il~' till'
<br />'C'\:unl\ In'\1rUnl("l\l. In...ludlll~. hul IH11 ]111111ell 11'. f(':,"onahle all,lrnr\.... 11-1.'" ;Jnl! Idll.I!...'" "lI,h .ll1""1 ,I' 111111. T 111.1\
<br />!("....I.nah" 1("4ulrl" I" ......u,(" Ihat fhe" Ii!"n l,f :h" Set.:UflTj In..tfUT1lC'1l1 II'nllt'r'~ flj!hl\ III Itu' 1""P"llI ,111,1 11"""\\,.,,
<br />"hltIUllt'lll ", p.n lht" ..unl" \(""lUII:',j h\ 1111" \CL'UTll\- In..trumenl ,1t.11I <"11111\\11. !Jill Il;IlI~...1 I [','II I'TT"!.!I,'"'' '" h\
<br />II""""'~I 'Ill'" \.(0.. IHIll l'I"UUlllrnl .Iud Iht" ,.hltf:al1tUl' "'r.I'Uro:~'lt ht"f1'h\ ~h;dl,. Illolll' Il,l!\ "nl" 11\'. .1" ,Ill. "I,., "<.'1' 1'1.1
<br />... \ '1I'''.t II"""" 1"\ f f ""'" !lltlll I" 1'!"1I1"'1;l1t" ..n,11l '11'1 ,Iprh 111 lilt", ,I"'.' I' .h \ 1"1..1 ,,1', ,I', ',Jll' I 'f I' I! 1l.'1_11"I' 1; ,
<br />