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<br />88- <br /> <br />104785 <br /> <br />t:SU:(lRM Ct I\'!:".,;-\' I'" Borrower and l.ender cll\'cnanllll\d lI!;:TCl' i1!o flllltm, <br />1. PI)'ment or Principal Bnd Interest; Preps}'mcnt and I.ote ChllrRc!'.. Iimnl\\ L'r ,JllIlI rrtlmpll~ pa~ \\ hen dlle <br />the pnnclpal ofllnd mlcre'l on the debt evidenced hy Ihl" Noll' and any prepaymenl ;l1ullalL'chnrgL'" dill' under Ihe' ~ll1l' <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject 10 upphcuhlc law Of In a .....nllef\ \\1I1\Cf h)' I.ender. Ihlrrnwl'r ~hall pll~ <br />10 lender on the day monlhly payment!'. un: due under the Note. until the Note I" paid In full. 1I ..\1111 ("FIIlHh") L'~11I1I1 h1 <br />llnc'IWdnh of (8) yearly luxe!'. Dnd lls,c..'\.smCnl!\ which may utlum pnority owr 1111' SccurllY Imtrumclll, (hI yc.lrI) <br />leasehold J1ilymenl!'oo or ground rents on the Property. If any: (cl YClIrly halllrd 11l~urllI1Cl' pl"ClllIUn1!o; lIod Ill) ~'carl} <br />murtgage U1~urum:c prcmlum~. if an)'. These i1cm~ arc called "escrow ilem~," lender mllY eslmlale the Funds due un Ihe <br />basis of current daln and rcasonllblc estimates offuture escrow itcm!\, <br />The Fund~ shall he held in an instltution the deposits or nc..:ounl~ of which life Insured or guanmlced by u federal or <br />stale agenc)' (including lender if lender i~ such an institUlion), Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow ilems. <br />Lender may not charge rur holding and applying the Funds. analyzin~ the accounl or ,:cnf)'ing Ihe escrow items. unless <br />lender p3~'~ Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permils lender tn make c;ueh a charge, Borrower and <br />Lender may agrce in writing that interest shall be paid on the Funds, Unlcs.. un agrcemcnt is J11:uJc or applicable law <br />requires interesl 10 be paid. Lender "hall not be required In pay Borrower any mtere"t or earnings on the Funds, Lender <br />shall givc to Borrower. withoUI charge. an annualnccounlinl.l oflhe Funds showing credits llnd dehits In the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit tn the Fund!'! was made The Fund... urc pledged a!\ lluditionul...ecuTlly for Ihe sums secured by <br />Ihis $ccunty Instrumenl <br />If the amounl of the Fund"i held hy Lender. logelhcr \\'lIh Ihe future monthly payments of Funds puynblc prior tol <br />the due dalt:S or the eSL"TOW Items. ~hall exceed the amounl n:qulrcd to pay Ihe ~cr(lW Items when due. the excl.'SS shall he. <br />at Borrower's option. eJlher promptly repuld to Borrn....c:r IlT i.:n:dlled to Borrnwcr 011 monthly payments of Funds, If lite <br />amount of the Funds held by Lender I,nnt ...uffii.:I,,'nl tll pay Ihe L~l.:rnW lIem... when due. Borrower shull pay to Lender ilny <br />amounl neccs.sury to up the delklenq If1 (lIlC IIr nHlr,,' puymclIl" a... n:qutred by Lcnder <br />Upon paymenlln full of all !.um~ seL'un'd h~ 1111'" Sl'cunl~ In...trulTlenl, 1.ender ,hall pT\.lmp!ly refund to Borrower <br />nn)' Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 14 I he fin Ip,,'r1 y I" \1 lid IIr acqUired hy l.cndcr. l.cnder ..hall apply. no later <br />than immediately pnor tolhe ..nle of 1111: Pfl)pl."T1~ (lr II'- ill'qUI\llIntl h~ Ll."tHkr. an~ Fund.. held hy Lcndcr at Ihe time of <br />apphcatilJn a~ a crrolt agalll!<o' Ihe t.;urn!, "l.'nm:d h~ thl'" Sl"l'UTlI\ In..lrunwnl <br />J. Application ofPoymenu. l'nlC'l!\ itppll,,'ahk la.... prtl\ldt.-' (.Iht..r.....l..c. all paymenl'" rCl't.'I\cJ hy t,C'nder under <br />paragraphs. I and 2 !.hall be applied tir\t. Itl lalt.' ..:har~l."\ dUL' undC"r tht" ~'II"', "C'l.:tlnu, hI pr,,'pa~ mcnl L'harge~ due under the <br />NOll.'; third. tel amount" payable undcr paragraph~, fllUTlh.lllll1ll."re...1 dlle, .!flU la"'l. hi pTIIKrpul due <br />4. CharRes; Liens. Bnrrn\o\er !!hail POl) alllil'l..... a......e......l1Icnl... chaq,!l.... linc... and ImpnSllUlI1"o OlIlTlbulahlc III the <br />Propert}' which may atlam pnorllY mer Ihl!\ Sl."curlt) In..trllOlenl. .lful lea...chold pil)IIl,,'n~.. nr ground renls. if any, <br />Borrower "hall pay the<-c nbhgatlon~ 1II1he OllJnflCr pnl"'lded 111 paragraph ~,Pf If rllll paul III thai manner. Borrower shull <br />PllY them on time dnl.octl)' Io-I-tlc per!ollllll\\cd paymCtrl BllrTtl\l.'cr ...hall rrlHllpll~ fUClII...h to Lender all nntiL-Los tlfamounts <br />III he p~l1d under thl'\ paragrnph If HOfTtlwcr makc... thc...c paymenl... dlr"'I.'lly. Unrnmw ...hall promptly furnish to Lender <br />rCC:("lpl~ evrdenl..'lTll,! Ihe pa) menl'" <br />Borrowcr ~hal1 promptly dl.....:harge an) lien "'.\ll..'h ha~ pnorllY UHr Ihl... Sc..'umy Irl'ITLlnll."1I11111kss Horrn\\'er, (a) <br />agrc..'l..... rn WT1lIl1~ wlhl." paymenlllfthe IlhltgalUltl "cL'urcJ hy Ihc hen 11I;t manllcr aCl'cplahle Itl lcmit."r; (h) cllTllc~ts in good <br />fauh Ihc hen hy, or defend.. a~at1l..1 enforcemenl of Ihe hen 1t1. legal pTllCCel.hll~s wlllch IlIlhe Lender'" OplllUUl operate III <br />prncntlhe enfllTt.:emcnl of the hcn \lr forfcllurc (If an) pan of Ih,,' I'wpert)'; or lcl"'l."t.:ur~ from Ihe holder of the lien an <br />agreement ~iJw,fat.:tory III Lender ...uhtndrnallng Ihe hClllo 11m Sct.'lJrll) In..trumenl If Lcndcr dCleT1Tnlle" that any purt of <br />the ProperlY 1\ ...ubJet.:1 In a hen .....1111..'11 m:,y allal1\ prhlTll) 1,I\'cr Ilm SecurllY III'Itrul1Icnl. Ll."lIdcr may gl\'C Borrower II <br />notice IdentifYing the lien, BllTfln\t:r !\hall....'II...f) Ihe 11"'0 or talc "IlL' or mllr,,' of the ,ICIItH1~ "'l."1 fllnh abo\'e within 10 du)~ <br />of Ihe glVll1gof nollce. <br />5. Hazard Insurance. HlICTII\\er ...halllo.ecp Ihe lInprn\Cl1lelll\ 111'\\ CII,I..tml! llf hl."rcaftcr crecled nn lhe Prnperty <br />rnsured aga1l1~t Ins'l b) fire. hal.anh 1IH:ludl."d ....llhmllw IcrJ11 "I.".II.lendcd em era~"'" and an) Illh....r hlllards for which L,,'ndeT <br />requlr~ 1I1~urant.:e, Thl' """r,,m:e \hall h,,' n1;.lIl1l~ulled It1 tht: anUHIIlI'" "rill fllr IhL' pl."l'ltllh Ihal Lender requires Tht: <br />11Isurance carner pTll\oldlllg Ihe m..uralll'C ~hi1lll"ll' (hIN:n h\ BlIrTllWCr ...uhll.TI Il' I_cnder.... approval which ...Imll lUll hc <br />unre'.!"\onahly wtthhcld <br />All lIl!<ouranl.:e pollen:" .Iud rcru:\\oiJ.b I,!l:lll h", Jl.:t.'cplahlc h' l.t:mkI unJ \hall lfIdude a ...wndard mortgage clause, <br />Lender shull hUH Ihe nght to hold Ihe 1)(111"'1"'" and r"'l1e",1I1, If Lt:lllkr H'4\llre'. H\lrrn....~r ..hall promptly gl\'c tn I.cnder <br />all r~t:elf'I'i Hf pard pTl:nuunl'l ami n:ru:waIIHllllc", ill Ihc cvenl llf It I""', Hllffll....".r \hall gll'l.' prom pi notice wlhe Jn~unlnce <br />t:arTler and Lender. l.ender ma) nmlo.c pnulf Ill' Ill.... I!' 1101 m~dt." prolllrtl~ h)o III,rrll....".r <br />Llllle!t!t Lender and Bnrr(l\~cr otherWl!\C agrce HI .... TIling. l1\\UTllll"C prlll,.'l."cd.. ..hall he apphed 10 re\lOrallUn (Ir rt:pUlr <br />of the Propert) Jilma~l~. If Ihe reslorallon or rcparr t.. el..'onoJ11h:all~ feu!\lhl... "lid I.crukr'... ...el,'urllY \" nol 1c'l\el1ed If the <br />restnralUl(lllr repair I' Otlt enmtlmll:ally feas\hle or L.ender'!t ~e(unl~ \\(luld he Il."......encd. the m..urancc prnl..'ceds ..hall hI,' <br />applied to tht: \UIlI\ '1l."L'un:u h) Ihl... St."\."uru}' LI1SITumcllt. .... Itt:lher ~\r nol Ilwn dill.". "lIh all) Ol,'c...... paId In Hllrro\\'er, Jf <br />Borrnwer .\\1andlln~ the Propt!rty. (Ir does m~t \\'lthll1 30 daY!oo:t 1lt1l1ec fnltll l.clIder thallhc m...urance L'tlTTler ha!\ <br />offered to settle a dUlm. then ll."nder ma) colh.-c1 the lO..urance pTLlt:cl."d'l Lcnder J11a~ u...c 1I1C proceed.. Itl rcplllr llr rc:\lnrc <br />lhe Propen~' tlr III pa) "U1l1!\ ",-"cured \1y IhlS SL."l:unly In'ttrulI1enl. whclher or nfll Ihen dut.' The :lO-Jay peTlod ,,\111 heglll <br />when lhe notice IS gl"'t."n <br />l'nk......lendcr und uther.....l...e agree IT1 wnlll1g. all) appllcatlon I,fpn'cced..,o pnnclpal \hallnol e'\lcnd or <br />postpone 1he due dale nflhc monthly pa)ment... refcCTt."d h~ In paragraph\ I and:! {Ir dHlnge Ihe an1CHlfll {Iflhe pnynit'nl\ If <br />undcr paragraph IQ the Property IS acqUIred b) lcndt"r. Borw\I,er'\ fight tll any lT1...urancc p"ilcle... and proceeds rL~L1lt1flg <br />frum duma~c to the Propert)' pnor 10 Ihe acqll1!.l!\lln !\hall puss to Lender III thc l."\lent (Ifthc ...urn..'ed h) thl" Sel'lInt~ <br />In~trumenllmn1e(hatd)' pnor hlthe a,,'qul\11I0tl <br />6. Presenarion and :\Iainrenance or Propert)'; l.easehulds. UllrTtI"l."r \halllHlI dc...lfl')' diIllHI~t: 11f' \lIh\lal1ll:1ll~ <br />change the Prllpcrt~', allow the Propert)' III delenl1ratc or commll ":I...le If till" SCl.:lInl~ In...ITIlmc111 I" '11\ ;1 k;l"ehl'ld, <br />BUrHl\\er ..hall cllmrl~ wllh the prO" 1,,1{ln~ ''If the Iea~e. and if Ilnrnl\\t.'r i1('4U1n.... kc lUll' Illlhe I'TLlrert~, the ka......l1llld :tml <br />fee lHle ..hull nol merge unl~"" lender agrec..-s ttJ Ihe mt:rger 111 wnllng <br />7. Protection of Lender's Rights In the Propert)': :\lurtPJlc Insurance. If HorTll\\t'r lall.. I.' pt"rfnTln Ihe <br />t.:lI...cnanh aud agrel."meul" conlamC'd II1lhlli. SC\.'lInly In\lrUment. IIr lht."f't: I'" a le!!.ll rr"l.'l',,'dlll~ ,ltall11;l\ "'1~l1llk..tllll) alfl.....1 <br />lender.... nghh 111 the PrnpeTlY l~uch a... a pwn:edmt! H1 bankruplC). prtlhale, fllf "'lhkrnnallllll PI hI cnfon:e 1<1"'" ur <br />rc[l:ula110n..... th~n lender ma) do and ra~ fl'r.... ha1c\t'r" net:C'!>...ary tll rrlll"'l.lllu' \:Jlm' .,llIll" Prl1pC'rl~ amI Lcndl."r'\ T1!lhl" <br />an Ihl:' Pwpert) lender'.. a....llOn... mu) IIlduJe paYlIl1:! au) ..urn... t'I) "hell ....II1..h h,,, prh'rll.. 1.\t"1 Ihl\ Sl."....unl\ <br />In'lrumenl. appeanng rn ....OUlt. paYIl1g. re..l~t'lIat'llc: aHllrney.... fC'L'" and t"nh:r1l1g. I'll thl' I'rllrel 1\ III rn;I!..t' rt'palr... Although <br />1 cndn ma) 10111.(' al.'lHHI under thl!! paragraph ". I ,,'ndcr don !Hll h:I\(,' 1\' d.l"" <br />-\11)' arnr1unt.. d",l-Jur'<.'d h~ l C'lld~r ulllkr Ihl"!!raph .., ..hall t'>ClI'flh' .1~hllll"I!al dt'hl ,>1 11..fl""t'l "l.".:ur\..d ~\ 1111" <br />S<<UT11) In..tru11Icl1l l.'nlC">.. Ullfft"",,'r .,nd I clllkl ,I)!.rc(" 111111 ht-r h.'rfll" ,I p.1\ fIll'lll. thl....(' .1I11I'll!\l' ..h.dl hl',II 11111"re...1 ft, 'Ill <br />the dale' nf l.h..hurWnll:'flt ;It lhl' ...."1(' 1..11' .IIhl ..h,.ll he pa\.lhk, ....ll!. IlltCll"! ,11','11 11,'11,(' 11'>111 I "lhkt 1,\ H,'ll,1\\(" <br />rcquC'..t1l1iJ. r.I)n1t'll1 <br />